Данный текст принадлежит сайту компании Викудха, занимающейся реализац перевод - Данный текст принадлежит сайту компании Викудха, занимающейся реализац английский как сказать

Данный текст принадлежит сайту комп

Данный текст принадлежит сайту компании Викудха, занимающейся реализацией нефтепродуктов, химикатов, полимеров, минералов и пищевых масел. Сайт состоит из нескольких разделов.
Первые разделы посвящены рассказу о создании компании Викудха и её процветании. В разделе «О нас» говориться о направленности компании в целом. В разделе «Наша истории» приводятся все знаменательные даты для компании Викудха с момента её создания. В разделе «Наша семья» представлена информация о большом опыте сотрудников компании в успешной международной торговли, а так же об офисах, располагающихся по всему миру. В следующем разделе «Присоединяйся к нашей семье» речь идёт о дружном и профессиональном коллективе компании Викудха. Говориться о свободных вакансиях, и о том, что компания всегда рада видеть в качестве своих сотрудников мотивированных, креативных, думающих людей, которые стремятся к совершенству. В разделе «Наша культура» выделяется главных 4 ценности компании, которых она придерживается.: уважение, понимание,работа в команде, стремление к совершенству. В разделе «Наши офисы» указано местоположение 12 офисов по всему миру.
Далее идут разделы, посвященные конкретно бизнесу компании Викудха. В разделах «Наш бизнес» и «Выбор поставщиков продукции» описывается деятельность компании, а так же рассказывается о выгоде, которую получит потребитель, сотрудничая с данной компанией. Здесь посетитель может найти так же информацию о деталях процесса поставки продукции.
В разделах «Освоение рынка» и «Цепи поставок» находится информация о продвижении товара, экспертном анализе рынка и финансовой надёжности всех торговых операция.
В разделе цепи поставок посетителю сайта предлагается информация о возможностях транспортировки товара из пункта отправления в пункт назначения, предлагаются различные виды и варианты поставок товара. Компания Викудха готова обеспечить своим клиентам контролем качества, финансовуб надежность, консультирование по логистике и ведение документации.
В разделе «Наша ответственность» компания Викудха заверяет, что стремимся к качественной работе и сотрудничает исключительно с теми поставщиками и производителями, которые предоставляют только высококачественные товары.
Далее приводится список товаров, предлагаемых компанией. Они так же разделены на группы, в зависимости от их вида: химические вещества, минералы, полимеры и пищевые масла.
В самом последнем разделе приводится контактная информация, по которой можно связаться сотрудниками компании и задать им любой вопрос.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This text belongs to the site of the company engaged in sales of oil products Vikudha, chemicals, polymers, minerals, and edible oils. The site consists of several sections. The first sections are dedicated to the story of creation of the company Vikudha and its prosperity. In the section «about us» read on the direction of the company as a whole. In the section "Our history" lists all the important dates for the company since its inception Vikudha. In the section "our family" provides information on the extensive experience of the company's employees in a successful international trade, as well as of the offices located worldwide. In the next section, "join our family we are talking about a friendly and professional team company Vikudha. Read about available vacancies, and that the company is always happy to see as their staff motivated, creative, thoughtful people who strive for excellence. In the section "our culture" is highlighted 4 main company values it adheres to.: respect, understanding, teamwork, commitment to excellence. In the section "our locations" specified location 12 offices worldwide. Next are sections devoted specifically to business company Vikudha. In the sections «our business» and «the choice of suppliers of products "describes the activities of the company, as well as describes the benefit which will receive a consumer, working with this company. Here the visitor can find information about the details of the product delivery process.In the sections "developing the market" and "supply chain" is promoting a product information, expert market analysis and financial reliability of all trading operation.Supply chain section visitor information about the possibilities of transportation of goods from origin to destination, offering different types and delivery options. The company is ready to provide its customers with Vikudha quality control, reliability, finansovub advice on logistics and documentation.In the section "our liability" company Vikudha assures that strive for quality work and collaborates exclusively with those suppliers and manufacturers who provide only high-quality goods.The following is a list of products offered by the company. They are divided into groups, depending on their type: chemicals, minerals, polymers and edible oils. In the last section provides contact information, which can be contacted by the company's employees and ask them any question.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
This text belongs to the company's website Vikudha engaged in sale of petroleum products, chemicals, polymers, minerals, and edible oils. The site consists of several sections.
The first section devoted to the story of the creation of the company and its Vikudha prosperity. In the "About us" to talk about the company's direction as a whole. In the "Our History" lists all important dates for the company Vikudha since its inception. In the "Our Family" provides information on the extensive experience of the company's employees in the success of international trade, as well as of the offices, which are located around the world. In the next section, "Join our family," we are talking about a friendly and professional team of Vikudha. Speaking about the available job openings, and that the company is always pleased to see as their employees motivated, creative, thoughtful people, who strive for excellence. In the "Our Culture" stands 4 main values of the company, which it adheres .: respect, understanding, teamwork, commitment to excellence. In the "Our offices" Unknown location 12 offices around the world.
Further there are sections dedicated to specific business companies Vikudha. In the sections "Our Business" and "Selecting the suppliers" describes the company's activities, as well as describes the benefits that the consumer will get by working with the company. Here the visitor can find the same information on the details of the process of product delivery.
The sections "Market development" and "supply chain" is about promoting a product, expert market analysis and financial soundness of all trading operations.
In the supply chain site visitor is offered about the possibilities of information transportation of goods from origin to destination, and offers a variety of options for the supply of goods. Company Vikudha is ready to provide its customers with quality control, finansovub reliability, advice on logistics and documentation.
In the section "Our responsibility" the company Vikudha assures that strive for quality work and works exclusively with suppliers and manufacturers who offer only the highest quality products.
Further, a list of products offered by the company. They are also divided into groups according to their types:. Chemicals, minerals, polymers and edible oils
in the last section is contact information, which can be contacted by company employees and ask them any question.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this text is the site of the company викудха for petroleum products, chemicals, polymers, minerals and food oils. the site consists of several sections.the first sections are dedicated to the story of the establishment of the company викудха and her prosperity. in the section "about us" refers to the direction of the company as a whole. in the section "our history" are all milestones for the company викудха since its inception. in the section "our family" provides information about the experiences of successful companies in international trade, as well as offices located throughout the world. in the next section, "join our family talking about the friendly and professional team of the company викудха. effect of free vacancies, and that the company is always happy to see as their staff motivated, creative, thinking people who strive for excellence. in the section "our culture is the main four values, which it follows: respect, understanding, teamwork, the pursuit of excellence. in the section "our офисы» indicated the location of 12 offices around the world.there are also sections on specific business company викудха. in the sections "is our business" and "the choice of suppliers products, describes the activities of the company, and also describes the advantage that gets the user working with the company. here visitors can find this information on the details of the product.in the sections of "development" and "chain market in february is the promotion of the product, expert analysis of the market and the financial soundness of commercial operation.in the section of the supply chain the visitor requested information on the possibilities for transportation of goods from origin to destination, with various types and options for supply of goods. the company викудха is willing to provide our clients with quality control, финансовуб reliability, advice on logistics and documentation.in the section "our responsibility, the company викудха assures that strive for quality work and works exclusively with those suppliers and manufacturers who only provide high quality products.below are a list of products offered by the company. they are divided into groups depending on their species, chemicals, minerals, polymers and food oil.in the last section provides contact information that can be contacted by the company and ask them a question.
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