После того как они ушли никто в комнате не проронил ни слова. Только г перевод - После того как они ушли никто в комнате не проронил ни слова. Только г английский как сказать

После того как они ушли никто в ком

После того как они ушли никто в комнате не проронил ни слова. Только громко тикали часы. У всех было такое чувство, что случилось что-то непоправимое.
Телефон все звонил и звонил. Беатрис не поднимала трубку. С тех пор, как они расстались, она перестала подходить к телефону.
Не успел врач произнести и слова, как его ассистент заговорил. Он говорил так громкрбыстро и уверенно, что никто из присутствующих не пытался его остановить.
Когда мы приехали в гостиницу, мы узнали, что наших друзей там уже нет. Они поспешили уехать после того, как получил неожиданное известие.
Обед уже подходил к концу, когда вошёл слуга и объявил о прибытии ещё одного гостя. Не успел он это сказать, как в комнату быстрым шагом вошёл человек
У одиннадцати часам вечера бар уже опустел: только за стойкой ещё сидели несколько клиентов. Хозяин пошёл запереть дверь
Перед тем, как принять лекарство, больной внимательно причитал инструкцию, потому что врач этого лекарства ему не прописывал. Однако ему сильно нездоровилось и он решил рискнуть
Когда мы расспросили его обо всём, о чем хотели, разговор закончился сам собой. Никто не хотел его возобновлять. Все сидели и думали о своём.
День был солнечный и тихий. Нельзя было и представить, что за два дня до этого разыгралась сильнейшая буря. Но это сразу стало понятно, когда взгляд падал на поваленные деревья.
Робет пробыл в доме родителей уже 3 дня, когда наконец пришёл ответ из университета. Он был положительным, и от радости роберт весь день что-то напевал.
Кэтрин была довольно оригинальной. Она вечно рассказывала невероятные истории, которые когда-то с ней происходили. Конечно, ей никто не поверил.
Я вспомнил где я её видел. Пять лет назад мы вместе отдыхали в Испании. Мы тогда прекрасно провели время.
Многое изменилось в Скиптоне с тех пор как Луиза уехала из него. Появилось много новых зданий и там почти не осталось знакомых ей людей.
Не успел главный бухгалтер бросить взгляд на наши расчёты, как тут же нашёл ошибку. А мы так долго пытались найти её самостоятельно
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
After they left no one in the room is not proronil a Word. The clock ticked loudly. Everyone had the feeling that something irreparable. The phone is ringing and ringing. Beatrice raised up. Since they parted, she stopped answering the phone. No sooner had the doctor pronounce words as his assistant spoke. He spoke so confidently and gromkrbystro that none of those present did not try to stop him. When we arrived at the hotel, we learned that our friends out there anymore. They were quick to leave once received an unexpected news. Lunch already came to an end when became a servant and announced the arrival of another guest. No sooner had he said as the room fast step became a man At eleven o'clock in the evening the bar already deserted: only behind another sat a few customers. The boss went to lock the door Before you take the medicine, the patient prichital carefully the instruction, because the doctor this medication he did not stipulate. But he strongly was feeling bad and he decided to risk When we asked him about everything, about what they wanted to, the conversation ended. Nobody wanted it to resume. Everyone sat and thought about her. The day was sunny and quiet. It was impossible to imagine that two days earlier turned into a violent storm. But it immediately became clear when glance fell on felled trees. Robet stayed in the House the parents already 3 days, when the answer came from the University. He was positive, and Robert joy all day something hummed. Katherine was pretty original. She is forever telling incredible stories when it occurred. Of course, no one believed her. I remembered where I saw it. Five years ago, we were vacationing together in Spain. We had a great time. A lot has changed in Skipton since Louise left him. There are many new buildings and there is almost no friends her people. No sooner was the Chief Accountant to look at our calculations, as immediately found a mistake. And we've tried to find it yourself
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After they left no one in the room did not utter a word. Only the clock ticked loudly. We all had a feeling that there was something irreparable.
Phone rang and rang all. Beatrice did not pick up the phone. Since then, they parted, she stopped answering the phone.
No sooner had the doctor say the words as his assistant said. He spoke gromkrbystro and confident that none of those present did not try to stop him.
When we arrived at the hotel, we found out that our friends there anymore. They hurried to leave after having received the unexpected news.
Lunch was coming to an end when a servant entered and announced the arrival of another guest. No sooner had he said it, like the room briskly walked persons
At eleven o'clock in the evening the bar is already empty: only the counter sat a few more customers. The owner went to lock the door
before you take the medicine, the patient instructions carefully lamented, because the doctor of medicine not prescribed to him. However, he strongly felt unwell and he decided to take a risk
when we questioned him about everything, what would the conversation ended itself. Nobody wanted to renew it. Everyone sat and thought about her.
The day was sunny and quiet. It was impossible to imagine that just two days before a violent storm. But it soon became clear when the eye fell on the fallen trees.
Timid stayed in her parents' house for 3 days, when he finally came the reply from the university. He was positive and joy robert whole day something humming.
Katherine was quite original. She always told me an incredible story, that once it happened. Of course, no one believed her.
I remembered where I had seen her. Five years ago, we had a rest in Spain. We then had a great time.
A lot has changed in Skipton since Louise had gone out of him. Many new buildings and there are almost no people familiar to her.
No sooner had the chief accountant take a look at our calculations, as immediately found a mistake. And we've been trying to find her own
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
after they left no one in the room hasn't said a word. but loud was ticking clock. there was a general feeling that something's gone wrong.phone just rang and rang. beatrice never picked up the phone. since they broke up, she did not answer the phone.didn't the doctor say a word as his assistant spoke. he said that громкрбыстро and confident that none of the participants did not try to stop him.when we arrived at the hotel, we found out that our friends over there now. they hurried to leave after he got an unexpected news.lunch is coming to the end, when entered the servant and announced the arrival of a guest. didn't he say it like a room fast man walked inat eleven o'clock tonight bar is empty, only behind still sat a few clients. the master went to lock the doorbefore taking the medicine, the patient carefully wept instruction because a doctor of medicine not prescribing. however, he really wasn't feeling well, and he decided to take the riskwhen we checked everything, what would the end of the conversation itself. no one wanted to renew it. all sat and thought about her.the day was sunny and quiet. can be imagined, that two days earlier, developed the strongest storm. but it soon became clear when the glance fell on closures, downed trees.robert was in my parents' house for three days, then finally came back from school. he was positive, and robert joy all day is humming.catherine was quite original. she always tell incredible stories once it occurred. of course, nobody believed her.i remembered where i saw her. five years ago we were in spain. we had a great time.much has changed in the скиптоне since louise left him. there are a lot of new buildings and there is almost no familiar people.didn't chief accountant to look for our calculations, it is found the mistake. and we've been trying to find it yourself
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