В 2003 году окончил Бостонскую Академию Киноискусства, по специальности кинорежиссёр. С 2003 по 2012 год снял более 80-ти документальных фильмов о Мировой культуре.
In 2003 graduated from the Bostonskuju Academy of cinema arts, majoring in film.From 2003 to 2012 year withdrew more than 80-minute documentaries about world culture.
In 2003 he graduated from the Boston Film Academy, majoring in film director. From 2003 to 2012 took more than 80 documentaries about the world's cultures.
in 2003, he graduated from the boston academy of film, and film director.from 2003 to 2012, took more than 80 documentary films about the cultures of the world.