Итак, роль лидеров среди животных взяли на себя свиньи – Обвал и Напол перевод - Итак, роль лидеров среди животных взяли на себя свиньи – Обвал и Напол английский как сказать

Итак, роль лидеров среди животных в

Итак, роль лидеров среди животных взяли на себя свиньи – Обвал и Наполеон. Они правили вместе, наблюдалось большое количество конфликтов и споров, в то же время животные запомнили это время как самое счастливое для себя. Но, как и все хорошее, это правление двух свиней закончилось. Наполеон, воспользовавшись помощью псов, которых воспитал, изгнал с фермы Обвала. Следует отметить, что постепенно все заповеди сначала изменяются, а потом и вовсе отменяются, остается только одна – седьмая.

Роман «Скотный Двор» - пародия на события, имевшие место в 1917 году в России. Во многих персонажах просматриваются фигуры мировых лидеров, которые правили в те годы, а также некоторые слои населения. В Наполеоне угадывается Сталин, в Главаре - Ленин, в Обвале - Троцкий. Фермеры Калмингтон и Питер олицетворяют соответственно Черчилля и Гитлера. Конь Боец – стахановское движение, а кобылка Молли – бежавшую интеллигенцию. Примечательно, что таких персонажей в романе очень много.

Фактически «Скотный двор» может считаться карикатурой на революцию в России и следующие после нее годы коммунистического правления. В романе большое количество гипербол и преувеличений, что является характерным для произведений, которые напоминают по структуре притчи. Изначально действие в романе выглядит ярко, а ближе к окончанию атмосфера нагнетается. А концовка становится просто печальной.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
So, the role of leaders among the animals assumed pigs-Collapse and Napoleon. They ruled together, there was a large number of conflicts and disputes, at the same time, the animals remembered this time as the happiest for yourself. But, like all good things, this Board two pigs ended. Napoleon, with the help of dogs, which reared, banished from the farm of the collapse. It should be noted that gradually all the commandments change first, and then completely canceled, there remains only one-seventh.The novel "animal farm"-a parody of the events that took place in the year 1917 in Russia. Many characters visible figures of world leaders who ruled in those years, as well as some segments of the population. In one of Napoleon, Stalin suddenly detected Sheik-Lenin, Collapse-Trotsky. Farmers Kalmington and Peter Churchill and Hitler respectively personify. Horse Fighter-Stakhanovite and filly Molly-bežavšuû intellectuals. It is noteworthy that such characters in the novel very much.In fact, the "Barnyard" can be considered as a caricature of a revolution in Russia and following after years of Communist rule. In the novel plenty of hyperbole and exaggeration that is characteristic of pieces that resemble on the structure of proverbs. Initially, the action in the novel looks bright, and toward the end of the injected atmosphere. And the ending is sad.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Thus, the role of the leaders took the pigs among animals - and the collapse of Napoleon. They ruled together, there was a large number of conflicts and disputes, at the same time the animals will remember this as the happiest time for yourself. But, like all good things, it is the reign of the two pigs over. Napoleon, taking advantage of the help of dogs, which are trained, expelled from the farm Crash. It should be noted that the first commandment gradually changed, and then completely repealed, there is only one - seventh. The novel "Animal Farm" - a parody of the events that took place in 1917 in Russia. Many characters are reviewed figures of world leaders, who ruled in those years, as well as some sections of the population. In Napoleon guess Stalin, to the leader - Lenin in avalanches - Trotsky. Farmers Kalmington and Peter represent respectively Churchill and Hitler. Knight Fighter - Stakhanov movement, and the mare Molly - intellectuals fled. It is noteworthy that such characters in the novel very much. In fact, "Animal Farm" can be considered a caricature of a revolution in Russia, and following after her years of communist rule. In the novel, a large amount of hyperbole and exaggeration, which is typical of works that resemble the structure of the parable. Initially, the action in the novel looks bright, but towards the end the atmosphere is pumped. And the ending becomes just sad.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
so, the role of leaders among the animals took on pigs are collapsing and napoleon. they were together, there was a large number of conflicts and disputes, at the same time the animals remembered it as the happiest time for yourself. but, like all good things, this is the two pigs ran out. napoleon, with the help of the dogs, which raised him to the crash. it should be noted that all of the commandments at first, gradually changing, and then cancelled, only one is seven.the novel "скотный it - a parody of the events of 1917 in russia. many of the characters are figures of world leaders that ruled in those years, as well as some segments of the population. napoleon clear stalin, there in a cave - lenin, trotsky. farmers калмингтон and peter are respectively churchill and hitler. a fighter is the stakhanovite movement and mare molly is бежавшую intellectuals. it is noteworthy that the characters in the novel very much.in fact, the "скотный it may be regarded as a caricature of the revolution in russia and the following after her years of communist rule. a large number of hyperbolus and exaggerations that is characteristic of that resemble the structure comparisons. originally the affair looks bright, but closer to the end of the atmosphere is. and the ending is just sad.
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