Решение о переводе столицы на берега Потомака было принято в 1780 году перевод - Решение о переводе столицы на берега Потомака было принято в 1780 году английский как сказать

Решение о переводе столицы на берег

Решение о переводе столицы на берега Потомака было принято в 1780 году Конгрессом США. Столица была названа Вашингтон в честь первого президента США.
Белый дом — резиденция президента Соединенных Штатов Америки. Строительство здания было начато в 1792 году. Его переделывали дважды: в 1814 году — после пожара, устроенного британскими солдатами, и после 1945 года. В отличие от резиденций многих глав других государств Белый дом открыт для публики. Его посещают ежегодно более полутора миллионов людей со всего мира.
Сейчас в здании 132 комнаты, которые расположены на разных этажах. Первый и второй этажи используются для служебных целей, третий этаж используется семьей президента и его гостями.
Знаменитый Овальный кабинет расположен в западном крыле первого этажа. Тут стоит стол, который был подарен английской королевой Викторией и за которым работает президент. Эта резиденция достаточно скромная и вместе с тем внушительная.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The decision to relocate the capital to the banks of the Potomac, was adopted in 1780 year United States Congress. The capital was named Washington in honor of the first President of the United States.The White House is the residence of the President of the United States of America. Construction of the building was started in the year 1792. It altered twice: in 1814, after the fire by British soldiers, and after the year 1945. Unlike many other States, heads of residences, the White House is open to the public. Every year it is visited by more than half a million people from all over the world.Now building 132 rooms, which are located on different floors. The first and second floors are used for official purposes, the third floor is used by the family of the President and his guests.The famous Oval Office is located in the West Wing of the first floor. Here is a table which was presented to the English Queen Victoria and for which the President. This residence is fairly modest and yet so awesome.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The decision to transfer the capital to the banks of the Potomac was adopted in 1780 by the US Congress. The capital of Washington was named in honor of the first president of the United States.
The White House - the residence of the president of the United States. Construction of the building began in 1792. His altered twice, in 1814 - after the fire arranged by British soldiers, and after 1945. In contrast to the residences of many other heads of state the White House open to the public. It is visited every year more than half a million people from all over the world.
Now the building of 132 rooms, which are located on different floors. The first and second floors are used for official purposes, the third floor is used the president's family and his guests.
The famous Oval Office is located in the west wing of the first floor. Here is a table that was presented to Queen Victoria and whom the president is working. This residence is quite modest, yet impressive.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the decision to transfer the capital to the bank of the potomac was made in 1780, u.s. congress. the capital was named washington in honor of the first president of the united states. "the white house is the official residence of the president of the united states of america.the construction of the building was started in 1792. it used to cover twice: in 1814, after the fire on the british soldiers, and after 1945.in contrast to the residences of many heads of other states, the white house is open to the public. his visit each year, more than 1.5 million people from all over the world. now in the building 132 rooms, which are located on different floors.the first and second floors are used for internal purposes, the third floor is the president's family and his guests.
the oval office is located in the west wing of the first floor. here is the tablethat was a gift from queen victoria and for whom is the president. this residence is simple yet powerful.
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