К известному адвокату сэру Уилфреду приходит Леонард Воул, которого по перевод - К известному адвокату сэру Уилфреду приходит Леонард Воул, которого по английский как сказать

К известному адвокату сэру Уилфреду

К известному адвокату сэру Уилфреду приходит Леонард Воул, которого подозревают в убийстве богатой немолодой дамы Эмили Френч. Мужчина уверяет, что никого не убивал и просит помочь. Поначалу сэр Уилфред отказывается, дело Воула кажется практически безнадежным. Свидетельствовать в пользу Воула может только его жена, но присяжные вряд ли поверят преданной любящей супруге.
Неожиданно выясняется, что Леонард Воул и Кристина Воул вовсе не женаты. Точнее, Леонард считает Кристину своей законной супругой, а она скрывает, что на момент их свадьбы уже была замужем.
В зале суда Кристина преподносит еще один сюрприз, заявляя, что раньше лгала, потому что муж ее попросил. На самом деле, он не был дома во время убийства, да еще, вернувшись, признался, что «убил ее». Леонард Воул в шоке от заявления жены, адвокаты тоже не рады – из практически безнадежного дело превратилось в совершенно безнадежное.
В то время, как адвокаты обсуждают дальнейшие версии развития этого дела, сэру Уилфреду звонит женщина. Она предлагает купить у неё письма, которые скомпрометируют Кристину Воул. Адвокат покупает письма, в которой находится переписка жены Леонарда Воула и некого Макса и использует их в суде.
На суде разыгрывается настоящая драма. Кристина с трудом признаётся, что это её письма. Рыдает и проклинает сэра Уилфреда. Присяжные и обвинитель понимают, что Леонард невиновен. Обвинитель признает поражение, а присяжные выносят вердикт: не виновен. Слушатели спешат поздравлять Леонарда, а Кристине не дают прохода, обвиняя её во лжи. Дождавшись момента, Кристина остаётся наедине с адвокатом сэра Уилфреда и решает признаться в своём поступке. Она рассказывает, как она все придумала, чтобы спасти своего любимого Леонарда. Рассказывает о том, что на самом деле это она продала ему письма с перепиской. Адвокат понимает что его обманули, к этому моменту возвращается Леонард Воул и радуясь своему приговору и блестящей игре своей супруги напоминает адвокату о гонораре.
Все было бы гладко для убийцы Леонарда, но девушка, с которой он собирался уехать от Кристины появилась в неподходящий момент. Кристина была шокирована такому предательству и не выдержав этого убивает Леонарда прямо на глазах у адвоката.
Фильм заканчивается трагическими событиями. Однако, настоящий убийца был казнен, а несчастная Кристина попадает под защиту известного и опытного адвоката сэра Уилфреда.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The famous lawyer Sir Wilfred comes Leonard Vole/helm, who is suspected of killing a rich old lady Emily French. The man assures that no one is killed, and asks for help. Initially Sir Wilfred refuses, the case seems almost hopeless Voula. Evidence in favor of Voula can only his wife, but the jury could hardly believe a devoted loving wife. Suddenly it turns out that Leonard Vole/helm and Christine Vole/helm is not married. More precisely, Leonard believes his legitimate wife, Christina and she hides that, at the time of their wedding was already married. In the courtroom, Christina presents another surprise, saying that earlier she lied, because her husband asked. In fact, he was not at home at the time of the murder, and, upon returning, admitted that "killed her". Leonard Vole/helm is shocked by statements of his wife, lawyers, too, are not happy about-from virtually hopeless case developed in a completely hopeless. While lawyers are discussing further development version of the case, Sir Wilfred is calling a woman. She offers to buy her a letter that compromise Christine Vole/helm. Lawyer buys a letter, in which the correspondence of the wife of Leonard Voula and some of Max and uses them in court. At the trial played out real drama. Christina barely admits that her letters. Sobs and curses of Sir Wilfred. The jurors and the Prosecutor understands that Leonard is innocent. Prosecutor admits defeat, and jury verdicts: not guilty. Listeners rushing to congratulate Leonard and Christine did not give passage, accusing her of lying. Waiting for the moment, Christina remains alone with the lawyer Sir Wilfred and decides to confess his affair. She tells how she has invented in order to save her lover, Leonard. Talks about what actually is it sold him letters for correspondence. Lawyer understands that it cheated, by this point, Leonard Vole/helm and returned its verdict and rejoicing in a brilliant game of his wife reminds the lawyer fee. Everything would be smooth for a killer Leonard, but the girl, with whom he was going to leave from Christina appeared in the worst possible time. Christina was shocked by this betrayal and unable to withstand this kills Leonard directly in front of a lawyer. The film ends with tragic events. However, the real killer was executed, and unhappy Christina falls under the protection of well-known and experienced counsel Sir Wilfred.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
By the well-known lawyer Sir Wilfred comes Leonard Vole, who is suspected of murdering a rich middle-aged ladies Emily French. The man says that did not kill anyone, and asks for help. Initially, Sir Wilfred refuses, the case Vaul seems almost hopeless. Testifying in favor of Vaul is only his wife, but the jury is unlikely to believe a loving devoted wife.
Suddenly it turns out that Leonard Vole and Christine Vole is not married. More precisely, Leonard said Christina his lawful wife, and she admits that at the time of their marriage was already married.
In the courtroom, Cristina presents another surprise, saying that earlier lied because her husband asked. In fact, he was not at home at the time of the murder, but still came back and admitted that he "killed her." Leonard Vole is shocked by the statement of his wife, the lawyers too are not happy - from virtually hopeless case turned into quite hopeless.
At that time, as lawyers are discussing the further development of this version of the case, Sir Wilfred's calling a woman. She offers to buy her a letter, which compromise the Christine Vole. A lawyer buys a letter in which the correspondence of his wife and a certain Leonard Vaul Max and uses them in court.
Played real drama on the court. Christina barely admits that it's her writing. Weep and curse Sir Wilfred. The jury and the prosecutor know that Leonard was innocent. Prosecutor admits defeat, and the jury a verdict: not guilty. Students rush to congratulate Leonard and Christine do not give a pass, accusing her of lying. Waiting for the moment, Cristina remains alone with the lawyer Sir Wilfred and decides to confess his deed. She tells how it all up to save your favorite Leonard. He describes what it really is, she sold him a letter with the correspondence. The lawyer realizes that he had been deceived, by this time returned Leonard Vole and rejoicing in his sentence and brilliant game of his wife reminds lawyer on retainer.
Everything would be smooth for the killer Leonard, but the girl that he was going to go from Christina appeared at the wrong time. Christina was shocked by such a betrayal, and unable to bear it kills Leonard in front of a lawyer.
The film ends with the tragic events. However, the real killer was executed, and the poor Christine falls under the protection of well-known and experienced lawyer Sir Wilfred.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to the famous lawyer sir wilfred"s leonard vole, which is suspected of the murder of a wealthy older lady emily french. the man claims she didn"t kill anyone and asks for help. at first, sir wilfred refuses, vole seems nearly hopeless. testify in favor of vole may only his wife, but the jury did not believe in loyal loving husband.unexpectedly, we find that leonard vole and christine vole is not married. well, leonard finds christine his legitimate wife, and she"s hiding, that at the time of their marriage was already married.in the courtroom, christina gives one more surprise, stating that used to lie, because her husband asked. in fact, he was not at home at the time of the murder, yes, but admitted that "killed". leonard vole in shock from the statement"s lawyers don"t love is practically hopeless case became completely hopeless.while lawyers are discussing the further development of this case, sir wilfred"s woman. she offers to buy her a letter, which скомпрометируют christine vole. the lawyer"s letter, which is correspondence to the wife, leonard vole, and max and uses them in court.before any real drama. christina barely confesses that her letters. cries and curses the sir wilfred. the jury and the prosecutor understands that leonard is innocent. the prosecutor accepts defeat and the jury"s out: not guilty. listeners are congratulating leonard, christine doesn"t allow passage, accusing her of lying. wait for the moment, christine left alone with the lawyer sir wilfred and decides to confess what i did. she tells how she made it all up, to save his beloved leonard. tells what it"s actually she sold him the letters of correspondence. lawyer understands that tricked him to this moment comes, leonard vole and in his sentence and brilliant game, his wife recalls a lawyer on retainer.it would have been easy for the murderers leonard, but the girl he was going away from christine came at a bad time. christina was shocked by this betrayal and did not survive the killing leonard in front of a lawyer.the movie ends with the tragic events. however, the real killer was executed and poor christine falls under the protection of the famous and experienced lawyer sir wilfred.
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