Собор был построен в 1489 году псковскими мастерами на белокаменном по перевод - Собор был построен в 1489 году псковскими мастерами на белокаменном по английский как сказать

Собор был построен в 1489 году пско

Собор был построен в 1489 году псковскими мастерами на белокаменном подклете конца XIV — начала XV веков и изначально был трёхкупольным. Собор очень сильно пострадал при пожаре 1547 года и восстановлен в 1564 году, с надстройкой двух глав с западной стороны. В 1572 году к собору было пристроено крыльцо, впоследствии получившее название Грозненского.

Частично сохранилась роспись, сделанная в 1508 году художником Феодосием, сыном Дионисия, «с братиею». Изначальный иконостас собора содержал иконы, написанные в 1405 году Андреем Рублёвым и Феофаном Греком. После пожара 1547 года для иконостаса были подобраны два древних ряда — Деисусный и Праздничный, эпохи Феофана Грека и Андрея Рублева

На паперти Благовещенского собора изображены греческие мудрецы: Аристотель , Гомер, Плутарх, Менандр, Анаксагор, Птолемей и апостол Епафродит[2]. На северных вратах можно видеть изображения древнеримских пророчиц Сивилл. Уникален пол собора: он набран из яшмы нежно-медового цвета.

До XVIII века являлся домовой церковью Московских государей; его протопопы одновременно были духовниками царей. В петербургский период придворный статус протопресвитеров собора сохранился.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Cathedral was built in the year 1489 pskovskimi masters of the stone basement late XIV-early XV centuries and was originally trëhkupol′nym. The Cathedral is very badly damaged in a fire of the year 1547 and rebuilt in the year 1564, with two chapters on the West side. In the year 1572 to the Cathedral porch was added, later called in the truest sense.Partly preserved painting, made in the year 1508 artist Theodosius, son of Dionysius, "from bratieû". The original iconostasis of the Cathedral contains icons, written in 1405 year Andrei Rublëvym and Theophanes. After the fire of 1547 years for the iconostasis were picked up two ancient series — the Deesis and Festive, Theophanes the Greek and Andrei RublevOn the porch of the Annunciation Cathedral depicts the Greek sages: Aristotle, Homer, Plutarch, Menander, Anaxagoras, Ptolemy and the Apostle Epaphroditus [2]. On the northern gate, you can see the images of Roman proročic Sibyls. Paul's Cathedral is unique: he dialed Jasper pale honey color.Before the 18th century was a House Church Moscow sovereigns; his protopopy were also clerics of the Kings. In St. Petersburg period courtier status Cathedral protopresviterov.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The cathedral was built in 1489 by Pskov masters in the white-stone basement of the XIV - XV centuries and was originally trёhkupolnym. The cathedral was badly damaged by fire in 1547 and rebuilt in 1564, with the superstructure of two chapters on the west side. In 1572, the cathedral was attached porch, later known as Grozny. Partially preserved paintings made ​​by the artist in 1508 by Theodosius, the son of Dionysius, "a brother." The original iconostasis of the cathedral contains icons painted in 1405 by Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek. After the fire of 1547 for the iconostasis were picked up two ancient series - Deesis and holidays, the era of Theophanes the Greek and Andrei Rublev in the porch of the Cathedral of the Annunciation depicts the Greek sages: Aristotle, Homer, Plutarch, Menander, Anaxagoras, Ptolemy Apostle Epaphroditus [2]. On the northern gates, you can see images of Roman Sibylline prophetesses. Cathedral floor is unique: he scored jasper pale honey color. Until the XVIII century was the home church of the Moscow princes; it archpriests both were confessors of the kings. In the Petersburg period the court status protopresbyter cathedral survived.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the cathedral was built in 1489, псковскими masters белокаменном was abolished late xiv - the 15th centuries and was originally трёхкупольным. the cathedral was badly injured in a fire and rebuilt in 1547 and 1564,with the upgrade of two chapters on the western side. in 1572, was attached to the cathedral porch, subsequently named грозненского.

partially preserved paintings made in 1508, artist theodosius.the son of dionysus, "братиею». the original iconostasis of the cathedral contains paintings, written in 1405, and рублёвым and theophanes the greek.after the fire, 1547 in the iconostasis were selected two of a number of - деисусный and festive, era феофана greek and andrei rublev

in front of annunciation cathedral of the greek world, aristotle, homer,plutarch, menander, anaxagoras, ptolemy and the epaphroditus [2]. at the northern gate, you can see the image пророчиц roman sibylline. paul's cathedral is unique: he recruited from jasper soft colored.

before the 18th century was the central church of the moscow princes; it протопопы simultaneously were духовниками kings. in the period of a program status протопресвитеров cathedral survives.
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