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Занимающая почти половину материка

Занимающая почти половину материка страна обладает огромным набором природно-климатических условий. На территории США можно обнаружить как жаркие засушливые пустыни, так и влажные вечнозеленые леса, как суровые горные ландшафты, так и бескрайние просторы заросших травой равнин или густых лесов. В силу этих причин территорию страны обычно разделяют на восемь природных провинций, объединяемых для простоты в четыре зоны: горные районы Кордильер, центральные равнины, Аппалачи и береговые равнины, выделяя Аляску и Гавайские острова в отдельные природные комплексы.

Около половины территории США занимают горные хребты, плоскогорья и плато обширной системы Кордильер, протянувшейся с севера на юг по всему западу страны, от Аляски до Калифорнии и Нью-Мексико. Длина горных цепей около 1700 км при максимальной ширине до 1600 км (почти треть площади США, остальное - Аппалачи и прочие старые горы, часто выветренные до состояния высоких холмов или плато). В сложной системе хребтов и межгорных котловин Кордильер достаточно четко выделяются три пояса - восточный, или пояс Скалистых гор (горы Сакраменто, Сангре-де-Кристо, Передовой хребет, Биг-Хорн и другие, высшая точка - гора Элберт, 4399 м); западный, или Тихоокеанский пояс (Береговые хребты, Сьерра-Невада, Каскадные горы, Нижняя Калифорния и прочее, высшая точка - гора Уитни, 4418 м) и так называемый внутренний пояс, состоящий из высоких плато (Колорадо, Юта и др.) и отдельных горных массивов, разделенных глубокими котловинами ("парками") и долинами (здесь расположена самая низкая точка материка - Долина Смерти, - 85 м). По восточному обводу Скалистых гор и в южной части Береговых хребтов (разлом Сан-Андреас) наблюдается высокая сейсмическая активность, а в Каскадных горах есть действующие и спящие вулканы (Рейнир, Худ, Олимп и др.).

Природа горных районов крайне разнообразна - на восточных и северных склонах в изобилии встречаются густые смешанные леса и участки травянистых прерий, выше по склонам тянутся горные леса, альпийские луга и пустоши, вершины гор венчаются мощными ледниками и снежниками (общая площадь оледенения около 67 тыс. кв. км), а в межгорных котловинах растительность сухая, близкая к средиземноморскому типу. При этом в южных районах межгорий встречаются обширные участки каменистых пустынь и полупустынь (Сонора, Аризона, Мохаве, пустыня Большого Соленого озера и др.), обширные солончаки, а в северных - вечнозеленые горные леса. Со склонов гор берут начало истоки многочисленных рек - Ампкуа, Арканзас, Кламат, Колорадо, Колумбия, Миссури, Платт, Рио-Гранде, Шайенн и другие (горные районы являются естественным водоразделом между бассейнами Атлантического и Тихого океанов), а во внутреннем поясе в изобилии встречаются бессточные районы (Большой Бассейн, впадина Солтон, пустыня Большого Соленого озера и др.) с высохшими озерами, покрытыми толстой коркой соли.

Центральные равнины занимают площадь более 2,9 млн кв. км и тянутся через всю центральную часть США с севера на юг. Рельеф поверхности здесь возвышенный равнинный, с большим количеством холмистых районов и обширными долинами рек. Однако этот район не так однороден, как кажется - на западе возвышаются массивы плато Прерий, Миссури, Льяно-Эстакадо и Эдуардс (высота 700-1800 м, ширина - до 800 км), а на востоке - знаменитые Великие равнины с обширными прериями и сельскохозяйственными областями в центре и на севере и не менее обширными пустошами и эрозионными полупустынями "бедлендз" в южной части. Восточнее тянется полоса Внутренних возвышенностей (плато Озарк, Спрингфилд и Сейлем, а также невысокие горы Бостон и Уошито), а еще восточнее - плодородные Центральные равнины, переходящие на севере в моренные равнины вокруг озер Онтарио, Эри, Гурон и Мичиган.

Восточное побережье страны обрамляет система старых гор Аппалачи, протянувшаяся с северо-востока на юго-запад на 2600 км (высшая точка - гора Митчелл в горах Блек-Маунтинс, 2037 м). Система Аппалач также неоднородна: основной массив образован двумя плато - Аллеган на севере и Камберленд на юге, с востока ограниченных плато Пидмонт и горной системой Блу-Ридж, на севере - горами Адирондак (высшая точка - гора Марси, 1629 м) и возвышенностями Новой Англии (Уайт-Маунтинс и Грин-Маунтинс), а на западе - Большой Аппалачской долиной (Грейт-Велли) и районом многочисленных мелких хребтов и речных долин левых притоков Миссисипи. Эта горная система является одной из старейших на планете, поэтому многие склоны сильно сглажены эрозией и густо поросли широколиственными и хвойными лесами, а многочисленные реки образуют сложную сеть плодородных долин.

С востока и юга район Аппалач окружен Береговыми равнинами, протянувшимися обширной полосой по всему атлантическому побережью США до самой мексиканской границы на юге. Относительно узкая (от 160 до 320 км) Приатлантическая равнина, которая лежит между восточными склонами Аппалач и берегом океана, практически на всем своем протяжении рассечена долинами многочисленных рек. Здесь расположены крупнейшие города страны и многие сельскохозяйственные районы. Примексиканская равнина значительно шире (до 970 км, причем её северная часть вдается в глубь материка по долине Миссисипи почти до озера Мичиган, образуя часть Центральных равнин). Она также испещрена многочисленными речными долинами, причем её южная часть представляет собой протяженную полосу бесчисленных устьев и эстуариев, самым большим из которых является огромная дельта Миссисипи. В юго-восточной части региона глубоко в море выдается низменный полуостров Флорида, почт
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Occupying nearly half of the continent, the country has a huge set of climatic conditions. On the territory of the United States can be found as the hot arid deserts, and moist Evergreen forest, as the harsh mountain landscapes, and endless expanses of grassy plains or dense forests. For these reasons, the territory of the country is usually divided into eight natural provinces merged for simplicity in four zones: montane Cordilleras, Central Plains, Appalachian and coastal plain highlighting Alaska and Hawaii into separate natural complexes.About half of the territory of the United States occupied by mountain ranges, plateaus vast Cordillera system stretching from North to South across the West of the country, from Alaska to California and New Mexico. The length of the mountain ranges around 1700 km with a maximum width up to 1600 km (almost a third of the United States, the rest of Appalachia and other old mountains, often weathered to a State of high hills or plateaus). In a complex system of ridges and intermontane hollows Cordillera quite clearly distinguished three belt, or the belt of the Rockies (mountains, Sangre de Cristo, front range, Big Horn and the other, the highest point is Mount Elbert, 4399 m); West or Pacific zone (Coastal ridges of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade range, Baja California and miscellaneous, the highest point is Mount Whitney, 4418 meters) and the so-called inner belt consisting of the high plateaus (Colorado, Utah, etc.) and certain mountain ranges separated by deep valleys ("parks") and valleys (here is the lowest point of the continent-Death Valley-85 m). Consisting of the Eastern Rockies and southern Coastal ranges (San Andreas fault) seismic activity is high, and in the Cascades is active and dormant volcanoes (Mount Rainier, hood, Olympus, etc.).Nature of mountain areas is extremely varied-on the Eastern and northern slopes abound thick mixed forest and grassy Prairie, above the slopes stretch montane forests, alpine meadows and wastelands, mountains held powerful glaciers and snowfields (total area of glaciation about 67 thousand sq. km), and intermontane hollows vegetation is dry, close to the Mediterranean type. While in the southern parts of mežgorij are found vast tracts of stony deserts and semi-deserts (Sonora, Arizona, Mojave, Great Salt Lake desert, etc.), extensive salt marshes, and in Northern-Evergreen montane forests. From the slopes of the mountains are the origins of numerous rivers-Ampkua, Arkansas, Klamath, Colorado, Colombia, Missouri, Platte, Rio Grande, Cheyenne and others (mountain areas are the natural watershed between the basins of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans), and in the inner zone abounds endorheic areas (large pool, Salton trough, Great Salt Lake desert, etc.) with dry Lakes, covered with a thick crust of salt.Central Plains cover an area of more than 2.9 million square meters. miles and stretch across the central part of the United States from North to South. Topography here elevated plain with lots of hills and vast valleys. But the area is not as homogeneous as it seems in the West Tower arrays plateau Prairie, Missouri, Llano Èstakado and Edwards (height 700-1800 m, width-up to 800 km) and to the East the famous Great Plains with extensive Prairies and agricultural areas in the Centre and North and not less extensive heaths and erosive semideserts "bedlendz" in the South. East of the strip stretches Inland Highlands (Ozarks, Springfield and Salem, as well as the low mountains and Ouachita Mountains), and another to the East-the fertile Central Plains, rolling in the North of the moraine plain around Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron and Michigan.East Coast country frames the old Appalachian mountains system, stretching from the northeast to the southwest at 2600 km (the highest point is Mount Mitchell in the mountains of the Black Mountains, 2037 m). Appalač system also varies: the underlying array formed by two plateau-Allegan to the North and Cumberland County to the South, East Piedmont plateau limited and Blue Ridge Mountain system, Northern Adirondack Mountains (the highest point is Mount Marcy, 1629 m) and the hills of New England (White Mountains and Green Mountains), and in the West-Great Appalachian Valley (Great Valley) and the numerous small mountain ranges and river valleys of the left tributaries of the Mississippi. This mountain is one of the oldest on the planet, so many slopes are heavily smoothed erosion and densely overgrown deciduous and coniferous forests and numerous rivers form a complex network of fertile valleys.With Eastern and Southern District Appalač is surrounded by Coastal plains stretching broad stripe around the United States Atlantic coast to the Mexican border in the South. Relatively narrow (from 160 to 320 km) Priatlantičeskaâ plain which lies between the eastern slopes of the Appalač and the shore of the ocean, practically throughout the entire dissected by valleys of numerous rivers. Here are the country's largest cities and many rural areas. Gulf coastal plain is much wider (up to 970 km, with its northern part extends inland to the Mississippi Valley almost to Lake Michigan, forming part of the Central Plains). She also is dotted with numerous river valleys, and its southern part is a long strip of innumerable mouths and estuaries, the largest of which is the enormous Mississippi River Delta. In the South-Eastern part of the region, deep in the sea is given low-lying Florida peninsula, posts
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Occupies almost half of the continent the country has a huge range of climatic conditions. In the US, you can find out how hot arid deserts and wet evergreen forests as the harsh mountain landscapes and vast expanses of grassy plains and dense forests. For these reasons, the country is usually divided into eight natural provinces united for the sake of simplicity in four zones: the mountainous areas of the Cordillera, Central Plains, the Appalachian mountains and coastal plains, separating Alaska and Hawaii in some natural systems. About half of US territory is occupied by mountain ranges, highlands and plateaus of the Cordillera vast, stretching from north to south across the west of the country, from Alaska to California and New Mexico. The length of the mountain range of about 1,700 km with a maximum width of up to 1,600 km (nearly one-third of the United States, the rest - the Appalachian Mountains and other old, often weathered to a state of high hills or plateau). In a complex system of ridges and intermountain basins of the Cordillera quite clearly divided into three zones - Eastern, or belt of the Rocky Mountains (the mountains of Sacramento, Sangre de Cristo, Front Range, Big Horn and others, the highest point - Mount Elbert, 4399 m); Western, or Pacific belt (Coast Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Mountains, Baja California, etc., the highest point - Mount Whitney, 4418 meters) and the so-called inner belt, which consists of high plateaus (Colorado, Utah, and others.) and individual mountain ranges separated by deep basins ("Park") and valleys (where is the lowest point of the continent - Death Valley - 85 m). ET circumscription of the Rocky Mountains in the southern part of the Coast Ranges (San Andreas Fault) there is a high seismic activity, and in the Cascade Mountains have active and dormant volcanoes (Mount Rainier, Hood, Olympus, etc.). The nature of mountain areas are extremely diverse - on the eastern and the northern slopes are abundant in the dense mixed forests and lots of grassy prairie, higher slopes stretch mountain forests, alpine meadows and heathland, mountain peaks crowned by powerful glaciers and snowfields (total area of glaciation about 67 thousand. sq. km), and in the intermountain basins dry vegetation, close to the Mediterranean type. In the southern regions of the Intermountain found vast areas of rocky desert and semi-desert (Sonora, Arizona, Mojave Desert Great Salt Lake, and others.), Vast salt marshes, and in the north - the evergreen montane forests. From the slopes of the mountains originate sources of many rivers - Ampkua, Arkansas, Klamath, Colorado, Columbia, Missouri, Platte, Rio Grande, Cheyenne and other (mountain areas are a natural watershed between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans), and in the inner belt in abundance there are stagnant areas (Great Basin, Depression Salton, the Great Salt Lake Desert, etc.) with the dry lake, covered with a thick crust of salt. Central Plains occupy an area of more than 2.9 million square feet. km stretch through the entire central part of the USA from north to south. Relief surface is elevated plains, with lots of hilly areas and extensive river valleys. However, this region is not as homogeneous as it seems - the west tower arrays Plateau Prairie, Missouri, Llano Estacado and Edwards (altitude 700-1800 m, width - 800 km) and in the east - the famous Great Plains with extensive prairies and agricultural areas in the center and north, and at least the vast semi-desert wastelands and erosion "bedlendz" in the southern part. To the east stretches the band Internal elevations (Plateau Ozark, Springfield and Salem, and low mountains Boston and Washita), and another to the east - the fertile Central Valley, passing in the north moraine plains around Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron and Michigan. The east coast of the country frames the old system of the Appalachian Mountains, stretching from north-east to south-west for 2600 km (the highest point - Mount Mitchell in the mountains Black Mountains, 2037 m). The system of the Appalachians and heterogeneous: the main array is formed by two plateaus - the Allegheny Mountains to the north and Cumberland in the south, from the east limited the Piedmont Plateau and the mountain system of the Blue Ridge, the north - the mountains of the Adirondacks (highest point - Mount Marcy, 1629 m) and the hills of New England (White Mountains and Green Mountains) and to the west - Great Appalachian Valley (Great Valley) and area of numerous small ridges and river valleys of the left tributaries of the Mississippi. This mountain range is one of the oldest on the planet, so many slopes are heavily smoothed by erosion and densely overgrown with deciduous and coniferous forests and numerous rivers form a complex network of fertile valleys. From the east and south of the area Appalachian surrounded by a coastal plain, which stretches wide strip around the Atlantic coast the United States until the Mexican border in the south. The relatively narrow (160 to 320 km) Atlantic Coastal Plain, which lies between the eastern slopes of the Appalachians and the ocean, almost its entire length dissected valleys of numerous rivers. Here are the country's largest cities and many rural areas. Primeksikanskaya plain is much wider (up to 970 km, and its northern part juts into the mainland of the Mississippi Valley almost to Lake Michigan, forming part of the Central Valley). It is also dotted with numerous river valleys, and its southern part is a long strip of countless mouths and estuaries, the largest of which is the huge delta of the Mississippi. In the south-eastern part of the region deep in the sea shall be issued low-lying Florida peninsula, Posts

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
with almost half of the country has a huge array of natural and climatic conditions. in the united states can be detected as the hot, arid desert, and wet evergreen forests.as the harsh mountain landscapes, and the vast expanse of заросших grass plains or dense forests. for these reasons, the territory is usually divided into eight natural provincesas for simplicity in four zones: cordillera central mountain areas, plains, the appalachian mountains and the coastal plains and alaska, and the hawaiian islands in some natural systems.

about half of the us took the ridges, and highland plateau vast system of cordillera, extending from north to south in the west country, from alaska to california and new mexico.the length of the mountain chain of about 1700 km with a maximum width of up to 1600 km (almost a third of the area of the us, the rest of the appalachian mountains and other old mountains, often to the point of highest elevation выветренные or plateau).in the complex system of ridges and межгорных котловин cordillera is clearly distinguishes between three belt or belt east, rocky mountain (mountains of sacramento, the sangre de cristo, front range, big horn and othersthe highest point is mount elbert, 4399 m); the western or pacific belt (pacific coast ranges and sierra nevada, the cascade range, baja california. the highest point is mount whitney, four four one eight m) and the so-called internal beltconsisting of a high plateau (colorado, utah, etc.) and some mountain ranges separated by deep котловинами ("parks") and valleys (here is the lowest point of the mainland - death valley, 85 m).the eastern обводу rocky mountains and southern coastal ranges (fault san andreas), there is a high seismic activity and, in the cascade mountains are active and dormant volcanoes (mount rainier, hood, olympus etc.).

the nature of extremely diverse mountain at the eastern and northern slopes are abundant in dense mixed forests and areas of grassy plains, hillsides are drawn above the mountain forests, alpine meadows and wastelandthe top of the mountain венчаются powerful glaciers and снежниками (total area of glaciers, about 67%. kv. km), and in межгорных accumulates vegetation dry, near the mediterranean type.in the southern межгорий found vast tracts of stony deserts and полупустынь (sonoran desert, arizona, mojave desert, the desert of salt lakes, etc.), the large salt flats.and northern evergreen mountain forests. from the slopes of the mountains originated the numerous rivers - ампкуа, arkansas, klamath river, colorado, columbia, missouri, platte, rio grandecheyenne and other mountain areas are the natural watershed between the atlantic and pacific oceans basins), and in the domestic belt are abundant in бессточные areas (big pool, and salton sea, too.great salt lake desert, etc.) with a shrunken lake covered with thick crust of salt.

central plains occupy area of over 2.9 million square metres. km and are drawn through the central part of the united states from the north to the south.
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