В далеком прошлом, еще до того, как появились семьи, люди жили родами. Эти союзы родственников помнили о происхождении от одного предка. Но объединяло их не только родство, а еще и помощь друг другу в борьбе с за жизнь в дикой природе. В человеческих родовых союзах действовали правила морали, разъясняющие каждому, что можно, а что нельзя, что хорошо, а что плохо. Мужчине –охотнику нельзя было утаивать добытую еду от своих сородичей. О детях заботились сообща, всем родом и жили все вместе в одной пещере или большом шалаше, греясь у общего костра.
Со временем люди научились лучше обеспечивать себя пропитанием- они стали выращивать растения и животных, а не искать их в дикой природе. Чтобы выжить уже не требовалось объединять усилия многих людей, и внутри родов появились семьи. Понравившиеся друг другу мужчина и женщина уже не расставались, а жили вместе, добывая себе пропитание, Но главное в семье- рождение детей, которых воспитывают мама и папа. Между ними возникает самое сильное из всех человеческих чувств- чувство любви, основанное на сильной привязанности, невозможности жить друг без друга и на желании делать друг другу только хорошее.
Род- это люди, которые считают себя потомками общего предка.
Семья- это союз близких родственников, которые живут вместе дарят друг другу любовь и заботу.
Род и семья – это первые объединения людей. Они возникли много тысяч лет назад и по-прежнему имеют большое значение для человека.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In the distant past, before the family appeared, people lived. These alliances relatives remembered the origin from the same ancestor. But uniting them not only the relationship but also help each other in fighting for life in the wild. In human ancestral unions acted moral rules, clarifying each what can and cannot be what is right and what is wrong. The man-Hunter could not withhold food from extracted their relatives. Of children cared for together, all native and lived all together in a cave or a large tent, basking at the common campfire.Over time, people learned to better ensure yourself food-they began to cultivate plants and animals, instead of looking for them in the wild. To survive is no longer required to combine the efforts of many people, and within the genera of the family appeared. They liked each other, man and woman are no longer separated and lived together, purify themselves, but above all in the family-birth children who are brought up by mom and dad. Between them emerges the strongest of all human emotions-feelings of love, based on a strong affection, and inability to live without each other and wanting to do only good to each other.Genus-these are people who consider themselves descendants of a common ancestor.The family is the Union of close relatives who live together give each other love and care.The genus and family are the first to unite people. They formed many thousands of years ago and still are important to humans.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
In the distant past, even before there were families, people lived genera. These associations of relatives remembered the descent from a common ancestor. But they were united not only relatives, but also help each other to fight for life in the wild. In human tribal unions acted rules of morality, explaining to everyone that it is possible and what is not, what is good and what is bad. A man could not conceal -ohotniku extracted food from their relatives. Cared for the children together, all born and lived all together in one big cave or hut, basking in the common fire.
Over time, people have learned to provide themselves with sustenance, they began to grow plants and animals, and do not look for them in the wild. To survive is not required to unite the efforts of many people, and there were families in childbirth. Liked each other man and woman had never parted, and lived together, producing their own food, but most importantly in the family- the birth of children who are brought up mom and dad. Between them there is the strongest of all human chuvstv- feeling of love, based on the strong attachment, it is impossible to live without each other, and on the desire to do good to each other only.
Rhode people who consider themselves to be descendants of a common ancestor.
Semya- a union of close relatives who live together give each other love and care.
The genus and family - this is the first association of people. They originated thousands of years ago and still are of great importance to humans.
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