Большинство профессий, постепенно исчезают из жизни современного общества, оказываются ненужными из-за развития науки и техники, и появления машин, способных заменить ручной труд человека, избавив от тяжёлых нагрузок и увеличив производительность процессов. мы знаем, что есть очень молодые профессии, такие как программист, ведь компьютеры появились не так уж давно, а есть профессии, которые пришли к нам из далекого прошлого. К устаревшим профессиям, ставшим не актуальными из-за появления механизмов, стали, например, ткачи. а некоторые из них развиваются
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Most professions are gradually disappearing from the lives of modern society are unnecessary due to the development of science and technology, and the emergence of machines capable of replacing human labour, sparing from heavy loads and increasing the performance of the processes. We know that there are very young profession such as programmer, because computers have appeared not so long ago, and there is a profession that came to us from a distant past. Obsolete occupations who are not relevant due to the emergence of mechanisms that have become, for example, the weavers. and some of them develop
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Most professions are disappearing from modern society, it is unnecessary because of the development of science and technology and the emergence of machines that can replace manual labor person, get rid of heavy loads and increasing the productivity of processes. we know that there is a very young profession, such as a programmer, because the computers were not so long ago, and there are professions that have come to us from the distant past. By obsolete professions, not become urgent because of the appearance, steel, such as weavers. and some of them develop
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Most professions, is gradually disappear from the life of the modern society, they are unnecessary because of the development of science and technology, and the machines, which can replace the manual labor rights,Get rid of heavy loads and increasing performance processes. We know that there is a very young profession, such as a programr, because computers are not so long ago, and there is a profession,
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