the bbc is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. on telev перевод - the bbc is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. on telev английский как сказать

the bbc is the largest broadcasting

the bbc is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. on television the bbc has 8 channels. bbs 1 and bbc 2 give the viewer a wide choice of programmes and are watched by 94 per cent of the uk population. bbc 1 broadcasts news programmes, feature films, serials, political debate, sport and business programmes, high-grade entertainment for children, documentary films and other educational programmes. bbc 2 transmits scientific and educational programmes about literature, art and history; documentary films, serials for teenagers and cartoons. bbc 2 also provides business news, educational and political programmes, shows on crime, sport, cookery, gardening, comedy shows, and intellectual games. there are no reality shows or low-grade entertainment on bbc 2 . bbc 3 is a channel for original uk comedy, drama and music as well as art and educational programmes. bbc 4 is based around art, music and debate. there is also bbc news 24, bbc parliament and two childrens channels-cbbc and cbeebies .
there are three commercial television services: itv ( channel 3), channel 4 and channel 5. itv is made up of 15 regional television companies which offer a great variety of high quality programmes. channel 4 broadcasts programmes from independent producers and formats of different tv programmes from overseas. in walws, on channe l4, s4c broadcasts some welsh language programmes. in scotland, gaelic television makes a wide range of quality programmes in gaelic. channel 4 broadcasts popular serials, comedy and game shows. channel 5 is the uk newest national channel. it is watched by 80 percent of the population. it shows quality programmes: original productions and programmes from independent producers. it also broadcasts news, popular american serials and sport.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
the bbc is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. on television the bbc has 8 channels. BBS 1 and bbc 2 give the viewer a wide choice of programmes and are watched by 94 per cent of the uk population. BBC 1 broadcasts news programmes, feature films, serials, political debate, sport and business programmes, high-grade entertainment for children, documentary films and other educational programmes. the BBC transmits 2 scientific and educational programmes about literature, art and history; documentary films, serials for teenagers and cartoons. BBC 2 also provides business news, educational and political programmes, on crime shows, sport, cookery, gardening, comedy shows, and intellectual games. There are no reality shows or low-grade entertainment on bbc 2. BBC 3 is a channel for the original uk comedy, drama and music as well as art and educational programmes. BBC 4 is based around art, music and debate. There is also bbc news 24, bbc parliament and two childrens channels-cbbc and cbeebies.There are three commercial television services: itv (channel 3), channel 4 and channel 5. ITV is made up of 15 regional television companies which offer a great variety of high quality programmes. Channel 4 broadcasts programmes from independent producers and formats of different tv programmes from overseas. in walws, on Channel 4, s4c broadcasts some welsh language programmes. in scotland, the gaelic television makes a wide range of quality programmes in gaelic. Channel 4 broadcasts popular serials, comedy and game shows. Channel 5 is the newest uk national channel. It is watched by 80 percent of the population. It shows quality programmes: original productions and programmes from independent producers. It also broadcasts news, popular american serials and sport.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
were is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. on television were has 8 channels. bbs were 1 and 2 give the viewer a wide choice of programmes and are watched by 94 per cent of the in the world. were 1 broadcasts news programmes, feature films, serials, political debate, sport and business programmes, and other entertainment for children.documentary films and other educational programmes. you two transmits scientific and educational programmes about literature, art and history; documentary films, serials for teenagers and fun. you 2 also provides business news, educational and political programmes, shows on crime, sports, cookery, gardening, comedy shows, and intellectual games.there are no reality shows or low - or entertainment on you two. you 3 is a channel for the original as comedy, drama, and music as well as art and educational programmes. were 4 is based around art, music and debate. there is also news you were 24, parliament and two childrens channels - cbbc and cbeebies.
there are three commercial television services: itv (channel 3), channel 4 and channel is made up of 15 regional television companies which offer a great variety of high quality programmes. channel 4 broadcasts programmes from independent producers and formats of different tv programmes from overseas. in walws, on channe l4, s4c broadcasts some welsh language programmes. in scotland, gaelic television makes a wide range of quality programmes in 4 broadcasts popular serials, comedy and game shows. channel 5 is the kind newest national channel. it is watched by 80 percent of the population. it shows quality programmes: original productions and programmes from independent producers. it also broadcasts news, popular american serials and sport.
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