Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. come in, please. don't pay any attention to the mess. i was cleaning the room. 2. who cooks in your family? - yes, mother. - where do you usually обе¬даешь? i usually eat lunch at home, but sometimes in столо¬вой in factory. 3.i usually go to the cinema on saturday - sunday, as in the rest of the week i'm really busy. 4. do you mind if i smoke? - no, ни¬сколько. - want a cigarette? - thank you, i don't smoke. 5. how much time do you need,to пригото - feather morning breakfast? i don't cook breakfast in the morning, as i always have a little time, i drink a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich.i prefer (and other) densely for lunch during the day in the dining room (self-service). 6. as a rule, in the morning i неког¬да sweep the floor, wipe the dust and wash the dishes. i just clean the bed and i open the windowto провет¬рить room. 7. who is your mother хо¬зяйству? we all help her as we can, but конеч¬но, mom goes shopping and cooking, so as we work during the day. 8когда you go out in the morning from home?is exactly a quarter to eight. i live close to the factory. therefore, in any weather, i go to work on foot. 9. we don't have much time. the train arrives at the station in полчаса. - don't worry.we still have enough time. 10. where is your библиоте¬ка? is not far from here, just around the corner. i go ту¬да twice a month. 11. don't ask me questions. i can't write and talk at the same time (at the same time).i don't have any free мину¬ты. 12. do you mind if i turn on the radio? - i think i do, because i have to study. 13. let's do this exercise together, if you don't возражаешь. - not at all. 14.your students дела¬ют many errors in the speech? 15. don't talk about work (professional themes) in the theatre, katya. can we talk about this tomorrow. 16. you always hear the latest news in the morning (unfortunately,no. i live in the suburbs and out of the house very early.
17. why don't you hurry up? it's time to go to the station. in the town the last train leaves at 11 hours.
18. can you help me to do the translation, when закон¬чишь exercises?- of course.
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