6. Может быть, она печатает на машинке и не слышит звонка. 7. Может быть, Анна свободна завтра вечером, тогда пригласи её к нам в гости. 8. Тише! Возможно, дети ещё спят. 9. Вы могли бы быть повнимательнее на уроках.
6. Maybe she types and not hear the ring.7. Maybe Anna available tomorrow night, then invite her to visit us.8. Silence! Perhaps the children are asleep.9. you could be closer to the lessons.
6. Maybe she is typing and can not hear the call. 7. Anna is free Maybe tomorrow night, then invited her to visit us. 8. Hush! Perhaps children are still asleep. 9. You could be more attentive in class.
6. maybe she"s typing on the typewriter and didn"t hear the call.7. maybe anna free tomorrow night, then ask her to visit us.8. shh! perhaps, the children are in bed.9. you could be more carefully in class.