В нашем городе много красивых и интересных мест. Мое любимое место в г перевод - В нашем городе много красивых и интересных мест. Мое любимое место в г английский как сказать

В нашем городе много красивых и инт

В нашем городе много красивых и интересных мест. Мое любимое место в городе, это ботанический сад. Это очень красивое место нашего города. Особенно он красив осенью. В это время там бывает очень мало людей. Наверное поэтому я и люблю это место. В тишине я могу подумать обо всем, послушать музыку и почитать книги. Когда мы ходим туда с друзьями, мы обязательно делаем огромное количество различных фотографий. Каждый раз приходя в это место, у меня поднимается настроение. Я могу побыть на единое с собой. Так же, это место очень красиво весной. Весной сюда приходят много людей, но больше всего студентов. Я нахожу себе много новых и интересных собеседников. С некоторыми из них мы до сих пор поддерживаем дружеские отношения. Для меня ботанический сад не просто красивое и интересное место, это для меня родное и любимое место!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In our city there are many beautiful and interesting places. My favorite place in town, this botanical garden. This is a very beautiful place of our town. Especially it is beautiful in the fall. At this time there are very few people. Perhaps this is why I love this place. In silence I can think about everything, listen to music and read books. When we go there with friends, we will do a huge number of different photos. Every time I come to this place, I have lifted the mood. I can be at one with yourself. Also, this place is very beautiful in the spring. Many people come here in the spring, but most of all students. I find a lot of new and interesting people. Some of them we still maintain friendly relations. For me, not just a beautiful botanical garden and an interesting place, that to me is a native and favorite place!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In our city there are many beautiful and interesting places. My favorite place in the city, is a botanical garden. This is a very beautiful place in our city. Especially it is beautiful in the fall. At this time, there is very few people. Perhaps that is why I love this place. In the silence I can think about everything, listen to music and read books. When we go there with friends, we will do a lot of different pictures. Every time coming to this place, I have lifted the mood. I can stay on one with you. So, this place is very beautiful in the spring. Spring come here a lot of people, but most of all students. I find a lot of new and interesting people. With some of them we still maintain friendly relations. For me, the botanical garden is not just a beautiful and interesting place, it's my home and favorite place!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In our city many beautiful and interesting places. My favorite place in the city, this is the botanical garden. This is a very beautiful place our city. In particular, he is beautiful in autumn. At this time there are very few people.I think that is why I love this place. In the quiet i can think about it all, to listen to music and read books. When we go out there with your friends, we'll be sure to do a great number of different photos.Each time coming to this position, I will raise your mood. I can't miss a single with a. So, this is a very nicely in spring. In Spring this is where many people, but most of all students.I find many new and interesting interlocutors. With some of them we still support the friendly relations. For me the botanical garden is not just a beautiful and interesting place,The clue for me and favorite place!
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