1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 2. Дети любяткогда им читают. 3. перевод - 1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 2. Дети любяткогда им читают. 3. английский как сказать

1. Оратора слушали очень внимательн

1. Оратора слушали очень внимательно. 2. Дети любяткогда им читают. 3. Об этом событии много говорят. 4. На него можно положиться? 5. На эту книгу никогда не ссылаются. 6. О поступке Бермана много говорили в колонии. 7. За машиной послали, как только вещи были уложены. 8. В нашей стране с неграмотностью давно покончено. 9. Зимой в этом доме никогда не жили. 10. Не понимаю, почему об этом фильме так много говорят. 11. Тов. Н. очень хороший лектор, его всегда очень внимательно слушают. 12. Он исключительно добросовестный человек, на него можно положиться. 13. В Советском Союзе о детях очень заботятся. 14. На книги Ленина ссылаются многие ученые. 15. Его речь на собрании была такой блестящей, что о ней потом много говорили. 16. В нашей стране дети обеспечены всем необходимым. 17. Послали ли за свежим молоком? (Л. Толстой)18. От Ивана Макаровича с тех пор никакой весточки. (Пермяк)19. Послали за извозчиком. (Чехов)
1. К счастью, доктор жил в этом же доме, и я была избавлена от необходимости выходить ночью. 2. Когда самолет скрылся из виду, все пошли домой. 3. Опять вы опоздали. С этим надо покончить. 4. Ребенка положили в больницу, где за ним очень хорошо ухаживали. 5. После лекции был концерт. 6. В доме миссис Рид к Джейн Эйр постоянно придирались. 7. Когда длинноногий парень скрылся из виду, Давид сел отдохнуть. 8. За первой мировой войной последовала революция в России. 9. После смерти миссис Копперфильд к Давиду всегда придирались. 10. Как только Скиф Миллер скрылся из виду, собака бросилась за ним. 11. За молнией последовал удар грома. 12. Перевод такой хороший, что в нем нельзя найти никаких недостатков. 13. С такими серьезными вещами не шутят. 14. К Трэддльсу, товарищу Давида Копперфильда, всегда придирались.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Speaker listened to very carefully. 2. children lûbâtkogda them to read. 3. a lot of talk about this event. 4. he can be counted on? 5. this book never referenced. 6. the Act of Berman talked a lot in the colony. 7. after the machine has been sent, once things have been laid. 8. literacy in our country have long done away with. 9. Winter in this House never lived. 10. do not understand why this movie is so much to say. 11. Llc. N. a very good lecturer, it always listened to very carefully. 12. He is an honest man, he can be counted on. 13. the children in the Soviet Union very taken care of. 14. The book of Lenin cite many scientists. 15. his speech at the meeting was so brilliant that it then talked a lot. 16. in our country, children are provided with everything necessary. 17. whether Send fresh milk? (L. Tolstoy) 18. From Ivan Makarovich since then no news. (Permyak) 19. Sent for a Carter. (Chekhov)(E)1. Fortunately, the doctor lived in the same House, and I was spared having to go out at night. 2. when the plane was out of sight, everyone went home. 3. Once you are late. This should come to an end. 4. the child was admitted to the hospital, where it is very well taken care of. 5. after the lecture was a concert. 6. in the House of Mrs. Reed to Jane Eyre ever pridiralis′. 7. When the long-legged guy was out of sight, David sat down to relax. 8. during the first world war was followed by a revolution in Russia. 9. after the death of Mrs Copperfield to David always pridiralis′. 10. once the Skiff Miller was out of sight, the dog ran after him. 11. The Lightning came the Thunder strike. 12. translation of such a good, that it is impossible to find any flaws. 13. with such serious things not joking. 14. to Trèddl′su, someone of David Copperfield, always pridiralis′.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Orator listened very attentively. 2. Children lyubyatkogda read them. 3. This event is a lot of talk. 4. It can rely? 5. On this book never referenced. 6. act Berman talked a lot in the colony. 7. For a machine sent as soon as things were stacked. 8. In our country illiteracy long gone. 9. In the winter in this house never lived. 10. I do not understand why this film is so much talk. 11. Comrade. N. very good lecturer, he has always listened very carefully. 12. It is extremely conscientious person, it can rely on. 13. In the Soviet Union the children really care. 14. Lenin's book cited by many scholars. 15. His speech at the meeting was so brilliant that about her then talked a lot. 16. In our country, children are provided with all necessary. 17. send for fresh milk? (Tolstoy) 18. From Ivan Kravchuk since then no news. (Permyak) 19. Sent for a cab. (Chekhov)
1. Fortunately, the doctor lived in the same house, and I was spared from having to go out at night. 2. When the plane was out of sight, they all went home. 3. Again, you're late. With that we should end it. 4. The child was taken to hospital, where after him very well groomed. 5. After the lecture there was a concert. 6. In the house of Mrs. Reed in Jane Eyre constantly finding fault. 7. When the long-legged guy was out of sight, David sat down to rest. 8. During the First World War was followed by a revolution in Russia. 9. After the death of Mrs. Copperfield to David always found fault. 10. Once Skiff Miller was out of sight, the dog ran after him. 11. The lightning followed thunderclap. 12. Translation is so good that it can not find any flaws. 13. With such serious things are not joking. 14. Treddlsu, Comrade David Copperfield, always finding fault.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. Speaker listened very carefully. 2. Children любяткогда they read. 3. Of the event are much talked about. 4. You can rely on me? 5. In this book has never invoked. 6. The disintegrated Berman's much talked about in the colony. 7.The machine was sent, as soon as things were stacked. 8. In our country the illiteracy has long been eliminated. 9. In Winter in this house have never lived. 10. Don't understand why the film is being talked about so much. 11. E-mail:. H.This is a very good lecturer, his always listen very carefully. 12. He was extremely good people, you can rely on me. 13. In the Soviet Union the children are very well taken care of. 14. The book Lenin referred to by many scientists.15. His speech at the meeting was such a brilliant, that it then think about. 16. In our country children are provided with all necessary. 17. I sent the fresh milk? (L. Thick)18.From Joe Макаровича since no incarceration. (Пермяк)19. Sent for извозчиком. (Chekhov)
1. Fortunately, he lived in the same house, and I was spared the need to go at night. 2. When the plane went into hiding out of sight,All have gone home. 3. Once again you missed. With this we must put an end to. 4. The child was taken to hospital, where it is very well please tell me how. 5. The lecture was the concert. 6. In the house Mrs Reid to Jane Eyre constantly придирались. 7.When длинноногии guy went into hiding out of sight, David villages relax. 8. The first world war was followed by a revolution in Russia. 9. Following the death of Mrs autobiography to David always придирались. 10.As soon as Skif Miller went into hiding out of sight, the dog rushed for him. 11. The lightning thunder was followed by a strike. 12. Such a translation is good, that it cannot find any shortcomings. 13. With such serious things is not humor. 14.The Трэддльсу, comrade David immediately intelligible, always придирались.
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