22. My work had nothing to recommend it except my growingtechnical ski перевод - 22. My work had nothing to recommend it except my growingtechnical ski английский как сказать

22. My work had nothing to recommen

22. My work had nothing to recommend it except my growing
technical skill, enthusiasm for my subject, and independence
of popular notions.
23. The time has now come to rebuild on broader foundations.
24. It was no time for the sweet of luxury. Now on the rough
water there was a formality to be observed, no more.
25. Really I think it is a thing for Lord Brideshead to decide.
26. He had no strength for any other war than his own solitary
struggle to keep alive.
27. The man, who, in his time, had had ample chance to tire of
undergraduate fantasy, was plainly captivated.
28. I felt at heart that this was not all which Oxford had to offer.
29. She made a vague gesture for him to follow her, and turned
to the stairs.
30. Henry had still another decade to wait before any sort of
serious recognition at home.
31. He very rarely indeed found nothing at all to praise in an
artist or an exhibition.
32. It must have been something to do with the sun, the water
and their low voices.
33. It gave us an opportunity to meet many different people.
34. She felt that the question she had to ask had nothing to do with
the subject of the discussion.
Practice section
EXERCISE 15. Translate into English using the infinitive as
1. Это не та вещь, которую можно дарить на день рождения.
2. Он не из тех, кого нужно бояться.
3. Она не тот человек, над которым можно смеяться.
4. Нам далеко идти.
5. Ей не к кому обратиться.
6. Винить некого.
7. Она первой произнесла это слово.
8. Ее приняли последней.
9. У него хватило наглости прийти сюда.
10. Было много людей, нуждающихся в операции.
11. У нас нет никого, кто мог бы присматривать за ребенком.
12. Вот лекарство, которое нужно принять немедленно.
13. Ему надо было написать несколько писем.
14. У меня не было возможности съездить туда.
15. Нам предстояло решить сразу несколько проблем.
16. У меня есть несколько книг по искусству, которые ты
можешь просмотреть.
17. Боюсь, нам придется со многим смириться.
18. У девочки не было брата, с которым она могла бы играть.
19. Мне нечего вам предложить.
20. Мальчик первым услышал звонок.
21. Вот образец, который тебе нужно переписать.
22. Она получила письмо, в котором говорилось, что ее
приняли на работу.
23. Вагон был так переполнен, что я не мог найти свободного •
24. Эту книгу трудно читать в поезде. Ее стоит читать дома
со словарем.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
22. My work had nothing to recommend it except my growingtechnical skill, enthusiasm for my subject, and independenceof popular notions.23. The time has now come to rebuild on broader foundations.24. It was no time for the sweet of luxury. Now on the roughthe water there was a formality to be observed, no more.25. Really I think it is a thing for Lord Brideshead to decide.26. He had no strength for any other war than his own solitarystruggle to keep alive.27. The man, who, in his time, had had ample chance to tire ofundergraduate fantasy, was plainly captivated.28. I felt at heart that this was not all which Oxford had to offer.29. She made a vague gesture for him to follow her, and turnedto the stairs.30. Henry had still another decade to wait before any sort ofserious recognition at home.31. He very rarely indeed found nothing at all to praise in anartist or an exhibition.32. It must have been something to do with the sun, the waterand their low voices.33. It gave us an opportunity to meet many different people.34. She felt that the question she had to ask had nothing to do withthe subject of the discussion.Practice sectionEXERCISE 15. Translate into English using the infinitive asattribute.1. This is not the kind of thing you can give to the birthday party.2. He's not one of those who should be afraid.3. She's not the man that you can laugh.4. Us go far.5. She was not whom to ask.6. Blame someone.7. She first uttered the word.8. It took the latter.9. he had enough gall to come here.10. There was a lot of people in need of surgery.11. We do not have anyone who could look after the child.12. Here is the medicine that you need to take immediately.13. He had to write some letters.14. I have not had the opportunity to go there.15. We had to solve several problems at once.16. I have several books on the art of youcan view.17. I'm afraid we'll have to put up with much.18. The girl was not his brother, with whom she could play.19. I have nothing to offer you.20. Boy first heard the call.21. Here's a sample you need to rewrite.22. She received a letter stating that herhired.23. Wagon was so crowded that I couldn't find a free •places.24. This book is difficult to read on the train. Its worth reading at homewith the dictionary.25
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The My work HAD 22. nothing to recommend IT The except Growing up my
Contents Technical skill, for up my Enthusiasm are subject, and Independence
of popular Notions.
23. The time has now come to rebuild on broader foundations.
24. It was no time for the sweet of luxury. On the rough Now
water there WAS a formality to the BE Observed, the no more.
25. Really I think it is a thing for Lord Brideshead to decide.
26. HAD the no strength the He for the any OTHER war than a His own solitary
Struggle to the keep alive.
27. The man of The, the who, in a His time, HAD HAD an ample chance to tire of
undergraduate fantasy, plainly captivated the WAS.
28. I felt at heart that this was not all which Oxford had to offer.
29. Made a Vague She gesture for HIM HER to follow, and Turned
to the stairs.
30. HAD to still another Henry's Decade to: wait the before the any The sort of
serious recognition AT home.
31. Rarely indeed very the He found! AT all nothing to praise in an
artist or an exhibition.
32. A must have Been It something to do with the a sun, the water
and of low Their voices.
33. It gave us an opportunity to meet many different people.
34. That the Felt She question she HAD to the ask HAD nothing to do with
the are subject of the discussion Other.
Practice section called
EXERCISE 15. Translate Into English using the the infinitive as with
the attribute.
1. This is not the thing that can give a birthday party.
2. He's not one of those who should be afraid.
3. It is not the person on whom you can laugh.
4. We have far to go.
5. She was not one to turn to.
6. No one to blame.
7. She said the first word.
8. She took the last one.
9. He had the nerve to come here.
10. There were many people in need of surgery.
11. We have no one who could look after the child.
12. This is a drug that should be taken immediately.
13. He had to write a few letters.
14. I have not had a chance to go there.
15. We had to solve several problems at once.
16. I have several books on art, which you
can view.
17. I'm afraid we'll have to put up with many things.
18. The girl had a brother with whom she could play.
19. I have nothing to offer you.
20. The boy heard the first call.
21. Here is an example that you need to be rewritten.
22. She received a letter stating that it
took to work.
23. The car was so crowded that I could not find the free •
24. This book is hard to read in the train. It is worth reading at home
with the dictionary.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
22. my work had nothing to recommend it except my growingtechnical skill, enthusiasm for my subject, and itsof popular notions.23. the time has now come to rebuild on on foundations.24. there was no time for the sweet of luxury. now on the roughwhen there was a formality to be observed, no more.25. really i think it is a thing for lord Brideshead to decide.26. he had no strength for any other war than his own solitarywhile to keep alive.27. the man, who, in his time, had had been to find arrives at its positive ofundergraduate fantasy, was plainly captivated.28. i felt at heart that this was not all which oxford had to offer.29. she made a vague gesture for him to follow her, and turnedto the stairs.30. henry had still another decade to wait before any sort ofserious recognition at home.31. he and other not found nothing at all and made us feel at home in anin or an exhibition.32. it must have been something to do with the sun, the waterand their new low.33. it gave us an opportunity to meet many different people.34. she felt that she had to ask the question had nothing to do withthe subject of the discussion.practice sectionEXERCISE 15. translate into english using the infinitive asattribute.1. it"s not something you can give to your birthday.2. he"s not one of those people who need to be afraid of.3. she is not a man who can laugh.4. i have a long way to go.5. she didn"t talk to anyone else.6. no one is to blame.7. she was the first to say that word.8. it was the last.9. he had the nerve to come here.10. there was a lot of people in need of surgery.11. we don"t have anyone who could look after the baby.12. this medicine should be taken immediately.13. he had to write some letters.14. i haven"t had a chance to go there.15. we had to solve several problems.16. i have several books on the art of who youyou can browse.17. i"m afraid we"ll have to deal with many.18. the girl has not had a brother, with whom she could play.19. i have nothing to offer you.20. the boy first heard the call.21. here the sample you need to rewrite it.22. she received a letter, stating that herhave to work.23. the car was so full that i couldn"t find a free -place.24. this book is difficult to read on the train. it is worth reading at homewith the dictionary.25
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