Мальчик притворился, что не слышал старика, хотя тот говорил довольно  перевод - Мальчик притворился, что не слышал старика, хотя тот говорил довольно  английский как сказать

Мальчик притворился, что не слышал

Мальчик притворился, что не слышал старика, хотя тот говорил довольно громко.
Мы не боялись попасть под дождь, так как прогноз погоды был очень благоприятным.
Я постараюсь запомнить, как добраться до старой мельницы более короткой дорогой, но если я не приду до темноты, считайте, что я заблудился, и начинайте меня искать.
Мы с сожалением сообщаем вам, что ваше заявление о приеме на работу не принято к рассмотрению.
Тодд предложил разместить всех детей в спальне наверху, а взрослых в столовой и гостиной.
Пэт помнила, что положила ключи в карман пальто утром, когда уходила из дома, но никак не могла припомнить, вынимала ли она их оттуда, когда была на работе.
После того как она провалилась на экзамене, Сьюзан пожалела, что так мало занималась своими основными предметами в семестре.
В прошлом году я предпочел взять отпуск зимой и провести его на лыжной базе в Карпатах.
Марии было досадно, что она забыла поблагодарить заботливую медсестру за все, что она для нее сделала.
Быть учителем - значит хорошо знать не только свой предмет, но и психологию и педагогику.
Полина была так занята утром, что забыла выключить утюг перед выходом из дома.
Мать ожидала найти дочь в саду на ее любимом месте, но ее там не было.
Не забудь закрыть входную дверь, когда будешь уходить на занятия.
Мне надо не забыть сказать всем остальным, что лекция по Истории Украины переносится на следующую среду.
Стивен не мог не обернуться, услышав какой-то странный шум за спиной. Оказалось, что за ним шла древняя старушка в деревянных башмаках. Стив не помнил, чтобы он когда либо видел ее в своем районе.
(*) Один молодой и очень разговорчивый человек попросил Сократа научить его ораторскому искусству. Прежде всего, он попросил знаменитого философа послушать его рассуждения на тему добра и зла. Сократ слушал молодого человека, не перебивая, пока тот не закончил говорить три часа спустя. Затем он сказал, «Вам придется платить мне в два раза больше, чем моим обычным ученикам, потому что мне придется учить вас двум искусствам: как говорить и как молчать.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The boy pretended not to have heard the old man, although he was talking quite loudly.We were not afraid to get hit by the rain, because the weather forecast was very favourable.I will try to remember how to get to the old mill of the shorter way, but if I didn't come until dark, think I got lost, and start looking for me.We regret to inform you that your application for employment is not taken into consideration.Todd offered to place all the children in the bedroom upstairs, and adults in the dining room and living room.Pat remembered that put the keys in coat Pocket morning when left out of the House, but could not recall whether she vynimala them out when I was at work.After she failed in the exam, Susan regretted that so little was engaged in their core subjects in semester.Last year, I chose to take a holiday in winter and spend it at a ski lodge in the Carpathians.Mary was annoyed that she forgot to thank a nurse caring for all that she has done for her.Being a teacher means good to know not only its subject but also psychology and pedagogy.Polina was so busy in the morning that she forgot to turn off the iron before leaving the House.Mother was expecting to find a daughter in the garden at her favorite spot, but it was not there.Don't forget to close the door when you go to classes.I must not forget to tell the rest of the lecture on the history of Ukraine was postponed to next Wednesday.Stephen couldn't help but turn around when he heard a strange noise behind him. It turned out that it was an ancient old lady in wooden shoes. Steve didn't remember that he ever saw her in her neighborhood.(*) One young and very talkative man asked Socrates to teach his oratory. First of all, he asked the famous philosopher to listen to his reasoning on the topic of good and evil. Socrates listened to the young man, not interrupting, until he finished talking three hours later. Then he said, "you'll have to pay me two times more than my usual disciples, because I have to teach you two Arts: how to speak and how to keep silent.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The boy pretended not to hear an old man, even though he spoke loud enough.
We are not afraid to get under the rain, as the weather forecast was very friendly.
I will try to remember how to get to the old mill a short way, but if I come to the darkness, Consider that I have lost, and start looking for me.
We regret to inform you that your application for employment is not taken into consideration.
Todd proposed to accommodate all the children in the upstairs bedroom, and adults in the dining room and living room.
Pat remembered that laid keys in his coat pocket in the morning, when she left the house, but could not remember taking out whether it them out when I was at work.
After she failed the exam, Susan regretted that so few engaged in their core subjects in a semester.
In Last year, I chose to take a vacation in the winter and spend it on a ski lodge in the Carpathian Mountains.
Mary was annoyed that she had forgotten to thank the caring nurse for what she'd done for her.
Being a teacher - so good to know not only its subject, but also the psychology and pedagogy.
Pauline was so busy in the morning, I forgot to turn off the iron before leaving the house.
My mother was expecting to find her daughter in the garden at her favorite place, but she was not there.
Do not forget to close the door when you leave for class.
I have not forgotten tell everyone else that lectures on the history of Ukraine postponed to next Wednesday.
Stephen could not turn around when he heard a strange noise behind him. It turned out that it was an ancient old woman in wooden shoes. Steve did not remember that he ever saw her in his area.
(*) A young and very talkative man asked Socrates to teach him the art of public speaking. First of all, he asked the famous philosopher to listen to his arguments on the subject of good and evil. Socrates listened to the young man, without interruption, until he had finished speaking three hours later. Then he said, "You'll have to pay me twice more than my regular students because I have to teach you two arts: how to speak and how to keep silent.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the boy pretended not to hear the old man, although he was pretty loud. "we were not afraid to get wet in the rain, because the weather was very good. i'll try to remember.how to get to the old mill more shortcut, but if i don't come back before dark, i get lost, and start looking for me. "we regret to inform youwhat is your job application has not been taken into consideration.
todd offered to all children in the upstairs bedroom, dining room and living room and adults.
pat remember that put the keys in the pocket of the coat in the morningwhen she left home, but could not remember whether she would take them out when i was at work. after she failed in the exam, susan sorrydidn't do their basic objects in the semester.
in the past year, i prefer to take a vacation in the winter and spend it on a ski trip in the carpathian mountains. mary was a shameshe forgot to thank заботливую nurse for what she did for her. to be a teacher is good to know not only the object, but also psychology and pedagogy. pauline was so busy this morningi forgot to turn off the iron before you leave the house. "the mother expecting to find her daughter in the garden at her favorite place, but she wasn't there. - don't forget to close the door when you leave for class.i must not forget to tell everyone else that lecture on the history of ukraine is postponed to next wednesday.
steven couldn't be heard some noise behind me. it turns outwhat followed was an ancient relic in wooden shoes. steve didn't remember that he ever saw her in his area.
(*), a young and very talkative man asked socrates to teach him the elocution.
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