Сергей ГриненкоЕще один, не первый и, уверен, не последний проект заме перевод - Сергей ГриненкоЕще один, не первый и, уверен, не последний проект заме английский как сказать

Сергей ГриненкоЕще один, не первый

Сергей Гриненко
Еще один, не первый и, уверен, не последний проект замечательных людей. Пока, к сожалению, единственное в городе кафе GOODVEGS заняло свою нишу среди подобных заведений. В оригинальном меню, имеющем к тому же чрезвычайно широкий ассортимент, любой найдет блюдо по вкусу и по карману. Отведав местных угощений, обязательно захочется вернуться. Личное впечатление — это не только вкусно, но и очень сытно. В сравнении с прочими аналогами соотношение стоимость/насыщ ение однозначно в пользу GOODVEGS, характерной чертой которого является не только кулинарная самобытность, но и положенная в основу идея. Зашедший на эту страничку случайно, может подумать, что это очередная «секта» воинствующих вегетарианцев, осуждающих приверженцев всех прочих диет. Но это не так. Как наблюдатель процесса зарождения идеи я знаю, что сложно найти людей более толерантных к чужому пути, нежели ее авторы. Когда вы читаете «вегетарианский », это не значит «только для вегетарианцев». Так же, как кафе-мороженое предлагает свой продукт всем, хотя и не предполагает наличие мяса в блюдах, GOODVEGS открыто для любого, независимо от вкусовых предпочтений. Концепция заведения — не посягательство на чьи-то пристрастия, а интересная альтернатива. И это не случайность, а принцип. Другой принцип — служить людям, приносить пользу, делать мир лучше. Это не маркетинговый фарс и не показуха — это стиль и цель жизни создателей, которые открыли свою очередную грань. Этот настрой пронизывает не только идею проекта, но замечательным образом определяет атмосферу в самом кафе от барной стойки до кухни. Заглянув под солнечную вывеску, получаешь нечастую возможность подпитаться не только едой, но и хорошим настроением. Это — факт. Я от всей души желаю процветания GOODVEGS. Надеюсь, что одно кафе вскоре превратится в сеть, а новый бренд получит широкое признание.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sergey GrinenkoAnother one, not the first and I'm sure not the last project of great people. So far, unfortunately, only in the Café GOODVEGS took its place among such institutions. In the original menu that has a very wide range of products, all will find a dish to taste and pocket. Tasting the local delicacies, you will want to return. Personal impression is not only delicious, but also very satisfying. Compared to other equivalent ratio cost/saturation of unambiguously in favour of GOODVEGS, characterized by not only culinary identity, but also the philosophy behind the idea. Logging in to this page by accident, you might be thinking that this is another "sect" of militant vegetarians, condemning the adherents of all other diets. But it's not. As an observer of the origin of ideas I know that it is difficult to find people more tolerant to foreign ways than its authors. When you read a "vegetarian", it does not mean "only for vegetarians". Just like the ice cream parlor offers its product to all, although not presupposed the existence of meat in the dishes, GOODVEGS is open to anyone, regardless of taste preferences. The concept of the establishment — do not attack on someone's addiction and interesting alternative. And it's not a coincidence, but the principle. Another principle is to serve people, to benefit, make the world a better place. This is not marketing the farce and not show-off is the style and purpose of life creators who opened its regular line. This attitude permeates not only the idea of the project, but remarkable way defines the atmosphere in the Cafe from the bar to the kitchen. Beneath a Sun sign, you get nečastuû to nourished not only food, but also a good mood. This is a fact. I wish prosperity to GOODVEGS. I hope that soon turns into a cafe one network, and the new brand would be widely accepted.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sergey Grinenko
Another, not the first and I am sure not the last project of great people. So far, unfortunately, only in a cafe GOODVEGS find its niche among similar institutions. In the original menu, besides having an extremely wide range of products, all find a dish to your taste and pocket. Sample local treats, be sure to want to come back. Personal impression - is not only delicious, but also very satisfying. In comparison with other analogues cost / sat ix unequivocally in favor GOODVEGS, a feature which is not only a culinary identity, but also laid the basis for the idea. Who came to this page by accident, may think that this is another "sect" militant vegetarians condemning adherents of all other diets. But it is not. As an observer of the process of origin of idea, I know, it's hard to find people more tolerant of others' way than its authors. When you read the "vegetarian" does not mean "only for vegetarians." Just like an ice cream parlor offers its product to all, although not presupposes meat dishes, GOODVEGS open to anyone, regardless of taste preferences. The concept of institution - not an attack on someone's addiction, but an interesting alternative. And it is no accident, but the principle. Another principle - to serve the people benefit, make the world better. This is not a marketing farce and not show-off - a style of life and the purpose of the creators, who opened his next face. This attitude permeates not only the idea of the project, but in a remarkable way determines the atmosphere in the cafe from the bar to the kitchen. Looking under the sun sign, get infrequent opportunity to absorb not only food, but also a good mood. This is - a fact. I sincerely wish prosperity GOODVEGS. I hope that one cafe soon turn into a network, and a new brand has been widely recognized.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Sergei Grinenko
another, is not the first and, I am sure, will not be the last draft remarkable people. So far, unfortunately, the city's only cafe GOODVEGS took its niche among similar institutions. In the original menu,Legally the same an extremely wide range of, any find a dish to taste and to afford. Crowded local delights, be sure to want to return. Personal experience is not only delicious, but also very starlets.In comparison with the other alternatives the ratio cost/sat term review ................................... unequivocally in favor of GOODVEGS, a feature of which is not only recipe identity, but also underlying the idea.Maximum visitors to this page by accident, you may think that this is the "sect" militant vegetarians, condemning all faiths other diet. But this is not the case. As soon as the observer for the process emerging ideas I know,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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