Рождественские традиции
Празднование Хогуэрас (Hogueras) является старинной испанской традицией празднования зимнего солнцестояния. Это самый короткий день в году. В некоторых регионах испанцы прыгают через костры, и это считается ритуалом, который защищает от болезней.
Самым популярным и важным традиционным символом является, конечно же, белен. Он имеет форму макета, который демонстрирует рождение Христа. Он является настоящим украшением города и домов. Все магазины, офисы, рестораны выставляют на всеобщее обозрение собственный белен. А самые красивые рождественские композиции располагаются на главной площади каждого города. Это настоящие произведения искусства, которые отображают кусочек жизни. Сейчас любой магазин в Испании торгует предметами для сооружения белена, причем материал самый разнообразный. Поэтому, каждая семья имеет свою композицию.
Каждый год жителей развлекают пиротехнические шоу, музыка, рождественские рынки и традиционные ярмарки. Все это обеспечивает особое настроение. В городке, расположенном в провинции Малага (Málaga), в Андалусии (Andalucía), рождество проводится в стиле фламенко, вместе с конкурсами и соответствующими концертами. Это важнейшее культурное событие. Традиция не является старинной. Она возникла совсем недавно. Жители наслаждаются выступлениями певцов и танцовщиков. А также, дегустацией анисового ликера, десертного вина и выпечки местного производства.
Арчена (Archena) на Рождество становится настоящей средневековой торговой точкой. На рынке продают старинные кувшины, смеси из трав, курдюки для вина. Клоуны, ведьмы и гадалки являются неотъемлемым атрибутом. Жители словно попадают в прошлый век.
Ежегодно 25 декабря, в первое воскресение января и 6 января Братство Доброго Имени Иисуса проводит необычный ритуал в Каудете (Caudete) (провинция Албасете (Albacete)). В эти дни проводятся танцы «Reinado infantil» («Детского царства»), потом «Reinados adultos» («Взрослого царства»). Место действия – Церковная площадь. С площади все веселье переносится в залы местной Ассоциации Компарс.
Жители городка Галистео (Galisteo), расположенного в провинции Касерес (Caceres), имеют немного отличное проведение Рождества. Члены братства, образованного в 1662 году, совершают Акт Веры. Актеры представляют зрителям лишь одну «пьесу» братства. Готовиться начинают с первого воскресенья ноября. Распорядитель сам выбирает тему репетиций. В канун Рождества, около 10 часов утра, помощник распорядителя появляется на улице и бьет в барабан. Таким образом, он созывает всех членов братства в дом распорядителя. Там уже расположена люлька с младенцем Христом. Все братья кланяются люльке. После своеобразного обряда, они все собирают рождественские подаяния. В процессе они поют различные песни. А 25 декабря распорядитель угощает всех братьев обедом. Параллельно Карантолья, который олицетворяет Ирода, «пугает» людей на улице своим видом. Представление «Священного акта», начинающееся в 3 часа дня, приводит праздник к логическому завершению.
Херес (Jerez) , расположенный в провинции Кадис (Cádiz), накануне Рождества поражает город новогодней иллюминацией. Рождественская программа включает рынок, конкурсы, праздник «Котильона». Традицией является исполнение гимнов во славу Девы Марии и Младенца Христа в аккомпанементе самбобо. Это старинный шумовой инструмент. Также устраиваются импровизированные концерты и поются песни.
Вехер-де-ла-Фронтера (Vejer de la Frontera) в провинции Кадис (Cádiz) имеет свои традиции. В период Рождества городок просто наполняется звуками самбобо. Также проводится конкурс беленей среди всех жителей и организуется показ «Живых картинок Вифлеема».
Новогодние испанские колядки или «Villancicos», зародились в 13 веке, а распространились в Испании в 16 веке. Сам термин связан со словом «villa» — деревня. То есть, это говорит о том, что песни зародились изначально именно в деревнях. В те времена они исполнялись крестьянами на различных фестивалях и не имели абсолютно ничего общего с Рождеством. Но уже в 19 веке все изменилось. Эти песни стали ассоциироваться с рождением младенца Иисуса.
28 декабря отмечается день Простаков. Он является аналогом русского 1 апреля. Испанцы — народ веселый, поэтому шутить друг над другом умеют. В этот день газеты публикуют различные ложные объявления, а фонтаны наполняются мыльной пеной. Стандартной шуткой считается приклеивание к спине знакомого фигурки «мoниготе» («monigote»). Также, популярна замена сахара солью за семейным столом. Этот день, кстати, имеет религиозное происхождение. Согласно католическим традициям – это День младенцев-мучеников. И он отмечается в память о детях, которые избивались по приказу Ирода в Вифлееме.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Christmas traditionsCommemoration (Hogueras) Hoguèras is an old Spanish tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. This is the shortest day of the year. In some regions the Spaniards jump over bonfires, and it is considered a rite of passage, which protects against disease.The most popular and important traditional symbol is, of course, Belen. It has the form of a layout that shows the birth of Christ. He is a real decoration of the city and houses. All shops, offices, restaurants were paraded its own Belen. And the most beautiful Christmas songs arranged in the main square of each city. These are real works of art that depict a slice of life. Now any store in Spain sells objects for construction of Belén, and most diverse material. Therefore, each family has its own composition.Every year residents entertained pyrotechnic show, music, Christmas markets and traditional fairs. All this provides a special mood. In the town, located in the province of Malaga (Málaga) Andalucía (Andalucía), Christmas is done in the style of flamenco, along with contests and their respective concerts. This major cultural event. Tradition is not an antique. She emerged more recently. Residents enjoy performances by singers and dancers. As well as tasting aniseed liqueur, sweet wine and baking of local production.ARchENA (Archena) on Christmas day becomes a real medieval trade point. The market sells vintage jugs, a mixture of herbs, wine kurdûki. Clowns, witches and fortune tellers are inherent. Residents like fall in the last century.25 December each year, in the first resurrection January 6 January and the brotherhood of the good name of Jesus holds an unusual ritual in Caudete (Caudete) (province of Albasete (Albacete)). In these days of the dancing "Reinado infantil" ("Children of the Kingdom"), then "Reinados" adultos (adult Kingdom "). Venue-church square. The square all the fun is transferred into the halls of the local Association Kompars.Residents of the town of Galisteo (Galisteo) located in the province of Cáceres (Caceres), have a few excellent carrying out of Christmas. Members of the brotherhood, formed in the year 1662, committed an act of faith. Actors represent the audience only one "piece" of the brotherhood. Prepare beginning with the first Sunday of November. Managing Director chooses the topic of rehearsals. On Christmas Eve, about 10:00 am, managing Assistant appears and beats of the drum. Thus, he shall convene all members of the brotherhood in House Manager. There already is a pram with the Christ child. All brothers bow rocker. After a peculiar rite, they all collect Christmas alms. In the process they sing different songs. And 25 December treats all brothers managing lunch. Parallel Karantol′â, who personifies Herod, "scares" people on the street for their views. Presentation of the "Sacred Act, beginning in 3:00 days, leads to the logical conclusion of the celebration.Jerez (Jerez), located in the province of Cádiz (Cádiz), on the eve of Christmas strikes the City Christmas lights. Christmas program includes a market, competitions, holiday «Kotil′ona». Tradition is the performance of hymns in praise of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child in the accompaniment sambobo. This is a vintage rattle instrument. Also improvised concerts and Sung songs.Vejer de la Frontera (Vejer de la Frontera) in the province of Cadiz (Cádiz) has its own traditions. In the Christmas period town just brimming with sounds of sambobo. Belenej is also among all inhabitants and showing live pictures of Bethlehem.Spanish Christmas carols or Villancicos "originated in the 13 century and spread in Spain in the 16 century. The term is associated with the word "villa" is a village. That is, it is said that the song originated initially it is in villages. In those days they were performed at various festivals and farmers had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. But in the 19 century everything changed. These songs have become associated with the birth of baby Jesus.December 28 marks the day of the innocents. He is an analogue of Russian April 1. The Spaniards are the people happy, so the joke on top of each other. On this day, newspapers publish various false ads, and fountains fill with soap scum. The standard joke is considered the glue to the back of the familiar figures of "monigote» («monigote"). Also, the popular sugar substitute salt for the family table. That day, by the way, has religious origins. According to the Catholic tradition is a Day for infants-martyrs. And it is celebrated in memory of the children who are beaten on the orders of Herod in Bethlehem.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Christmas Traditions Celebration Hogueras (Hogueras) is an old Spanish tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. It is the shortest day of the year. In some regions, the Spaniards jump over bonfires, and this is considered a ritual that protects against disease. The most popular and important traditional character is, of course, Belen. It has the shape of a layout that shows the birth of Christ. It is a real gem of the city and houses. All shops, offices, restaurants paraded own Belen. And the most beautiful Christmas composition are located on the main square of each city. These are real works of art that show a piece of life. Now any store in Spain sells items for the construction of henbane, and the most diverse material. Therefore, each family has its own song. Every year, residents entertain firework displays, music, Christmas markets and traditional fairs. All this provides a special mood. The town, located in the province of Málaga (Málaga), Andalusia (Andalucía), Christmas is performed in the style of flamenco, along with contests and related concerts. This major cultural event. Tradition is not old. It emerged recently. Residents enjoy the performances of singers and dancers. As well as tasting anise liqueur, sweet wine and pastries of local production. Archena (Archena) Christmas becomes a real medieval trading point. The market sells antique jugs, a mixture of herbs, wine rump. Clowns, witches and fortune tellers are the essential attribute. Residents seemed to fall into the last century. Every year on December 25 on the first Sunday of January and January 6 Brotherhood of the Good Name of Jesus holds an unusual ritual caudete (Caudete) (province of Albacete (Albacete)). These days are held dances «Reinado infantil» («Children of the kingdom"), then «Reinados adultos» («Adult kingdom"). Location - Church Square. With all the fun area is transferred to the halls of the local Association Kompars. Residents of the town of Galisteo (Galisteo), located in the province of Cáceres (Caceres), have a slightly different holding Christmas. The members of the Brotherhood, formed in 1662, commit an act of faith. The actors are the audience only one "play" brotherhood. Ready to start on the first Sunday of November. The manager chooses the subject of rehearsals. On Christmas Eve, at about 10 am, the assistant manager there on the street and hit the drum. Thus, he shall convene all members of the fraternity house manager. There already is a cradle with the infant Christ. All the brothers bow cradle. After a kind of rite, they collect alms Christmas. While they sing different songs. And on December 25 the manager treats all brothers dinner. Parallel Karantolya which represents Herod, "frightening" people on the street to their views. Presentation of the "sacred act", beginning at 3 pm, the holiday brings to a logical conclusion. Jerez (Jerez), located in the province of Cadiz (Cádiz), hits town on Christmas Eve Christmas illuminations. Christmas program includes market competitions, the festival "cotillion". Tradition is an anthem in praise of the Virgin Mary and the Christ child in the accompaniment sambobo. It is an ancient instrument noise. Also, impromptu concerts and singing songs. Vejer de la Frontera (Vejer de la Frontera) in the province of Cadiz (Cádiz) has its own traditions. The Christmas period is filled with the sounds of the town just sambobo. Also, there is a contest among all residents of Belene and organized the show "live pictures of Bethlehem." Christmas carols, or the Spanish «Villancicos», originated in the 13th century and spread to Spain in the 16th century. The term is associated with the word «villa» - Village. That is, it is said that the song was originally born in the villages. In those days, they were filled with peasants at various festivals and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. But in the 19th century, everything changed. These songs have become associated with the birth of baby Jesus. December 28 is the day of Innocents. He is a Russian analogue of April 1st. Spaniards - the people cheerful, so the joke over each other can do. On this day, the newspapers publish various false ads and fountains filled with soap suds. The standard joke is considered to be sticking to the back of a familiar figure "monigote» («monigote»). Also, the popular sugar substitute salt at the family table. This day, by the way, has a religious origin. According to Catholic tradition - a baby-day martyrs. And he celebrated in memory of the children who were beaten on the orders of Herod in Bethlehem.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the celebration of christmas traditions хогуэрас (Hogueras) is an ancient spanish tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. this is the shortest day of the year. in some regions the jumping through fire.and this is the ritual, which protects against disease.
the most popular and important traditional symbol is, of course, belen. it has the form of a layout, which is the birth of christ.he is a real jewel of the city and houses. all the shops, offices, restaurants are on display own belen.and the most beautiful christmas songs are located on the main square of the city. this is the real works of art that show the slice of life.now any store in spain, selling items for the construction of henbane and material is one of the most diverse. however, each family has its own composition.
every year people entertain pyrotechnic show, musicchristmas markets and traditional fairs. it provides a special mood. in the town, located in the province of malaga (Málaga), andalusia (Andalucía), christmas is in the style of the flamencowith the competitions and concerts. this is a major cultural event. tradition is not old. she had just recently. residents enjoy performances by singers and dancers. as well as,moreover, анисового liquor, wine and pastries десертного local production.
archena (Archena) christmas is the medieval trading point. on the market sell antique crocks, mixture of herbsкурдюки for wine. clowns, witches and fortune tellers are an integral part. people like fall in the last century.
every year december 25.
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