. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад и вперед по террасе. 2. Строго г перевод - . Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад и вперед по террасе. 2. Строго г английский как сказать

. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит вз

. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад и вперед по террасе. 2. Строго говоря, это не совсем то, что я хотела сказать. 3. Том увидел, что в воде что-то быстро движется. 4. Приехав домой, он увидел, что его совсем не ждали. 5. Холодные лучи заходящего солнца освещали вершины деревьев. 6. Он заметил, что за ним кто-то следит и, поняв это, решил изменить свой путь. 7. Было слышно, как где-то вдалеке играла музыка. 8. Судя по тому, как ласково она на него смотрит, он ей нравится. 9. Видя, что собираются тучи, мы решили отложить прогулку. 10. Дойдя до середины, я почувствовала, что мост дрожит. 11. Было слышно, как больной стонет от боли. 12. Услышав шаги на пустынной улице, она насторожилась. 13. Стараясь скрыть свое Смущение, она начала что-то торопливо рассказывать, обращаясь к своему спутнику. 14. Выйдя в сад, я увидела, что дети мирно играют, как будто ничего не случилось. 15. Я наблюдала за тем, как внимательно он читал письмо. 16. Вообще говоря, у меня нет времени, чтобы выслушивать ее нелепые истории.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. She heard her father going back and forth on the terrace. 2. strictly speaking, this is not really what I wanted to say. 3. Tom saw that something in the water is moving rapidly. 4. Having arrived home, he saw that it was not expected. 5. cold rays of the setting sun lit up the tops of the trees. 6. He observed that it is following someone and, realizing this, has decided to change its path. 7. Could be heard as somewhere far away to play music. 8. Judging from the way she looks at him tenderly, she likes it. 9. Seeing that gather storm clouds, we have decided to postpone the trip. 10. When you reach the Middle, I felt the bridge shaking. 11. Hear how sick is groaning in pain. 12. Hearing footsteps on a deserted Street, she cringed. 13. Trying to hide his embarrassment, she started something hurriedly tell, turning to his companion. 14. Going out into the garden, I saw kids playing peacefully, as if nothing had happened. 15. I observed how carefully he read the letter. 16. Generally speaking, I have no time to listen to her ridiculous story.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. She heard her father walks up and down the terrace. 2. Strictly speaking, this is not exactly what I wanted to say. 3. Tom saw that the water is something moving quickly. 4. Once home, he saw that it was not expected. 5. Cold rays of the setting sun illuminated the tops of the trees. 6. He noted that he was someone watching and, realizing this, I decided to change their ways. 7. I could hear in the distance the music played. 8. Judging by how tenderly she looks at him, she likes him. 9. Seeing that the storm clouds gather, we decided to postpone the trip. 10. When he reached the middle, I felt that the bridge was shaking. 11. They could hear the groans from the pain patient. 12. Hearing steps on the deserted street, she cringed. 13. Trying to hide her embarrassment, she started something hurriedly tell, turning to his companion. 14. Once in the garden, I saw children playing peacefully, as if nothing had happened. 15. I watched carefully as he read the letter. 16. Generally speaking, I do not have time to listen to her silly stories.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. She was, as her father runs back and forth on terrace. 2. Strictly speaking, this is not just the fact that I would like to say. 3. That, and when he saw that there was in the water that the fast-moving. 4. On arriving home, he saw that it had not waited. 5.Cold the glow of the setting sun covered the top trees. 6. He observed that for him who are the monitors and, realizing this, decided to change its path. 7. It can be heard, as well as distant played a music. 8. Judging from the fact,How amusing it was to him watching, he she likes. 9. Seeing that the clouds are collected, we have decided to defer taking a walk. 10. When you get to the middle, I felt that the bridge tremors. 11. It can be heard, as well as painful course of pain. 12.When you hear steps at the desert street, after smelling it. 13. Trying to hide his blush, she began the guiltier to tell, referring to his sisters. 14. Went out to the garden, I saw that the children played peacefully,As if nothing had happened. 15. I observed the order, as well as carefully he read letter. 16. Generally speaking, I don't have the time to listen to it ridiculous of history.
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