8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and перевод - 8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and английский как сказать

8. Find in the text the English equ

8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word
combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:
запущенное в обращение; было впервые использовано; между­
народные организации; разрабатывать механизмы; мирное урегу­
лирование кризисов; Международный суд; после того как не смогла
предотвратить; составлять; представлены; самые насущные миро­
вые проблемы; международный мир и безопасность; миротворче­
ство; особые усилия; ежегодная сессия; основные права и свобо­
ды; свобода мысли; прекращение расовой дискриминации; статус
беженцев; межправительственный орган
9. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word
peace-loving states; continue fighting together; to elaborate instru­
ments; rules of warfare; to adopt; forerunner; ceased its activities, to
draw up; parliament of nations; one vote; admitting new members; to
reach decisions through consensus; subjects of particular concern; sub­
sidiary bodies; to take part in government; declarations on self-deter­
mination; holds public meetings; the right to development
10. Put the names of organizations and events mentioned in the text in
chronological order.
The Declaration by United Nations
The Permanent Court of Arbitration
The International Peace Conference
The United Nations
The League of Nations
The Treaty of Versailles
11. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was the first to use the term “United Nations”?
2. What was the purpose of the International Peace Conference in
the Hague?
3. What kind of convention did it adopt?
4. What organization was the forerunner of the United Nations
5. What did the League of Nations fail to prevent?
6. When was the United Nations established?
7. How many countries are now members of the United Nations?
8. Where are all United Nations Member States represented?
9. How many votes does each Member State have?
10. How are decisions on “important matters” taken?
11. When is the regular Assembly session held?
12. What are the main human rights? Prove that all these rights are essential
for an individual.
13. Speak about the history of the United Nations Organization.
14. Speak about the work of the United Nations Organization.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
8. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and wordcombinations and use them in the sentences of your own:launched into circulation; It was first used; betweenpopular organizations; develop mechanisms; peaceful settlementthe nullity of the crises; The International Court of Justice; Once could notprevent; compose; are presented; the most pressing Mirolegal problems; international peace and security; mirotvorche234Government; a special effort; annual session; basic rights and freedom.hole; freedom of thought; ending racial discrimination; statusrefugees; the Intergovernmental Authority9. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and wordcombinations:peace-loving states; continue fighting together; to elaborate instruments; rules of warfare; to adopt; forerunner; ceased its activities, todraw up; Parliament of nations; one vote; admitting new members; toreach decisions through consensus; subjects of particular concern; Subsidiary bodies; to take part in government; declarations on self-determination; holds public meetings; the right to development10. Put the names of organizations and events mentioned in the text inchronological order.The Declaration by United NationsThe Permanent Court of ArbitrationThe International Peace ConferenceThe United NationsThe League of NationsThe Treaty of Versailles11. Answer the following questions:1. Who was the first to use the term "United Nations"?2. What was the purpose of the International Peace Conference inThe Hague?3. What kind of convention did it adopt?4. What organization was the forerunner of the United Nations5. What did the League of Nations fail to prevent?6. When the United Nations was established?7. How many countries are now members of the United Nations?8. Where are all the United Nations Member States represented?9. How many votes does each Member State have?10. How are decisions on "important matters" taken?11. When is the regular Assembly session held?12. What are the main human rights? Prove that all these rights are essentialfor an individual.13. Speak about the history of the United Nations Organization.14. Speak about the work of the United Nations Organization.
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