1. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама». 2. «Не знаю, спр перевод - 1. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама». 2. «Не знаю, спр английский как сказать

1. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет, спасибо, я

1. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет, спасибо, я сделаю все сама». 2. «Не знаю, справлюсь ли я с этой работой в такой короткий срок». — «Вы должны были подумать об этом раньше». 3. Не может быть, чтобы он уже вернулся, ведь он вчера только уехал в Москву. Вы, должно быть, ошиблись. 4. Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки, она может испортить глаза. 5. Вы не должны' были оставлять гореть газ, такими вещами нельзя шутить, ведь мог произойти пожар! 6. Он должен был поехать в Москву на прошлой неделе, но конференция задержала его на несколько дней. 7. Тысячу раз я просила ее не хлопать дверью, когда я занимаюсь, но она все равно хлопает. 8. Я вас, должно быть, неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано. 9. Вам не к чему брать зонтик, на небе нет ни облачка. 10. Мне придется оставить ей записку, я ее, наверно, не увижу. 11. «Почему они ее тогда не видели?» — «Она могла уйти до их прихода». 12. Вам незачем идти на почту, я отправлю ваше письмо. 13. Джордж должен был вчера у нас обедать, но ои не пришел. 14. Погода была прекрасная; мы пошли в сад, всюду можно было видеть счастливые лица детей. 15. «Купить вам „Сдается в наем" Голсуорси?» — «Нет, не надо; моя сестра была вчера в книжном магазине, она, возможно, купила эту книгу». 16. Доктор велел ей лежать в постели, но она и слышать об этом не хотела. 17. Обычно я хожу в филармонию пешком, но вчера я вышел поздно, и мне пришлось сесть в автобус.
Exercise 20. Translate into English, using modal verbs whenever possible. (Based on an episode irom David Copperfield by Ch. Dickens.)
1. Давид считал, что Дора должна заниматься хозяйством и вести счет расходам. 2. Он купил ей поваренную книгу, надеясь, что это может послужить хорошим началом, но Дора не хотела даже заглянуть в нее. 3. Она нашла для нее другое применение: на ней должна была стоять и проделывать свои трюки ее собачка Джип. 4. Что касается подсчета расходов, она попыталась считать, но вскоре сказала, что цифры ни за что не хотят складываться, и бросила. 5. Давид долгое время досадовал на Дору и думал, что она могла бы проявлять некоторый интерес к хозяйству, но потом понял, что он не должен требовать от 'нее того, чего она не может делать.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. "help you?"-"no, thanks, I will do everything itself. 2. "I don't know whether I can cope with this work in such a short period of time. — "You should have thought about that before. 3. May not be that he already returned because he today just went to Moscow. You must be mistaken. 4. you should not allow her to read twilight, it can ruin your eyes. 5. you should not ' were to leave to burn gas, such things cannot be joking, because a fire could occur! 6. He had to travel to Moscow for a Conference last week, but detained him for several days. 7. A thousand times I requested her not to slam the door when I did, but it still POPs. 8. I must have misunderstood and therefore came so early. 9. you don't what to take an umbrella, there is no cloud in the sky. 10. Do I have to leave her a note, I probably won't see it. 11. "why do they not then see?" — "she could leave before their arrival. 12. you don't have to go to the post office, I'll post your letter. 13. George was supposed to dine with us yesterday, but Oi don't come. 14. The weather was beautiful; We went into the garden, everywhere you can see the happy faces of children. 15. "buy you" for hiring "Galsworthy?"-"no, it is not necessary; My sister was today in the bookstore, she may have bought this book. 16. Doctor ordered her to lie in bed, but she and did not want to hear about it. 17. I usually go to the Philharmonic on foot, but today I came out late and I had to take the bus.Exercise 20. Translate into English, using modal verbs whenever possible. (Based on an episode irom David Copperfield by ch. Dickens.)1. David thought that Dora must engage in farming and scoring. 2. He bought her cookbook, hoping that it can serve as a good start, but Dora never wanted to even look into it. 3. She found another use for it: it was to stand there and do their tricks her doggy Jeep. 4. with regard to the counting of costs, she tried to take it, but said that the figures would not want to be folded and tossed. 5. David a long time vexed the Douro and thought it might be of some interest to the au pair, but then realized that he should not demand from ' it what it cannot do.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. "To help you?" - "No, thanks, I'll do everything myself." 2. "I do not know if I can handle this job in such a short time." - "You should have thought of that before." 3. It can not be that he's back, he's only yesterday left for Moscow. You must be mistaken. 4. You should not allow her to read in the twilight, it can ruin your eyes. 5. You should not 'have to leave the burning gas, such things can not joke, because a fire could occur! 6. He had to go to Moscow last week, but the conference held him for a few days. 7. A thousand times I asked her not to slam the door when I'm doing, but it still pops. 8. I you must have misunderstood and therefore came so early. 9. You do not what to take an umbrella, the sky no clouds. 10. I have to leave her a note, I did probably not see. 11. "Why do they not see it then?" - "She could leave before their arrival." 12. You do not have to go to the post office, I will post your letter. 13. George was supposed to dine with us yesterday, but did not come ou. 14. The weather was beautiful; we went into the garden, everywhere you can see the happy faces of the children. 15. "buy you" For the hiring of "Galsworthy?" - "No, do not, my sister was yesterday at the bookstore, she probably bought this book." 16. The doctor told her to stay in bed, but she and hear it did not. 17. I usually go to the Philharmonic on foot, but yesterday I came late, and I had to get on the bus.
Exercise 20. Translate into English, using modal verbs whenever possible. (Based on an episode irom David Copperfield by Ch . Dickens.)
1. David believed that Dora has to deal with the economy and scoring costs. 2. He bought her cookbook, hoping that this may serve as a good start, but Dora would not even look at her. 3. She has found her another use: it should be and is doing his own stunts her dog Jeep. 4. With regard to the calculation of costs, she tried to count, but soon said that the figures would not want to be folded, and dropped. 5. David has long vexed Dora and thought it might be of some interest to the economy, but then I realized that it should not require the 'her what she can not do.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. "can i help you? "-" no, thank you, i'll do all сама». 2. "i don't know if i can handle this work in such a short time. "you should have thought about it". 3. can it be that he's back.he only left yesterday in moscow. you must be mistaken. 4. you mustn't let her read in the twilight, she could ruin your eyes. 5. you don't have to 'were left to burn gas, such things can not jokeit could be a fire! 6. he was supposed to go to moscow last week but the detained him for a few days. 7. a thousand times i told her don't slam the door, and when i do, but she still taps. 8.i must have misunderstood and so came here so early. 9. you do not need to take an umbrella, in the sky is cloudless. 10. i have to leave her a note, i probably won't see. 11. "why do they not then see?"-" she could go to their прихода». 12. you don't have to go to the post office, i will send your letter. 13. george was supposed to last us for dinner, but he didn't come. 14. the weather was fine, we went to the garden.everywhere we can see the happy faces of the children. 15. "buy you „сдается in recruitment голсуорси? "-" no, no, no, no, my sister was yesterday in the bookstore, she might have bought the book. 16. the doctor told her to stay in bed.but she didn't want to hear about it. 17. usually i go on foot in the philharmonie, but yesterday i came late, and i had to sit on the bus.
exercise 20. translate into english, using for multimodal classes whenever possible. (based on an episode irom david Copperfield by ch. Dickens.)
1. david thoughtwhat you should do housework and score the costs. 2. he bought her a cookbook, hoping that it can provide a good start, but you don't even want to look at it. 3.she found another use for her: she had to stand up and do their tricks her doggy jeep. 4. with regard to the calculation of costs, she tried to think, but soon told,what the numbers don't want in, and left. 5. david for a long time досадовал at dora and i thought she could be of some interest to work, but then i realized that it doesn't require from 'it.what she can't do. "
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