Киевская Русь - одно из самых больших государств средневековой Европы  перевод - Киевская Русь - одно из самых больших государств средневековой Европы  английский как сказать

Киевская Русь - одно из самых больш

Киевская Русь - одно из самых больших государств средневековой Европы - сложилось в IX в. в результате длительного внутреннего развития восточнославянских племен.
Столицей древнерусского государства стал Киев. Это произошло потому что, он был древнейшим центром восточнославянской культуры, с глубокими историческими традициями и связями.
Конец Х столетия ознаменовался завершением объединения всех восточных славян в государственных границах Киевской Руси. Существование Киевской Руси охватывает период с IX в. по 30-е года XII в.
Политическая форма этого государства - раннефеодальная монархия, территориальные границы - от Балтики до Черного (Русского) моря и от Закарпатья до Волги. Восточные славяне, как и некоторые другие европейские народы, в своем развитии миновали рабовладельческую стадию. Первоначальной формой классового общества у них являлся феодализм, становление и развитие которого неразрывно связаны с формированием Древнерусского государства. В качестве пережиточных форм на этапе раннего феодализма (IX - начало XII в.) сохранялись и некоторые элементы первобытнообщинного строя (семейная община), однако они были подчинены интересам развития феодального общества. Рабство на Руси существовало в рамках феодальной формации.
Слово "культура" происходит от слова "культ" - вера, обычаи и традиции предков. В понятие куль-туры входит все, что создано умом, талантом, рукоделием народа, все, что выражает его духовную сущ-ность, взгляд на мир, природу, человеческое бытие, на чело-веческие отношения.

Долгие годы русская культура - устное народное твор-чество, искусство, архитектура, живопись, художественное ремесло - развивалась под влиянием языческой религии, языческого мировоззрения.
Культура народа неразрывно связана с его бытом, повседневной жизнью, как и быт народа, определяемый уровнем развития хозяйства страны, тесно связан с культурными про-цессами.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Kyivska Rus is one of the largest States of medieval Europe in the 9th century as a result of long internal development of East Slavic tribes. The capital of the ancient State was in Kiev. This happened because he was the oldest Centre of East Slavic culture, with deep historical traditions and relationships. The end of the 10th century was marked by the completion of the consolidation of all East Slavs in the Kievan Rus state borders. The existence of the Kievan Rus ' covers the period from the 9th century on 30 years of the 12th century.The political form of the early feudal monarchy, territorial boundaries, from the Baltic to the Black Sea (Russian) and from Transcarpathia to the Volga. East Slavs, like some other European peoples, passed the slavery in its development phase. The original form of class society they served as feudalism, formation and development of which are inextricably linked with the formation of the ancient Russian State. As perežitočnyh in early forms of feudalism (IX-early 12th century) were maintained and some elements of primitive society (family community), but they were subordinated to the interests of the development of feudal society. Slavery in Russia existed within the feudal system.The word "culture" comes from the word "cult"-faith, customs and traditions of their ancestors. The concept of culture includes everything that is created by the mind, talent, crafts people, anything that expresses his spiritual creatures, view of the world, nature, human being, human večeskie relationships.For many years the Russian culture-oral folk number pronunciation, art, architecture, painting, arts and crafts-evolved under the influence of the pagan religion of the pagan worldview.Culture of the people is inextricably linked to his life, everyday life and everyday life of the people, as defined by the level of development of the country, is closely linked to cultural Pro-Director.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Kievan Rus - one of the biggest states in medieval Europe - has developed in the IX. as a result of long internal development of the Eastern Slavic tribes.
The capital of the ancient Russian state was Kiev. This happened because he was the oldest center of the East Slavic culture with deep historical traditions and ties.
The end of the tenth century was marked by the completion of the unification of all the Eastern Slavs in Kievan Rus state borders. The existence of Kievan Rus' covers the period from the IX. on the 30th, the XII century.
The political form of the state - feudal monarchy, territorial boundaries - from the Baltic to the Black Sea (Russian) from the sea and Transcarpathia to the Volga. Eastern Slavs, as well as some other European nations in its development passed slaveholding stage. The original form of class society they served feudalism, formation and development are inextricably linked with the formation of the ancient Russian state. As the surviving forms at the stage of early feudalism (IX - the beginning of XII century.) And retained some elements of primitive society (family community), but they were subordinated to the interests of the feudal society. Slavery existed in Russia under the feudal system.
The word "culture" comes from the word "cult" - faith, customs and traditions of their ancestors. The concept of cul tours include all created intelligence, talent, crafts people, everything expresses his spiritual noun-ness, view of the world, the nature, the human being, on brow-vecheskie relationships. For many years, Russian culture - oral folk creative -chestvo, art, architecture, painting, arts and crafts - developed under the influence of pagan religion, pagan world. The culture of the people is inextricably linked to his everyday life, everyday life, like the life of the people, determined by the level of economic development of the country is closely linked to cultural pro- cesses .

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
kievan rus' - one of the largest countries in medieval europe is the 9th. as a result of long-term development east slav tribes.
the capital of russian state became the kiev.it happened because he was the oldest centre восточнославянской culture with deep historical traditions and links.
the end of the century was marked by the completion of the unification of all the eastern slavs in the state borders of kiev rus. the existence of the kiev russia covers the period from the 9th. on the 30th year of the xii.
the political form of the state раннефеодальная monarchy, territorial boundaries from the baltic to the black sea and from закарпатья (russian) to the volga river. the eastern slavs, as some other european nations.in its development have рабовладельческую stage. the original form of class society there was feudalism.the emergence and development of which are inextricably linked with the formation of russian state. as a пережиточных forms in the early feudalism (ix - beginning of the xii.) remained and some elements of первобытнообщинного system (a group), but they were subordinated to the interests of the development of the feudal society. slavery existed in the formation of the feudal.
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