Брайан! Здравствуй! Я не знаю как тебе сказать..... Ты был прав, я пло перевод - Брайан! Здравствуй! Я не знаю как тебе сказать..... Ты был прав, я пло английский как сказать

Брайан! Здравствуй! Я не знаю как т

Брайан! Здравствуй! Я не знаю как тебе сказать..... Ты был прав, я плохой, я отвратительный человек.... я не достойна тебя и твоей любви... мне очень стыдно и слова - ПРОСТИ - уже ничего не изменят.... я не могу понять почему это все произошло... как это могло произойти... ведь я сегодня была так счастлива. Ты стал моим Брайаном, моим прежним Брайаном, ты подарил мне столько внимания и любви, столько нежности.... а я.... я предала тебя сегодня... и мне нет прощения.... только моя вина в том, что тебе снова прийдется узнать боль разочарования, узнать боль предательства и измены.... Я бы могла промолчать и ничего тебе не говорить, но как я смогу смотреть тебе в глаза, как смогу принимать твою любовь и твое доверие, зная , что изменила тебе... Я не достойна тех отношений,которые ты мне даешь... Сегодня мое тело предало меня, а я предала тебя.... Теперь я понимаю твои чувства, твое отношение к Эдуардо... Ты оказался прав.Он не ребенок, он не маленький мальчик, он молодой влюбленный мужчина, а я была слишком самоуверенной женщиной. Я была уверена в себе, в своей любви к тебе.... но оказалось , что это не стало той спасительной стеной между мной и им ,на которую я надеялась.... мы стали любовниками... я не буду просить прощения, я не буду больше ничего говорить.... забудь меня.... если Бог что-то забирает, он дает что-то взамен... я надеюсь,что ты встретишь свою большую любовь, Бог не оставит тебя...
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Brian! Hello! I do not know how to tell you ..... You were right, I'm bad, I'm a disgusting person .... I am not worthy of you and your love ... I am very ashamed and words - simple - nothing will change ....I can not understand why it all happened ... how could this happen ... because I was so happy today. You have become my Brian, my former Brian, you gave me so much love and attention, so much tenderness .... And I ....I betrayed you today ... and I do not apologize .... My only fault is that you will have to re-learn the pain of disappointment, know the pain of betrayal and treason .... I could keep quiet and not say anything to you,but how can I look you in the eye as I can take your love and your confidence, knowing that you changed ... I am not worthy of the relations that you give me ... Today, my body has betrayed me and I betrayed you ....Now I understand your feelings, your attitude Eduardo ... You prav.On was not a child, he was not a little boy, he's a young man in love, and I was too self-confident woman. I was confident in myself,in his love for you .... but it turned out it was not that saving a wall between me and them, I was hoping for .... we became lovers ... I will not apologize, I will not say anything more .... forget me ....If God takes away something, he gives something in return ... I hope you meet your great love, God will not leave you ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Brian! Hello! I don't know how to tell you ... You were right, I'm bad, I'm a disgusting man. ... I am not worthy of you and your love. I am very ashamed and words-SORRY-nothing will change. I can't understand why it all happened ... How could this happen ... because today I was so happy. You became my Brian, my former Brian, you gave me so much love, so much attention and tenderness. and I. ... I betrayed you today ... and I have no forgiveness. only my fault that you again have to know the pain of disappointment, knowing the pain of betrayal and treason. I would I could conceal and nothing you do not speak, But how can I look you in the eye as I can take your love and your confidence, knowing that you changed. I'm not worthy of those relationships that I give ... Today my body betrayed me and I betrayed you. ... Now I understand your feelings, your attitude of Eduardo ... You was right. He's not a kid, he's not a little boy, he is a young man in love, but I was too cocky. I was confident in myself, in his love for you. but it turned out that this was not the life-saving wall between me and them, which I had hoped .... We became lovers. I'm not going to apologize, I won't say anymore. ... forget me. ... If God takes away something, it gives something in return ... I hope that you will meet your great love, God will not leave you ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Brian! Hello! I don't know how you say ..... I was right, I am bad, I am ugly people .... i am not worthy you and your love ... i am very ashamed and words - forgive - have nothing will change ....I do not understand why all this happened ... how could this happen ... because I was so happy. I was my Brian, my previous Brian, you gave me so much attention and love, so much offended .... and i ....I had betrayed you today ... and I do not apologize for .... only my fault that you once again our parishes to know pain frustration, learn pain treachery and treason .... I would have to remain silent and anything you do not talk to them,But, as I will be able to look you in the eyes, as well as be able to take thy love and thy confidence, knowing, that changed you ... I am not worthy of respect,that thou me arout ... Today, my body they have been betrayed me, and I had betrayed thee ....Now I understand your feelings, your attitude to the Eduardo ... I was human.He is not a child, he is not a small boy, he's a young man, and I was too play a woman. I was confident in itself,In his love to you .... but it turned out, that this was not a saving the wall between me and them ,which I had hoped .... we have become lovers ... i do not apologize, I will not nothing more to say .... forget me ....If God that draws, he gives you that, instead ... i hope that you are rough with their great love, God will not leave you ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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