Наконец они перестали смеяться. 2. Она от­рицала, что украла деньги. 3 перевод - Наконец они перестали смеяться. 2. Она от­рицала, что украла деньги. 3 английский как сказать

Наконец они перестали смеяться. 2.

Наконец они перестали смеяться. 2. Она от­рицала, что украла деньги. 3. Давайте отложим поездку на дачу до следующей субботы. 4. Простите, что я потерял вашу ручку. 5. Когда она кончит писать сочинение? 6. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы остаться дома и поработать над моим переводом. 7. Перестаньте дрожать. Из­бегайте показывать этим людям, что вы их бои­тесь. 8. Я не могу не беспокоиться о них: они перестали писать. 9. Я не отрицаю, что видел их в тот вечер. 10. Он не возражал против того, что­бы его осмотрели: он перестал притворяться, что здоров. 11. Он не может меня простить за то, что я порвал его сумку. 12. Перестаньте разговари­вать. 13. Мы закончили работу над этой проблемой. 14. Продолжайте петь. 15. Вы не против того, чтобы открыть окно? 16. Он отрицал свое участие в преступлении. 17. Я очень люблю ри­совать. 18. Мы получили удовольствие от плава­ния. 19. Я не могла не согласиться с ним. 20. Он рассмеялся. 21. Она бросила курить. 22. Она из­бегала встречи с ним. 23. Мы отложим обсужде­ние доклада
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Finally they stopped laughing. 2. She denied that stole the money. 3. Let's postpone travel to the country until next Saturday. 4. I'm sorry I lost your pen. 5. When it finishes writing an essay? 6. I have no objection to stay home and work on my transfer. 7. Stop shivering. Avoid to show these people that you are afraid. 8. I can't help but worry about them: they stopped writing. 9. I do not deny that saw them that night. 10. He had no objection to his saw: he stopped pretending that healthy. 11. he could not forgive me for what I tore his bag. 12. Stop talking. 13. We have completed work on this problem. 14. continue to sing. 15. you're not opposed to open the window? 16. He denied his involvement in the crime. 17. I love to draw. 18. We got the pleasure of sailing. 19. I could not disagree with him. 20. He laughed. 21. She has quit smoking. 22. She avoided meeting with him. 23. We defer discussion of the report
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Finally they stopped laughing. 2. She denied having stolen the money. 3. Let's postpone the trip to the country until next Saturday. 4. I'm sorry I lost your pen. 5. When she finished writing an essay? 6. I do not mind to stay at home and work on my translation. 7. Stop shaking. Do not show these people that you're afraid of them. 8. I can not help but worry about them: they ceased to write. 9. I do not deny that they had seen that night. 10. He did not mind that he was examined: it has ceased to pretend that healthy. 11. He can not forgive me for what I broke his bag. 12. Stop talking. 13. We have completed work on this problem. 14. Continue to sing. 15. You do not mind, to open the window? 16. He denied involvement in the crime. 17. I love to draw. 18. We enjoyed swimming. 19. I could not disagree with him. 20. He laughed. 21. She quit smoking. 22. She avoided meeting with him. 23. We defer discussion of the report
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Finally they ceased to be laughed at. 2. She got рицала that explanations money. 3. Let us postpone a trip to perjury committed before the next Saturday. 4. I am sorry that I lost your handle. 5. When it is rather stupid to write an essay? 6.I have no objection to stay home and work on my translation. 7. Stop shiver. The holy ghost got show these people that you are their fighting got to register. 8. I would be remiss if I did not worry about them: they no longer write. 9.I do not deny that he had seen them in the evening. 10. He had not objected to the fact that, to bring its inspected: it no longer pretend that, kicking. 11. He could not forgive me for the fact that I had broken away his bag. 12. Stop разговари got their careers. 13.We have completed the work on this problem. 14. Continue to sing. 15. You are not to open the window? 16. He denied his involvement in the crime. 17. I love ri got poke. 18. We have received great pleasure from Plav for meeting. 19.I could not agree with him. 20. He laughed. 21. She threw non-smoking. 22. It wasn't realize where she was got from meeting with him. 23. We will postpone discussion for meeting report of
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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