(11) Italy wants the EU to give more money to the bloc’s border contro перевод - (11) Italy wants the EU to give more money to the bloc’s border contro английский как сказать

(11) Italy wants the EU to give mor

(11) Italy wants the EU to give more money to the bloc’s border control agency after some 300 migrants drowned off the coast of Lampedusa earlier this month. Rome will push for more funds at next week’s EU summit.
“We will ask for a reform of Frontex. We need to strengthen Frontex but so it has a more humanitarian approach. As Italy has started to do, and we will ask Europe to do the same,” said the Italian minister for immigration in Brussels.
EU law states the immigrants may be held in detention centres for up to 18 months and the conditions can be horrific.
Sister Eugenia Bonetta of ‘Slaves No More’ said that migrants “can stay to a year and half. It is really unbearable, a kind of psychological torture, where the individual becomes a nobody.”
The European Commission is currently preparing a report on how EU law is being applied on this issue. The legislation states that detention is only meant to encourage more migrants to leave voluntarily. (170 words)

(12) Forests cover one third of the land on our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for humans and wildlife. But forests around the world are under threat from deforestation. According to the WWF, the equivalent of 36 football fields is being lost every minute. And one of the main causes is logging.
One Norwegian company says it has developed an environmentally-friendly alternative with similar properties to hardwood, based on sustainable softwood which has been modified through the infusion of a natural biowaste liquid and heat.
Kebony, as it is called, has similar properties to tropical hardwood including stability, durability and aesthetics. It has already been used in several high-profile projects in European pop-up park.
“A traditional hardwood has some properties that are really good when you are working with wood outdoors. It lasts for a long time, it looks great and it has a long lifetime. But now, after we have seen all the environmental hazards by exploiting tropical hardwoods, there is surely a need for something that could replace that in an environmentally-friendly method.” (178 words)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
(11) Italy wants the EU to give more money to the bloc's border control agency after some 300 migrants drowned off the coast of Lampedusa earlier this month. Rome will push for more funds at next week's EU summit."We will ask for a reform of Frontex. We need to strengthen Frontex but so it has a more humanitarian approach. As Italy has started to do, and we will ask Europe to do the same, "said the Italian minister for immigration in Brussels.EU law states the immigrants may be held in detention centres for up to 18 months and the conditions can be horrific.Sister Eugenia Bonetta Slaves of ' No More ' said that the migrants can stay to a year and a half. It is really unbearable, a kind of psychological torture, where the individual becomes a nobody. "The European Commission is currently preparing a report on how EU law is being applied on this issue. The legislation states that detention is only meant to encourage more migrants to leave voluntarily. (170 words)(12) Forests cover one third of the land on our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for humans and wildlife. But forests around the world are under threat from deforestation. According to the WWF, the equivalent of 36 football fields is being lost every minute. And one of the main causes is logging.One Norwegian company says it has developed an environmentally-friendly alternative with similar properties to hardwood, based on sustainable softwood which has been modified through the infusion of a natural liquid biowaste and heat.Kebony, as it is called, has similar properties to tropical hardwood including stability, durability and aesthetics. It has already been used in several high-profile projects in European pop-up park."A traditional hardwood has some properties that are really good when you are working with wood outdoors. It lasts for a long time, it looks great and it has a long lifetime. But now, after we have seen all the environmental hazards by exploiting tropical hardwoods, there is surely a need for something that could replace that in an environmentally-friendly method. " (178 words)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
(11) Italy wants the EU to give more money to the bloc's border control agency after some 300 migrants drowned off the coast of Lampedusa earlier this month. Will push for Rome more funds at next week's EU summit.
"We will ask for a reform of Frontex. We need to strengthen Frontex but so it has a more humanitarian approach. As Italy has started to do, and we will ask Europe to do the same, "said the Italian minister for immigration in Brussels.
EU law states the immigrants may be held in detention centres for up to 18 months and the conditions can be horrific.
Sister Eugenia Bonetta of 'Slaves No More' said that migrants "can stay to a year and half. Is really unbearable It, a kind of psychological torture, where the individual becomes a nobody.
"The European Commission is currently preparing a report on how EU law is being applied on this issue. The legislation states that detention is only meant to encourage more migrants to leave voluntarily. (170 words) (12) Forests cover one third of the land on our planet. They produce vital oxygen and provide homes for humans and wildlife. But forests around the world are under threat from deforestation. According to the WWF, the equivalent of 36 football fields is being lost every minute. And one of the main causes is logging. One Norwegian company says it has developed an environmentally-friendly alternative with similar properties to hardwood, based on sustainable softwood which has been modified through the infusion of a natural biowaste liquid and heat. Kebony, as it is called, has similar properties to tropical hardwood including stability, durability and aesthetics. Has already been It used in several high-profile projects in European pop-up park. "A traditional hardwood has some properties that are really good when you are working with wood outdoors. It lasts for a long time, it looks great and it has a long lifetime. But now, after we have seen all the environmental hazards by exploiting tropical hardwoods, there is surely a need for something that could replace that in an environmentally-friendly method. "(178 words)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
(11) Italy wants the eu to give more money to the bloc's border control agency and some 300 migrants drowned off the coast of Lampedusa earlier this month. rome will push for more funds at next week's eu summit.
"we will ask for a reform of Frontex. we need to strengthen Frontex and so it has a more humanitarian approach. as italy has started to do, and we will ask europe to do the same."said the italian minister for immigration in brussels.
eu law states the divergences may be held in detention centres for up to 18 months and the conditions can be horrific.
sister eugenia Bonetta of" slaves no more, 'said that migrants' can stay for a year and a half. if it is a couple), a kind of psychological torture, where the individual becomes a nobody. ".the european commission is currently preparing a report on how eu law is being applied on this issue. the legislation states that detention is only the time to encourage more migrants to leave received. (170))

(12) Forests cover one third of the land on our planet. they produce as on struggles and provide homes for humans and wildlife.the forests around the world are under threat from deforestation. according to the WWF, the equivalent of 36 football fields is being lost every minute. and one of the main causes is logging.
one norwegian company says it has developed an environmentally friendly alternative with similar properties to the hardwood. based on sustainable softwood which has been modified through the infusion of a natural biowaste off and heat.
Kebony, as it is called, has similar properties to tropical hardwood including stability, durability and aesthetics. it has already been used in several high profile projects in european pop up park."a traditional hardwood has some properties that are very good for when you are working with wood outdoors. it lasts for a long time, it looks great and it has a long course. but now, when we have seen all the environmental hazards by exploiting tropical hardwoods, is there a need for something that could replace that in an environmentally friendly method. "(178 words).
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