Сейчас мы составляем план путешествия.В понедельник утром я прибываю в перевод - Сейчас мы составляем план путешествия.В понедельник утром я прибываю в английский как сказать

Сейчас мы составляем план путешеств

Сейчас мы составляем план путешествия.
В понедельник утром я прибываю в Италию. После прибытия, я на такси доезжаю до своего отеля. Днем я обедаю и разбираю свой багаж. Вечером я отдыхаю после перелета.

Во вторник утром я просыпаюсь и завтракаю. Днем я иду смотреть местные достопримечательности и интересные места этого города. Вечером я иду в ближайшее кафе или ресторан.

В среду утром я иду на пляж и нахожусь там до дня. Днем я обедаю и отдыхаю. Вечером я гуляю по окрестностям.

В четверг я с самого утра и до вечера хожу по магазинам. Вечером я ужинаю и ложусь спать.

В пятницу утром я собираю свои вещи. Днем гуляю по городу. Вечером вызываю такси и еду в аэропорт
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Now we make a travel plan.On Monday morning, I arrive in Italy. Upon arrival, I taxi get to his hotel. In the afternoon I was eating dinner and taking your luggage. In the evening I relax after your flight.On Tuesday morning I wake up and eat breakfast. In the afternoon I go to see the local attractions and interesting places of the city. In the evening I go to the nearest coffee shop or restaurant.On Wednesday morning I go to the beach and find myself there till the day. In the afternoon I have dinner and rest. In the evening, I walk around the neighborhood. On Thursday I have from the morning until the evening go on a shopping spree. In the evening I užinaû and go to bed.On Friday morning I gather my things. Day walking around the city. In the evening, call a cab and go to the airport
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Now we make a travel plan.
On Monday morning I arrive in Italy. After arriving, I get off in a taxi to their hotel. During the day I have lunch and to understand their luggage. In the evening, I rest after the flight. On Tuesday morning, I wake up and have breakfast. During the day I'm going to watch the local sights and attractions of the city. In the evening I go to the nearest cafe or restaurant. On Wednesday morning, I go to the beach and I am there for the day. During the day I have lunch and rest. In the evening I walk around the neighborhood. On Thursday I was in the morning and evening to go shopping. In the evening I have dinner and go to bed. On Friday morning, I gather my things. In the afternoon walking around the city. In the evening, call a taxi and going to the airport

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Now we plan ahead travel.
on Monday morning i прибываю in Italy. After arrival, i taxi доезжаю up to their hotel. Day by day i Metropole they charge an arm and clothes their baggage. In the evening i just resting after flight.

On Tuesday morning I wake up and завтракаю. Day by day I am going to look local attractions and places of interest the city. I am going to the nearest cafe or restaurant.

On Wednesday morning I am going to the beach and i'm there until the agenda. Day by day i am Metropole they charge an arm and just resting. In the evening i take a walk in the surrounding.

On Thursday i in the morning and evening to go shopping. In the evening i ужинаю and sleep at night.

On Friday morning i'm putting together their belongings. Afternoon take a walk around the city. In the evening you have your chance to exact vengeance a taxi and go to the airport
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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