1)If the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply  перевод - 1)If the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply  английский как сказать

1)If the seller's offer is right, a

1)If the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply or deliver goods) may be expected to follow. In placing of an order, first of all, accuracy is essentil. An error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can cause trouble which it may be impossible to put right later
2)Clarity is also essential. The buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. In the export business there are also things needed besides an accurate description of the goods: for example, method of transport, packing, delivery and insurance, or possibly method of payment, if this has not been settled already. Then the buyer may require some special documents for his own use or to satisfy import regulations.
3)Orders are usually written on a company's official order form which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence referring to the order. When ordering goods, a customer will generally include the following in his letter:
a) A reference to a visit by the supplier's representative, or to an advertisement or catalogue, or to a sample, or to previous correspondence. This applies particularly to a first order. In subsequent orders the buyer may begin his letter with:
b) Details of the goods required:quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing., etc.
c) Conditions and qualifications.
d) Alternatives which are acceptable if goods ordered are not available
e)A closing sentence, perhaps encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care.
Expressions used in orders
make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter - I would like to place a trial order for the "Letherine" material we discussed at the trade show last month. Please find enclosed...
- We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter Catalogue
5)As soon as a supplier receives we received an order, it should be acknowledged/
-Thank you for your order No. 338B which we received today.We are now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within the next three weeks.
-Your order No. 6712/1 is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by the end of this week.
6)When the supplier has made up the order and arranged shipment, the customer is informed by means of an advice note.
- Your order, No. D/154/T, is already on board the SS Mitsu Maru, sailing from Kobe on 16 May and arriving in London, on 11June.The shipping documents have been forwarded to your bank in London for collection You should contact us immediately if any problems arise.
Confirm the terms of payment.
7)We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for.
Referring to quality
we enclose a trial order. If the quality is up our expectations, we shall send further orders in the near future.
-The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof and we place our order subject to this guarantee.
Alternative goods
We leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute,should you not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $1.75 per kg.
- If you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead provided the price is not more than 10% higher.
Cancellation. Warning of Cancellation
-We must insist on the observance of our terms and conditions. If you cannot do this, we regret that we shall have to cancel the order
- As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order
-We regret having to cancel our order for the two further machines, but the worsening of the trading position here gives us no alternative
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) If the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply or deliver goods) may be expected to follow. In placing of an order, first of all, accuracy is essentil. An error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can cause trouble which it may be impossible to put right later 2) Clarity is also essential. The buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. In the export business there are also things needed besides an accurate description of the goods: for example, method of transport, packing, delivery and insurance, or possibly method of payment, if this has not been settled already. Then the buyer may require some special documents for his own use or to satisfy import regulations. 3) Orders are usually written on a company's the official order form which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence referring to the order. When ordering goods, a customer will generally include the following in his letter: (a)) (A) reference to a visit by the supplier's representative, or to an advertisement or catalogue, or to a sample, or to previous correspondence. This applies particularly to a first order. In orders suggested the buyer may begin his letter with: (b) Details of the) goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing, etc. c) Conditions and qualifications. d) Alternatives which are acceptable if the goods ordered are not available e) A closing sentence, perhaps encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care. 4) Opening Expressions used in ordersmake it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter-I would like to place a trial order for the "Letherine" material we discussed at the trade show last month. Please find enclosed ... -We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter Catalogue5) As soon As a supplier receives we received an order, it should be acknowledged/ -Thank you for your order No. 338B which we received today. We are now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within the next three weeks.-Your order No. 6712/1 is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by the end of this week. 6) When the supplier has made up the pre-arranged order and shipment, the customer is informed by means of an advice note. -Your order No. D/154/T, is already on board the SS Mitsu Maru, sailing from Kobe on 16 May and arriving in London, on 11June. The shipping documents have been forwarded to your bank in London for collection You should contact us immediately if any problems arise. Payment Confirm the terms of payment. 7) We would like to confirm that the payment is to be made by such of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for.Referring to quality We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up our expectations, we shall send further orders in the near future. -The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof and we place our order subject to this guarantee. Alternative goods We leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute, should you not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $ 1.75 per kg.-If you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead provided the price is not more than 10% higher. Cancellation. Warning of Cancellation -We must insist on the observance of our terms and conditions. If you cannot do this, we regret that we shall have to cancel the order-As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order -We regret having to cancel our order for the two further machines, but the worsening of the trading position here gives us no alternative
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) If the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply or deliver goods) may be expected to follow. In placing of an order, first of all, accuracy is essentil. An error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can cause trouble which it may be impossible to put right later
2) Clarity is also essential. The buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. In the export business there are also things needed besides an accurate description of the goods: for example, method of transport, packing, delivery and insurance, or possibly method of payment, if this has not been settled already. Then the buyer may require some special documents for his own use or to satisfy import regulations.
3) Orders are usually written on a company's official order form which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence referring to the order. Ordering goods When, a customer will generally include the following in his letter:
a) A reference to a visit by the supplier's representative, or to an advertisement or catalogue, or to a sample, or to previous correspondence. This applies particularly to a first order. The subsequent orders In buyer may begin his letter with:
b) Details of the goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing., Etc.
c) Conditions and qualifications.
D) Alternatives which are acceptable if goods ordered are not available
e ) A closing sentence, perhaps encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care.
4) Opening
Expressions used in orders
make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter - I would like to place a trial order for the "Letherine" material we discussed at the trade show last month. Find enclosed ... Please
- We have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter Catalogue
5) As soon as a supplier receives an order we received, it should be acknowledged /
-Thank you for your order No. Which we received 338B today.We are now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within the next three weeks.
-Your Order No. 6712/1 is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by the end of this week.
6) When the supplier has made ​​up the order and arranged shipment, the customer is informed by means of an advice note.
- Your order, No . D / 154 / T, is already on board the SS Mitsu Maru, sailing from Kobe on 16 May and arriving in London, on 11June.The shipping documents have been forwarded to your bank in London for collection You should contact us immediately if any problems arise.
Confirm The Confirm the terms of payment.
7) We would like to confirm that payment is to be made ​​by irrevocable of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for.
Referring to quality
we enclose a trial order. The quality is If up our expectations, we shall send further orders in the near future.
-The Material supplied must be absolutely waterproof and we place our order subject to this guarantee.
Alternative goods
We leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute, have not you should what we want, but the price must not exceed $ 1.75 per kg.
- If you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it instead provided the price is not more than 10 higher%.
Cancellation. Cancellation of Warning
-We must insist on the observance of our terms and conditions. If you can not do this, we regret that we shall have to cancel the order
- As you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order
-We regret having to cancel our order for the two further machines , but the worsening of the trading position here gives us no alternative
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) if the seller's offer is right, an order (a request to make, supply and deliver goods) may be expected to follow. in the placing of an order, first of all, the accuracy is essentil. an error in quoting a catalogue number, or a mistyped figure in the quantity column can cause trouble, and it may be impossible to put right)
2) clarity is also essential.the buyer must make clear to the seller exactly what he wants. in the export business, there are also things needed to an accurate description of the goods, for example, the method of transport, packing, delivery and insurance, or possibly method of payment, if this has not been (already. then the buyer may require some special documents for his own use or to satisfy import regulations.
3) orders are usually written on a company 's official order form which has a date and a reference number that should be quoted in any correspondence referring to the order. when ordering goods, a customer will generally include the following in his letter: "(a) a reference to a visit by the supplier's representative, or to an advertisement or catalogue, or to a sample.or to previous correspondence. this applies particularly to a first order. in subsequent orders the buyer may begin his letter with: "(b) the details of the goods required: quantity, quality, catalogue number, packing., etc
c) conditions and qualifications.
d) alternatives which are me or the goods ordered are not available. (e) a for use.it was encouraging the supplier to execute the order promptly and with care.
4) opening
expressions used in orders. make it clear that there is an order accompanying the letter i would like to place a trial order for the "Letherine", we discussed at the trade show last month. please find enclosed...
- we have pleasure in ordering the following articles from your winter Catalogue
5 as soon as a supplier receives we received an order, it should be acknowledged /
- thank you for your order no. 338B which we received today. we are now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within the next three weeks.
- your order no. 6712 / 1 and this is now being should be ready for despatch by the end of this week.
6) when the supplier has made up the order and this shipment.the customer is informed by means of an advice note.
- your order, no. d / 154 / t, is already on board the ss Mitsu corrections, sailing from kobe on 16 may and arriving in london, on 11June. the shipping documents have been forwarded to your bank in london for one you should contact us immediately if any problems arise.
confirm the terms of payment.
7) we would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for Referring to quality
we enclose a trial order. if the quality is up to our expectations, we shall send further orders in the near future.
- the material supplied must be absolutely waterproof, and we place our order subject to this guarantee. alternative goods

we leave it to your discretion to supply a suitable substitute, should you not have what we want, but the price must not exceed $1.75 per kg.
- if you have a similar article but of better quality, please supply it is provided the price is not more than 10% higher. Cancellation. warning of Cancellation
- we must insist on the observance of our terms and conditions. if you cannot do this.we regret that we shall have to cancel the order. - as you have failed to deliver within the specified time, we have no alternative but to cancel our order. we regret having to cancel our order for the two to machines, but the worsening of the trading position here gives us no alternative
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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