. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его товарищ перевод - . Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его товарищ английский как сказать

. Он был уверен, что они работают в

. Он был уверен, что они работают вместе. 2. Он думал, что его товарищи приходят с утра. 3. Он думал, что его товарищи работают, и не хотел им мешать. 4. Он знал, что они никогда не работали прежде. 5. Он полагал, что они будут работать вместе. 6. Она знала, что они обычно встают в 8 часов. 7. Она не знала, что они ее ждут. 8. Она не знала, что он уже купил словарь. 9. Она знала, что мальчик интересуется историей. 10. Она сказала, что этот профессор читает лекции по истории. 11. Он сказал, что профессор читает лекцию. 12. Мне сказали, что лекция начнется в 5 часов. 13. Я не знала, что вы тоже любите музыку. 14. Я думала, что они знают друг ^руга с детства. 15. Она сказала, что идет дождь и что нам лучше сидеть дома. 16. Она сказала, что думает, что завтра будет хорошая погода. 17. Вчера я написала статью, которую буду читать в конце месяца на заседании кафедры. 18. Школьникам сказали, что вода состоит из двух газов. 19. Я думала, что моя сестра их хорошо знает. 20. Я думала, что она их давно знает. 2]. Мне сказали, что вы читаете эту книгу уже больше месяца; пора вам вернуть ее в библиотеку. 22. На днях Елена получила письмо, которое ее очень расстроило, но о котором, я уверена, она никому не. сказала.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. He was sure that they work together. 2. He thought that his companions come in the morning. 3. He thought that his comrades are working, and did not want to interfere. 4. He knew that they had never worked before. 5. He believed that they would work together. 6. She knew that they usually arise in 8:00. 7. She did not know what they are waiting for. 8. She did not know that he had already bought a dictionary. 9. She knew that boy interested in history. 10. She said that the Professor lectures on history. 11. He said that the Professor lectures. 12. I was told that the lecture will begin at 5:00. 13. I didn't know that you also love music. 14. I thought they know each ^ Ruga since childhood. 15. She said that it was raining and that we had better stay at home. 16. She said that she thinks will be good weather tomorrow. 17. Yesterday I wrote an article that will be read at the end of the month at the faculty meeting. 18. Pupils were told that water consists of two gases. 19. I thought my sister knows them. 20. I thought she was their long knows. 2.] told me that you read this book for more than a month; It's time for you to return it to the library. 22. Elena recently received a letter that she was very upset, but about which I am sure she is a nobody. said.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. He was sure that they work together. 2. He thought that his comrades come in the morning. 3. He thought that his comrades work and did not want to disturb them. 4. He knew that they had never worked before. 5. It is believed that they will work together. 6. She knew that they usually get up at 8 o'clock. 7. She did not know that they are waiting for her. 8. She did not know that he had already bought a dictionary. 9. She knew that the boy was interested in history. 10. She said that the professor lectures on history. 11. He said that a professor lecturing. 12. I was told that the lecture will begin at 5:00. 13. I did not know that you love music, too. 14. I think that they know each ^ arguing with childhood. 15. She said that the rain and we had better stay at home. 16. She said she thinks that tomorrow will be good weather. 17. Yesterday I wrote an article that will be read at the end of the month at a meeting of the department. 18. Pupils say that water consists of two gases. 19. I think my sister knows them well. 20. I thought she knew them for a long time. 2]. I was told that you read this book more than a month; time for you to return it to the library. 22. Recently, Elena received a letter that it is very upsetting, but which, I'm sure she never. He said.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. He was sure that they work together. 2. He thought that his companions come in the morning. 3. He thought that his comrades are working, and I do not want them to interfere with. 4. He knew that they had never worked before. 5. He thought,That they will work together. 6. She knew that, they are usually confronted with in 8 hours. 7. She did not know that they are. 8. She had not been aware that he had already bought a dictionary. 9. She knew that the boy was interested in the history. 10. She said,The professor lectures on history. 11. He said that Professor read a lecture. 12. I am told that lecture will begin at 5 o'clock. 13. I do not know, that you, too love music. 14. I thought that they know each other
gpar in childhood. 15.She said that it is raining and that we would be better off to sit at home. 16. She said that she thinks that it will be good weather. 17. Yesterday, I wrote an article which I read in the end of the month in the meeting of economics. 18.Students were told that the water is composed of two gases. 19. I thought I was, that my sister their well knows. 20. I thought I was, that it was their long-knows. (2). I have been told that you're reading this book is already more than a month.It is time for you to return it to the library. 22. A few days ago she had received a letter, which is its very defeated, but of which, I am sure, she anyone. She said.
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