Утро в сосновом лесу - Иван Иванович Шишкин. 1889. Холст, масло. 139×2 перевод - Утро в сосновом лесу - Иван Иванович Шишкин. 1889. Холст, масло. 139×2 английский как сказать

Утро в сосновом лесу - Иван Иванови

Утро в сосновом лесу - Иван Иванович Шишкин. 1889. Холст, масло. 139×213

Утро в сосновом лесу - одно из ярких произведений кисти И. Шишкина. Шедевр пропитан восхищением природы растительного и животного мира. На картине все смотрится очень гармонично. Зеленые, голубые и ярко-желтые тона создают эффект едва проснувшейся от сна природы. На заднем плане можно увидеть яркие золотистые оттенки – это намек на пробивающиеся лучи солнца. Они придают картине торжественную атмосферу. По земле еще клубиться туман, изображенный довольно реалистично, и, если сосредоточиться на этой детали шедевра, то можно прочувствовать утреннюю прохладу.

Картина Утро в сосновом лесу - очень яркая и настолько реалистичная, что кажется, будто бы это не шедевр кисти, а снимок лесного пейзажа. Каждая деталь картины изображена профессионально, с любовью и трепетом. На переднем плане мы видим поваленную с корнем сосну, на которую взбираются медведи. Они резвятся, вызывая положительные эмоции. Для них утро нового дня является настоящим праздником. Медвежата так добры и безобидны, словно приручены. Кажется, что они не способны на жестокость и совсем не хищны, несмотря на свою животную природу. Главный акцент картины – это сочетание солнечного света на заднем плане и медведей на дереве на переднем. Если визуально провести линию через эти объекты, то мы увидим, что они изображены художником наиболее ярко и насыщенно. Все остальное является просто легкими дополняющими зарисовками
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Morning in a pine forest-Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. 1889. oil on canvas. 139 × 213

morning in a pine forest is one of the bright painting brushes and Ivan Shishkin. A masterpiece steeped in admiration of nature's flora and fauna. In the picture all looks very harmonious. Green, blue and bright yellow tones create an effect almost as she awoke from sleep. In the background you can see the bright Golden hues is a hint at the way the rays of the Sun. They give the painting a solemn atmosphere. On the ground are having parties fog, pictured quite realistically, and, If you focus on the details of a masterpiece, you can feel the morning coolness.

picture of the morning in a pine forest-very bright and so realistic that it seems as if it's not a masterpiece, a snapshot of the forest landscape. Every detail of the paintings depicted professionally, with love and awe. In the foreground we see the felled pine tree by the roots, which are climbing bears. They frolic, causing positive emotions. For them the morning of a new day is a real treat. Bear cubs are so kind and harmless, like a tamed. It seems that they are not capable of cruelty and not at all hiŝny, Despite his animal nature. The main emphasis of the pattern is a combination of sunlight in the background and the bears on the tree on the front. If visually draw a line through these objects we will see they are depicted by the artist the most bright and saturated. Everything else is just light complementary sketches
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Morning in a Pine Forest - Ivan Shishkin. , 1889. Oil on canvas. 139 × 213 Morning in a Pine Forest - one of the best works of Ivan Shishkin hand. Masterpiece drenched delight nature flora and fauna. In the picture, everything looks very harmonious. Green, blue and bright yellow colors create the effect barely awakened from sleep nature. In the background you can see the bright golden hues - a hint the piercing rays of the sun. They give the picture a solemn atmosphere. By land of mist still shown quite realistic, and if you concentrate on the details of this masterpiece, you can feel the morning chill. Painting Morning in a Pine Forest - very bright and so realistic that it seems as if it is not a masterpiece brush and forest picture landscape. Every detail of the paintings displayed professionally, with love and awe. In the foreground we see the roots felled pine, which bears climb. They frolic, causing positive emotions. For them, the new day is a real treat. The cubs are so kind and harmless, like a tamed. It seems that they are not capable of cruelty and not predatory, despite his animal nature. The main emphasis of the picture - it is a combination of sunlight in the background and bears in a tree on the front. If visually draw a line through these objects, we can see that they are depicted by the artist most bright and saturated. Everything else is just a light complementary sketches

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Art print on canvas --- agniart.ru - Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. 1889. Canvas, oil. 139 × 213

art print on canvas --- agniart.ru is one of the highlights of works and a brush. Candidate. A masterpiece is imbued with admiration for nature plant and animal world.The picture all looks very harmoniously. Green, Blue and bright-yellow tones create the effect is barely queen from sleep nature.At the rear of the you can see bright colored shades - this hint at the brightens the sun rays. They attach to picture a solemn atmosphere. The land is still fashion djs will not let you relax mist, shown quite realistic, and,If you focus on this part masterpiece, you can feel the morning pottery.

Picture art print on canvas --- agniart.ru - it is very bright and is so realistic, that it seems that this is not a masterpiece brush,A picture forest landscape. Each part picture shows a vocational training, with love and trepidation. In the foreground we see поваленную from the root pine, on which climbing bears. They boulevard,Causing positive emotions. For them morning a new day is a holiday. Castles so kind and innocent, as if rate. It seems that they are not able to the cruelty and not хищны,In spite of its животную nature. The main focus picture - this is the combination solar light at the rear of the and bears on the tree in the foreground. If you visually to hold a line through these objects, we can see thatThat they are shown artist the most bright and passion. All the rest is simply a light complementary skulls
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