ДИСТРОФИЯ МИОКАРДА – БОЛЕЗНЬ «СПОРТИВНОЕ СЕРДЦЕ»Когда интенсивность за перевод - ДИСТРОФИЯ МИОКАРДА – БОЛЕЗНЬ «СПОРТИВНОЕ СЕРДЦЕ»Когда интенсивность за английский как сказать



Когда интенсивность занятий критическая пульс 180-200 в минуту сердце вынужденно сокращаться очень часто и не успевает расслабится.

Возникает внутренне напряжение сердца и кровь через него плохо проходит. Происходит закисление, которое приводит к росту стенок сердца (гипертрофия). А если закисление будет продолжаться слишком долго или слишком часто – это приводит к умиранию (некрозу) клеток сердца. Это микроинфаркты, которые спортсмен обычно не замечает.

Умершие клетки сердца превращаются в соединительную ткань, которая является балластом не сокращается и плохо проводит электрические импульсы – только мешает.

Это и есть дистрофия миокарда или «спортивное сердце». Дистрофия миокарда развивается при пульсе 180-200 в минуту и является причиной смерти многих спортсменов из-за остановки сердца. Большая часть смертей происходит во сне. Но причиной все равно являются микроинфаркты полученные во время очень интенсивных тренировок.

Часто можно заметить, как подростков или взрослых разные тренера сразу начинают усиленно тренировать. Это глупость и отсутствие знаний. Обязательно нужно учитывать подготовленность человека и состояние его сердечно сосудистой системы
Большая проблема, особенно для мужчин, когда они были молодыми и активно занимались спортом, а потом перестали , но очень часто, в 30 - 45 лет резко пробуют повторить свои "детские таланты", а сердце уже не может работать как раньше, а ЭГО то большое - вот тут и скрывается самая большая опасность!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
LIVER DISEASES-DISEASE "SPORTS HEART"When classes are critical pulse 180-200 per minute heart forced to decline very often and don't have time to relax.Occurs internally strain the heart and blood through him bad passes. Acidification occurs, which leads to increased heart wall (hypertrophy). And if acidification will continue too long or too often, this leads to dying (necrosis) cells of the heart. It is mikroinfarkty that the athlete is usually not observed.Dead heart cells turn into connective tissue, which is the ballast is not reduced and bad conducts electrical impulses only.This is the liver diseases or "sports heart." Liver diseases develops at the pulse of 180-200 per minute and is the cause of death of many athletes due to cardiac arrest. A large part of deaths occurs in a dream. But the cause is still mikroinfarkty received during the very intense workouts. You can see how often teenagers or adults different coach immediately begin to train hard. It's stupidity and lack of knowledge. It is necessary to take into account the readiness of the person and the State of his cardiovascular systemA big problem, especially for men, when they were young and have been actively engaged in sports, and then stopped, but very often in 30-45 years trying to repeat its "children's talents", and the heart can no longer work as they used to be, but the EGO that large-and here lurks the biggest danger!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Myocardial dystrophy - a disease of "athlete's heart"

when the exercise intensity is critical pulse 180-200 per minute heart is forced to fall very often and does not have time to relax.

There is internal stress of the heart and blood passes through it badly. Acidification takes place, which leads to an increase in the heart wall (hypertrophy). If acidification will last too long or too often - it leads to the dying (necrosis) of heart cells. . It microinfarcts that the athlete usually does not notice

who died of heart cells are transformed into connective tissue, which is not reduced ballast and poorly conducts electrical impulses -. Only it prevents

This is the degeneration of the myocardium or "athletic heart". Myocardial dystrophy develops when the pulse 180-200 per minute and is the cause of death of many athletes due to cardiac arrest. Most of the deaths occur in the dream. But the reason is still microinfarcts obtained during very intense exercise.

Often it can be seen as a teen or adult different coach immediately begin to train hard. This is nonsense and lack of knowledge. Be sure to take into account the human preparedness and state of his cardiovascular system
big problem, especially for women, when they were young and actively engaged in sports, and then stopped, but very often, in 30 - 45 years abruptly try to repeat his "children talents", and the heart can no longer work as before, but something big ego - and here lies the greatest danger!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
myocardial dystrophy is a disease "athletic heartwhen the intensity of the critical pulse class 180 200 in a heart to decline very often and doesn't have time to relax.the internal voltage hearts and blood through the bad passes. on acidification, which leads to the growth of the heart (hypertrophy). if acidification will continue for too long or too often this leads to dying out (are) cells of the heart. this микроинфаркты that athlete usually don't notice.heart dead cells into the connective tissue, which is not reduced, and the ballast bad conducts electrical impulses is prevented.this is the heart of myocardial dystrophy or "sport. myocardial dystrophy is the pulse of 180 - 200 per minute, and causes the death of many athletes, of heart failure. most of the deaths happened in the dream. but it still is микроинфаркты received during a very intense training.often can be seen as adolescents or adults different coach immediately start to train harder. it's stupidity and lack of knowledge. need to take into account the knowledge rights and state of cardio vascular systema big problem, especially for the men when they were young and were active in sports, and then stopped, but very often in the 30 - 45 years there are trying to repeat its "children's talents, but the heart already could not work as before, and the ego that big here, and is the biggest danger.
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