Вопрос: Какой порядок оформления перемены фамилии (это не связано с за перевод - Вопрос: Какой порядок оформления перемены фамилии (это не связано с за английский как сказать

Вопрос: Какой порядок оформления пе

Какой порядок оформления перемены фамилии (это не связано с замужеством), в какой отдел ЗАГС следует обращаться?
По вопросу государственной регистрации перемены имени (фамилии, собственно имени и (или) отчества) Вы можете обратиться в отдел ЗАГС по месту жительства или по месту регистрации Вашего рождения. Заявление о перемене имени рассматривается в течение месяца со дня подачи заявления.
При подаче заявления необходимо представить:
1) паспорт;
2) свое свидетельство о рождении;
3) свидетельство о заключении брака (если Вы состоите в браке). Если Вы неоднократно состояли в браке и каждый раз меняли фамилию на фамилию супруга, необходимо представить справки о заключении предыдущих браков;
4) свидетельство о расторжении брака (если Вы разведены). Если Вы состояли не в одном браке, необходимо представить свидетельства о расторжении предыдущих браков;
5) свидетельства о рождении всех несовершеннолетних детей.
За государственную регистрацию перемены имени уплачивается государственная пошлина в размере 1600 руб., за внесение в связи с переменой имени изменений в записи актов, включая выдачу новых свидетельств – 350 руб. за каждое свидетельство.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Question: What is the procedure for registration of change of name (this is not due to marriage), in which registry office should I contact? Answer: On the question of the State registration of changes name (surname, name itself and (or) Middle name) you can contact the Registry Office at the place of residence or at the place of registration of your birth. Statement of name change is considered within one month from the date of submission of the application. When applying, you must provide: 1) passport; 2) his birth certificate; 3) marriage certificate (if you are married). If you have been married and changed her name to each time a spouse's surname, you must submit a certificate on the conclusion of the previous marriages; 4) divorce certificate (if you are divorced). If you were not in the marriage, it is necessary to present the certificate of termination of previous marriages; 5) birth certificates for all children. For the State registration of changes the name of the paid State fee in the amount of $ 1,600 for, in connection with the transfer of name changes in the recording acts, including the issuance of new certificates-350 rub. for each certificate.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What is the procedure for registration of change of surname (it is not connected with the marriage), in which department the registrar should be handled?
On the issue of state registration of the name change (surname, first name and (or) middle name), you can contact the Registry Office of the place of residence or the place of registration of your birth. Statement of name change is considered within one month from the date of application.
When applying you must submit:
1) passport;
2) his birth certificate;
3) marriage certificate (if you are married). If you have been married more than once and each time the name changed to the name of a spouse, you must submit a certificate of the conclusion of previous marriages;
4) the divorce certificate (if you are divorced). If you lay not in a marriage, you must submit a certificate of dissolution of previous marriages;
5) the birth certificate of the minor children.
For state registration of name changes paid state fee of 1600 rubles., For making in connection with the change of name changes to registry including the issuance of new certificates - 350 rubles. for each certificate.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
question: what is the order of the names of the change "(it has nothing to do with marriage), in which the search should be treated? answer:

on the registration of change of name (family namein fact, name and (or) a middle name), you can refer to the registered place of residence or in the place of registration of your birthday. statement of change of name is within one month from the day of filing the application.
when the application must provide:
2) his passport, birth certificate,
3) certificate of marriage (if you are married).if you have been married, and every time changed her surname to the surname of spouse must provide certificate of a previous marriage;
4) certificate of marriage (if you are divorced).if you were not the same marriage, should provide evidence of a previous marriage;
5) certificate of birth of all children.
for state registration of change the name of the state duty paid $1600 rubles for the connection with the change of name changes in the recording acts, including the issuance of new evidence is 350 rubles.for each certificate. "
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