Привет Питер! Меня зовут Дара! Я вела страницу the Brant foundation! Ее удалили администраторы инстаграма! Потому что это была не официальная страница. Теперь я пользуюсь этой страницей!
Hi Peter! My name is Dara! I led the Brant foundation page! Instagrama administrators have deleted it! Because it was not an official page. Now I take this page!
Hello Peter! My name is Dara! I kept the page the Brant foundation! She removed the administrators instagrama! Because it was not an official page. Now I use this page!
Hey, Peter! My name is Dara! I fought the Brаnt foundation! Its removed administrators инстаграма! Because it was not an official page. Now I am using this page!