Я очень хочу приехать к тебе в Болгарию, но есть проблема. Я нашла туристическое агентство в Волгограде, которое осуществляет авиаперелеты Волгоград-Бургас. В августе там только 3 даты вылета из Волгограда: 5, 15 или 25 августа. Какое число лучше? А также я все узнала про оформление визы, там образовался сюрприз для меня, для того, чтобы дали визу необходимо предоставить счет в банке на сумму около 1000 евро и пляс 450 евро - это за билеты и визу. Без счета визу не оформят, поэтому мне надо как-то решить этот вопрос, поскольку у меня сейчас так много денег нет. Я думала, что это будет дешевле и совсем не думала, что нужен счет в банке. А поскольку я не работаю, а только учусь, дохода у меня нет. Но я рассчитывала на то, что мне по окончании учебы дадут хорошую премию, на нее я и рассчитывала приехать, но судя по расходам ее не хватит. Я очень хочу приехать к тебе, но в связи с такими расходами я пока не знаю получится ли...
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I really want to come to you in Bulgaria, but there is a problem. I found a travel agency in Volgograd, which carries out flights Volgograd-Bourgas. In August, there are only 3 dates of departure from Volgograd: 5, 15 or 25 August. What number is better? And I learned about the visa, there was a surprise to me, for to have a visa, you must provide a bank account worth about 1000 euro and euro-450 is the place for tickets and visa. Without the visa process, so I need to somehow solve this matter because I have so much money. I thought it would be cheaper and not at all thought that need a bank account. And since I'm not working, and just learning, I have no income. But I expected the After that I will give a good Prize, and I expected her to come, but judging by its costs will not be enough. I really want to come to you, but for such costs I do not know if ...
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I really want to come to you in Bulgaria, but there is a problem. I found a travel agency in Volgograd, which carries out flights Volgograd-Burgas. In August, there are only 3 departure date from Volgograd: 5, 15 or August 25. What number is it better? And I learned about the visa, there was formed a surprise for me to have given a visa you must provide a bank account in the amount of about 1,000 euros and 450 euros dance - it's for tickets and visa. No account not issued a visa, so I need to somehow resolve this issue, as I now do not have that much money. I thought it would be cheaper and do not think that we need a bank account. And since I do not work, and just learning, I have no income. But I hoped that after graduation I will give a good premium for it and I hoped to come, but by spending it is not enough. I really want to come to you, but in connection with such costs, I do not know if it will work ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
I very much want to arrive to you in Bulgaria, but there is a problem. I have found a travel agency in Volgograd, which provides travel Volgograd-Burgas. In August there only 3 the date of departure from the Volgograd: 5,On 15 or 25 August. What number is better? As well as all i had learned about visa applications, there was another surprise for me, for theIt is necessary to have a visa to provide a bank account in the amount of about 1000 euros and place Rogier 450 euros - this is for the tickets and visa. Without account visa is not done, so I must be such as the solution to this question,Since I have now so much money. I thought that this would be cheaper and not thought that need a bank account. And since I am not working, and only am, income i do not have. But I would have expected theThat i am on completion of their education will give a good prize, on it and I would have liked to come, but it seems to be the costs it is not enough. I very much want to arrive to you, but also in connection with such expenses as long as I do not know whether or not you ...
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