Я где-то прочла, что Гарри не захочет иметь простую девушку, поскольку перевод - Я где-то прочла, что Гарри не захочет иметь простую девушку, поскольку английский как сказать

Я где-то прочла, что Гарри не захоч

Я где-то прочла, что Гарри не захочет иметь простую девушку, поскольку уже насмотрелся на красоток шоу-биза. Но с этим мнением я не согласна, поэтому представляю идеальную девушку мистера Стайлса в моем понимании.
Она не знаменитость, просто девушка со своими мечтами и легендами. Начнем со внешности: красивая, но естественная. Минимум макияжа, максимум обаятельности. Цвет глаз или волос: по-моему, это такая ерунда, что ни к чему суживать рамки подходящих кандидатур. Ниже его, но не очень. Девушка должна что-то из себя представлять, ведь тогда с ней хочется общаться. Умная, любящая книги и кино, но не серая мышка. Желательно не участница его фан-клуба, нужна девушка, которая не падает в обморок при виде каштановых кудрей. Уверенная в себе, умеющая острить и постоять за себя, чтобы хотелось ее добиваться. Любящая спорт, чтобы ходить с ним на футбол, вместе совершать утренние пробежки и посещать спортзал. Не курящая и не часто употребляющая алкоголь - это обязательно. Интересная, чтобы научить его чему-то новому. Великолепное чувство юмора, заливистый звонкий смех и умение сходиться с людьми. Ребенок в душе, с которым можно отправиться в Диснейленд. Обязательно добрая, чуткая, любящая детей. Не хочу ставить границы для наций, но интересно увидеть рядом с ним иностранку. Ещё ей лучше быть достаточно сильной, чтобы пережить реакцию фанатов.
Его девушка должна быть искренней, непредсказуемой, и готовой сделать какое-то безумство. Пусть она удивляет его. Пусть она влюбит его в себя, и влюбится сама. Пусть он ее, чёрт возьми, наконец встретит.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I read somewhere that Harry did not want to have a simple girl, as already seen in the showbiz beauties. But with this opinion I do not agree, therefore, represent the ideal girl of Mr Stajlsa in my understanding.She's not a celebrity, just a girl with their dreams and legends. Let's start with appearance: beautiful but natural. Minimum of makeup, a maximum of obaâtel′nosti. Eye color or hair: in my opinion, this is such nonsense that any narrowing of the scope of eligible candidates. Below it, but not really. Girl needs something to be, then it wants to communicate. Smart, loving the books and movies, but not the gray mouse. It is advisable not to participant in his fan club, the girl who does not need faints at the sight of chestnut curls. Confident, able to wisecrack and stand up for yourself, to let her pursue. Loving the sport, to walk with him to football, however, make the morning jogging and gym. No smoking and no alcohol who often is required. Interesting to teach him something new. Great sense of humor, Inextinguishable laughter and ability to converge with humans. Child at heart can go to Disneyland. Be kind, sensitive, loving children. I don't want to set the boundaries for Nations, but interesting to see next to the Moroccans. Is it better to be strong enough to survive the backlash from fans.The girl must be genuine, unpredictable, and ready to make some sort of frenzy. Let it surprises him. Let her fall in love in love with her himself and herself. He let her, hell, finally meet.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I read somewhere that Harry did not want to have a simple girl, as already seen enough of the beauties of show business. But with this opinion I do not agree, so imagine the perfect girl Mr. Stiles in my mind.
It is not a celebrity, just a girl from his dreams and legends. Let's start with the exterior: beautiful but natural. Minimum makeup maximum charming. Eye color or hair: I think this is such nonsense that to anything to narrow the scope of suitable candidates. Below it, but not much. The girl should something looks like, because then it would be desirable to communicate. Smart, loving books and movies, but not gray mouse. It is advisable not member of his fan club, need a girl who faints at the sight of chestnut curls. Confident, able to make jokes and stand up for themselves, wanted to pursue it. Loving sports, to go with him to the football together for a morning jog and go to the gym. Not smoking and not often drink - this is mandatory. Interesting to teach him something new. Great sense of humor, leaping laughter and the ability to meet with people. Child at heart with which you can go to Disneyland. Necessarily kind, sensitive, loving children. I do not want to set the boundaries for the nations, but it is interesting to see with him a foreigner. More it is better to be strong enough to survive the reaction of fans.
His girlfriend must be sincere, unpredictable, and ready to do some kind of frenzy. Let it surprises him. Let it make him love me, and fall in love herself. Let him her hell finally meet.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I read that Harry would not want to have a simple girl, because it was already shouldest thou destroy the belles show-биза. But with this view i do not agree, therefore, represent an ideal girl Dr. Hynek Стаилса in my understanding.
It is not nice guy, just a girl with their dreams and legends. Let's start with physical appearance: a beautiful, but also natural. Minimum makeup, maximum обаятельности. Hair Color or hair: in my opinion, this is such a orangutans,That neither the desirable option framework suitable candidates. Below it, but not very. The girl should be in the case of the present, because then you don't want to communicate with it. Smart, loving books and movies, but not gray mouse.It would be desirable not a participant his fan-club, a young girl, which does not fall in the contrary to the grossing Riccioli Shampoo. At the Rendezvous itself, intensive productions острить and fend for themselves, so that we would like it to. Dad sports,To walk with him to a football match, however, commit morning hike and visit a gym. Last login date and do not often injecting alcohol - it is compulsory. Interesting, to teach him something new.A great sense of humor, laughter and заливистыи poodle knows how shot with people. A child in and out of the shower, with which you can go to Disneyland. It is essential to good, younger daughter Olga, loving children. Do not want to put the boundaries for nations,But it would be interesting to see next to him иностранку. Yet it is better to be strong enough to survive reaction fans.
His girl should be sincere, unpredictable, and ready to do what the madness.Even if she was surprised by it. Let it влюбит it in itself, and is by itself. Let it her, damn it, finally will collect.
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