I. на поступила в университет прошлым летом и закончит его только через четыре года 2. Лучше не пропускать занятия, а то можно быстро от стать от группы. Хорошо известно, что нагонять всегда сложнее. 3. Все студенты в группе получили зачет по языкознанию. Это было серьезное испытание. 4. Мой любимый предмет, конечно же, английский. А еще мне нравятся страноведение Великобритании и США. очень люблю писать диктанты и изложения, но понимаю, что это необходимо для приобретения навыков письменной речи Расписание составляется таким образом, чтобы лекции чередовались практическими занятиями. 7. Староста нашей группы получи стипендию от Британского Совета. Она будет учиться в Лондонском университете и одновременно писать дипломную работу 8. Не думаю, что, готовясь к экзаменам, имеет смысл всю ночь не ложиться спать. Эффект от такой подготовки может быть обратный 9. Больше боюсь провалить Экзамен по психологии, поэтому стараюсь Все выучить Почти наизусть 10. В штате преподавателей у нас три профессора, четыре доцента, пять старших преподавателей и семь ассистентов 11. Проверяя контрольные работы, преподаватель отмечает ошибки на полях 12. В эту сессию будет один письменный и два устных зачета, а также четыре экзамена. 13. Вначале года в деканате всем первокурсникам выдали студенческие билеты и зачетные книжки. 14. Когда я начинаю делать домашнее задание, то долго не могу сконцентрироваться на работе -меня постоянно ЧТо-то отвлекает. 15. В обучении ему не нужно прикладывать никаких усилий он все хватает на лету.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I came to the University this past summer and will finish his four years only 2. Better not to skip classes, and you can quickly become from the group. It is well known that overtaking is always tricky. 3. all students in the group have received credit in Linguistics. It was a tough test. 4. my favorite subject, of course, English. But still I like the geography of Great Britain and the United States. love writing dictations and presentation, but understand that it is necessary for acquiring writing skills Schedule shall be drawn up in such a way that lectures interspersed with practical exercises. 7. The headman of our group get a scholarship from the British Council. She will study at the University of London and at the same time write a thesis 8. Don't think, preparing for exams, it makes sense to stay up all night. The effect of such training can be reverse 9. More afraid to fail in the Exam in psychology, so try all learn Almost by heart 10. In the State of teachers we have three professors, four associate professors, 5 senior teachers and seven assistants 11. Checking tests, teacher notes bugs on 12 fields. This session will be one written and two oral examination as well as four exam. 13. At the beginning of the year the Dean all freshmen issued student cards and transcripts. 14. When I start doing homework, long can't concentrate at work-I always something distracting. 15. In training he does not need to put any effort he is missing out on the fly.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I. in the enrolled in the university last summer and finished it in just four years 2. Better not miss classes, and you can quickly be on the group. It is well known that the catch is always more difficult. 3. All students in the group have received credit in linguistics. It was a serious test. 4. My favorite subject, of course, English. And I like the geography of Great Britain and the United States. very much like to write dictations and presentation, but I understand that it is necessary for the acquisition of written language skills schedule is such that the lectures were alternated with practical sessions. 7. The elder of our group received a scholarship from the British Council. She will study at the University of London and at the same time to write a thesis 8. Do not think that, in preparation for the exam, it makes sense all night to go to bed. The effect of such training can be reverse 9. More afraid to fail exam in psychology, so I try to learn by heart all 10. In the state of teachers we have three professors, four associate professors, five assistant professors and seven assistants 11. Checking tests, teacher notes errors in the fields 12. In this session there will be one written and two oral offset, as well as four exams. 13. First, in the dean's office all freshmen issued student cards and transcripts. 14. When I start doing homework, for a long time can not concentrate at work -I always something distracting. 15. The training does not need to put any effort he's missing out on the fly.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i got into the university. in the last summer and has only four years 2. better not skip classes, and you can quickly from a group. it is well known that make is always harder. 3. all the students in the group have been set off by linguistics. it was a serious test. 4. my favorite subject is english. and i like the regional geography of great britain and the united states. i love writing and presenting the dictation, but realize that it is necessary for the acquisition of the skills of writing language schedule is prepared in such a way that the lecture have applied. 7. the chief of our group have a scholarship from the british council. she is studying at the university of london, and at the same time to write my thesis 8. i don"t think, to prepare for the exams makes sense all night don"t sleep. the effect of such training can be a 9. more afraid to fail the final examination, i"m trying to learn by heart all nearly 10. in the state of teachers we have three professors, four associate professors, 5 senior teachers and seven assistants 11. in the work, the teacher points out mistakes in the 12. this session will be one translation and two oral quizzes, as well as four exam. 13. first, by the counselor"s office all freshman year a student tickets and not the book. 14. when i start to do the homework, long time can"t concentrate on work, i keep something distracting. 15. in training he doesn"t need to make any effort he"s short on the fly.
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