Герцог Эдинбургский - титул, который принадлежит принцу-консорту Филип перевод - Герцог Эдинбургский - титул, который принадлежит принцу-консорту Филип английский как сказать

Герцог Эдинбургский - титул, которы

Герцог Эдинбургский - титул, который принадлежит принцу-консорту Филиппу, супругу королевы Елизаветы II. Принц Филипп, сын принца Эндрю Греческого, родился на острове Корфу в 1921 г. Поскольку в Греции шла война, он в полуторагодовалом возрасте был вывезен в Англию. Окончив школу Гордонстоун в Шотландии, принц продолжил учебу в военно-морском колледже в Дартмуте. В 1947 г. он женился на нынешней королеве Великобритании, которая тогда еще была наследной принцессой. Перед этим молодой человек отрекся от своего греческого титула и принял британское подданство. В том же 1947 г. король Георг VI пожаловал ему титул герцога Эдинбургского.

По британским законам муж королевы не является правящим монархом, но принц Филипп не довольствуется ролью спутника королевы на официальных церемониях, а играет заметную роль в жизни британского общества. Он интересуется проблемами науки, техники и промышленности, является влиятельной фигурой в вопросах охраны природы, уделяет внимание вопросам воспитания и образования подрастающего поколения.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Duke of Edinburgh-a title that belongs to Prince-konsortu Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Philip, the son of Prince Andrew of Greece, born in Corfu in 1921, as the war in Greece, It is in the polutoragodovalom age was taken to England. After graduating from school, Gordonstoun in Scotland, Prince continued his studies at the Naval College in Dartmouth. In 1947, he married the Queen of Great Britain, which then was Crown Princess. The young man has renounced his Greek titles and adopted British citizenship. In 1947, King George VI awarded him the title of Duke of Edinburgh

.Under British law the Queen's husband is not a reigning monarch, but Prince Philip is not content with the role of companion of the Queen at official ceremonies, and plays a prominent role in the life in the UK. He was interested in the problems of science, technology and industry, is an influential figure in the field of nature protection, pays attention to the upbringing and education of the younger generation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Duke of Edinburgh - a title which belongs to the Prince Consort Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Philip, Prince Andrew, son of the Greek, who was born on the island of Corfu in 1921 As war raged in Greece, in the eighteen months of age, he was taken to England. After school Gordonstoun in Scotland, the Prince continued his studies at the Naval College at Dartmouth. In 1947 he married the current Queen of Great Britain, which was then still Crown Princess. Before this young man renounced his Greek title and took British citizenship. In the same 1947, King George VI awarded him the title of Duke of Edinburgh. According to British law husband of Queen is not a reigning monarch, but Prince Philip is not content to be a companion of Queen at official ceremonies, and plays an important role in the life of British society. He is interested in issues of science, technology and industry, is an influential figure in the protection of nature, focusing on issues of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Duke of Edinburgh - title, which belongs to prince-консорту Philippe, spouse Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Philip, the son of Prince Andrew Greek, was born in the island of Corfu in 1921. Since the war in Greece,He полуторагодовалом age was relocated to England. After graduating school Гордонстоун in Scotland, prince continued their studies in the college of naval Дартмуте. In 1947, he married at the current Queen Great Britain,Which at the time was still princess than those mentioned. The young man asked him from his Greek title and took British citizenship. In the same 1947, King George VI whisky him title Judaism.

The British laws husband queen is not a ruling monarch, but Prince Philip is not satisfied with the role the queen satellite at the official ceremonies, and plays a prominent role in the life of British society.He wondered whether problems science, technology and industry, is a powerful figure in matters of nature, focusing on issues in the field of education and education of the rising generation.
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