В жизни каждого человека наступает момент, когда ему предстоит соверше перевод - В жизни каждого человека наступает момент, когда ему предстоит соверше английский как сказать

В жизни каждого человека наступает

В жизни каждого человека наступает момент, когда ему предстоит совершенно точно определяться со своей профессией. Это достаточно сложный выбор, но его приходится делать. И я очень рада, что уже выбрала своей профессией профессию химика-технолога. Выбрать из множества профессий было сложно, но я спрашивала мнения, как у родителей, так и у друзей. Я выбрала профессию химика-технолога, потому что мои качества соответствуют требуемым.Данная профессия требует практического применения своих знаний и умений, и я готова брать ответственность за свои поступки и действия, касаемые работы, как в случае успеха, так и в случае неудачи. Большинство химиков работают в лабораториях. Чтобы не происходило несчастных случаев нужно соблюдать технику безопасности, а для этого, конечно, надо ее знать.Я не зря выбрала именно эту профессию и вообще сферу химии, потому что как сейчас, так и в будущем, специалисты-химики востребованы. Ведь химия - одна из важнейших наук, наравне с математикой и физикой, которые помогают людям совершенствовать производство различной продукции.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In every man's life there comes a time when he will definitely be determined by his profession. This is quite a difficult choice, but it has to do. And I am very glad that have chosen their profession profession chemical engineer. It was difficult to choose from a variety of professions, but I asked an opinion, as parents and friends. <br><br>I chose the profession of chemical engineer because my qualities match trebuemym.Dannaya profession requires the practical application of their knowledge and skills, and I'm ready to take responsibility for their actions and actions relating to the work, as in the case of success and failure. Most chemists work in laboratories. To avoid an accident occurs you need to observe safety, and this, of course, you must know it.<br><br>I knowingly chose this profession and the general scope of chemistry, because both now and in the future, chemists specialists are in demand. Indeed, chemistry - one of the most important sciences, along with mathematics and physics, which help people to improve the production of various products.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the life of each person there comes a time when he will be absolutely determined with his profession. It's a difficult choice, but it has to be made. And I am very glad that I have already chosen my profession as a chemist-technologist. It was difficult to choose from many professions, but I asked opinions, both from parents and friends. <br><br>I chose the profession of chemist-technologist because my qualities meet the required. so in case of failure. Most chemists work in laboratories. In order not to happen accidents need to observe safety, and for this, of course, you need to know it.<br><br>It is not for nothing that I have chosen this profession and the field of chemistry in general, because both now and in the future, chemical specialists are in demand. After all, chemistry - one of the most important sciences, along with mathematics and physics, which help people to improve the production of various products.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
There is a moment in everyone's life when he will be clearly identified with his career. This is a rather complicated choice, but it has to be done. I'm glad I've chosen my major, chemical technology. It's difficult to choose from many occupations, but I ask my parents and friends for advice.<br>I chose a chemical technology major, because my quality meets the requirements. This occupation requires the practical application of my knowledge and skills, I am willing to take responsibility for my actions and actions, whether successful or unsuccessful. Most chemists work in the laboratory. In order to avoid accidents, safety technology must be followed, of course, safety technology must be understood.<br>I should not choose this profession and the whole field of chemistry, because both now and in the future, chemical experts need to. You know, chemistry is one of the most important sciences. Like mathematics and physics, it helps people improve the production of various products.<br>
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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