1. Я видел, что она написала письмо(2).2. Я хочу, чтобы он написал пис перевод - 1. Я видел, что она написала письмо(2).2. Я хочу, чтобы он написал пис английский как сказать

1. Я видел, что она написала письмо

1. Я видел, что она написала письмо(2).
2. Я хочу, чтобы он написал письмо.
3. Он заставил меня написать письмо.
4. Я полагал, что они уже написали письмо (2).
5. Я считал, что это письмо – важное (2).
6. Я бы хотел, чтобы мой сын был внимательным к бабушке и регулярно писал ей письма.
7. Он велел, чтобы я написал письмо.
8. Он думал, что письмо все еще пишут (2).
9. Я подозреваю, что написал это письмо он (3).
10. Он полагал, что они пишут письма больше часа (2).
11. Я бы не хотел, чтобы вы писали это сочинение больше недели.
12. Сообщили, что письмо уже написано.
13. Похоже, что письмо все еще на почте (3).(It looks like the letter…)
14. Письмо случайно нашли летом.
15. Это письмо, как полагают, очень важное.
16. Вряд ли он напишет вам письмо (2).
17. Разумеется, мы будем вам писать (2).
18. Ему нелегко писать письма.
19. Первое, что он должен сделать, - написать письмо.
20. Я не видел, как он писал письмо (2).
21. Она не отрицала, что написала письмо.
22. Я не возражаю, чтобы ты писал ей письма.
23. Ему удалось написать хорошее письмо.
24. Она не одобряла, что ему велят писать письма еженедельно.
25. Кажется, он пишет это письмо целый месяц (4)(вв,мод,Si2,Si3).
26. Он пишет ей письма, чтобы она не забыла его.
27. Жаль, что вы не пишете мне еженедельно.
28. Необходимо, чтобы вы писали ей письма регулярно (2).
29. Если бы вы писали ей письма хотя бы раз в месяц, она относилась бы к вам,
как к другу.
30. Он пишет ей регулярно, как будто считает это интересным.
31. Если бы не он и не его письма, она бы не смогла написать эту книгу.
Жаль, что вы не писали ей раньше.(2).
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I saw that she wrote a letter (2).2. I want to write a letter.3. It made me write a letter.4. I figured they already wrote a letter (2).5. I thought that this letter is important (2).6. I'd like to see my son was considerate to Grandma and regularly wrote letters to her.7. He told me to write a letter.8. He thought that the letter still write (2).9. I suspect that wrote this letter he (3).10. He believed that they write more hours (2).11. I would not like that you wrote this essay for more than a week.12. Reported that a letter had already been written.13. It seems that the letter is still in the mail (3). (It looks like the letter.)14. Letter accidentally found in the summer.15. the letter is believed to be very important.16. It is unlikely that he will write you a letter (2).17. of course, we're going to write (2).18. It is not easy to write letters.19. The first thing he should do is write a letter.20. I have not seen, as he wrote a letter to (2).21. She did not deny that she wrote the letter.22. I don't mind that you wrote her a letter.23. He was able to write a good letter.24. She did not approve of what he is told to write letters every week.25. It seems he wrote this letter for a whole month (4) (CC, mod, Si2, Si3).26. He writes her a letter that it has not forgotten it.27. It's a pity that you do not write me every week.28. it is essential that you wrote letters regularly (2).29. If you wrote her letters at least once a month, it belonged to you, as a friend.30. He wrote regularly, as if finds it interesting.31. If not it was not his writing, it would not have been able to write this book.It is a pity that you did not write it before. (2).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I saw that she wrote a letter (2).
2. I want him to write a letter.
3. He forced me to write a letter.
4. I thought they had already written a letter (2).
5. I thought that this letter - the importance (2).
6. I would like my son to be attentive to her grandmother and regularly wrote letters to her.
7. He told me to write a letter.
8. It is thought that the letter still write (2).
9. I suspect that he wrote this letter (3).
10. He believed that they write letters to more than an hour (2).
11. I do not want you to write this essay more than a week.
12 reported that a letter has been written.
13. It appears that the letter is still in the post (3). (It looks like the letter-...)
14. Letter accidentally found summer.
15. This letter is believed very important.
16. It is unlikely that he will write you a letter (2).
17. Of course, we will write to you (2).
18. It is not easy to write letters.
19. The first thing he must do - to write a letter.
20. I do not see how he wrote a letter (2).
21. It is not denied that she wrote the letter.
22. I do not mind that you wrote her letters.
23. He was able to write a good letter.
24. She did not approve of what he is told to write letters every week.
25. It seems that he wrote this letter a month (4) (cc, fashion, Si2, Si3).
26. He writes letters to her that she had not forgotten him.
27. It is a pity that you do not write to me every week.
28. It is essential that you write letters to her on a regular basis (2).
29. If you were writing letters to her at least once a month, she would treat you,
as a friend.
30. He wrote to her regularly as if finds it interesting.
31. If not for him, and not his letter, she would not be able to write this book.
It is a pity that you did not write it before. (2).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i saw that she wrote the letter (2).2. i want him to write a letter.3. he made me write a letter.4. i thought they already wrote a letter (2).5. i thought that this letter is important (2).6. i wish my son was attentive to her grandmother and regularly wrote letters to her.7. he told me to write a letter.8. he thought the letter still write (2).9. i suspect that he wrote this letter (3).10. he believed that they write letters for an hour (2).11. i don't want you to write this paper for more than a week.12. reported that the letter was written.13. it seems that the letter is in the mail (3). (it looks like the letter...)14. the letter was found in the summer.15. this letter is considered very important.16. i don't think he will write you a letter (2).17. of course, we will write to you (2).18. it is not easy to write letters.19. the first thing he must do is to write a letter.20. i don't see how he wrote a letter (2).21. she denied that she wrote the letter.22. i don't mind you to write her a letter.23. he was able to write a good letter.24. she did not approve what he told to write letters every week.25. i think he writes this letter a month (4) (bb, maud, Si2, Si3).26. he writes letters to her, so she won't forget it.27. it's a pity that you didn't write to me every week.28. i need you to write letters to her regularly, (2).29. if you were writing letters to her at least once a month, she was to you.as to the other.30. he regularly writes to her, as if he's interesting.31. if not for him, and his letter, she wouldn't have been able to write this book.it's a pity that you didn't write to her earlier. (2).
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