И́замбард Ки́нгдом Брюне́ль (англ. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, ; 9 апреля перевод - И́замбард Ки́нгдом Брюне́ль (англ. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, ; 9 апреля английский как сказать

И́замбард Ки́нгдом Брюне́ль (англ.

И́замбард Ки́нгдом Брюне́ль (англ. Isambard Kingdom Brunel, ; 9 апреля 1806, Портсмут — 15 сентября 1859, Вестминстер) — британский инженер, одна из крупных фигур в истории Промышленной революции. Сын Марка Брюнеля.

Родился в Портсмуте, получил образование в коллеже в Кане и лицее Генриха IV. Практическую свою деятельность, как инженер, он начал под руководством отца, которому помогал с 1826 года при постройке туннеля под Темзой (англ.)русск.; позже он главным образом занимался постройкой железных дорог и приготовлением машин и аппаратов для пароходов.

В 1833 году Брюнель получил назначение главным инженером «Большой западной железной дороги» и исполнял постройки туннелей, мостов и других больших сооружений для этой дороги, в том числе, построил мост через Темзу у Мэденхеда (Maidenhead) и через Уай (Wye) у Чипстоу. Он же выстроил Гунгерфордский висячий мост в Лондоне и участвовал в постройке мостов Conway и «Британия»; он же построил доки в Кардифе и в Сандерлэнде, корабли: «Great Western» (1835), «Great Britain» (1842) и «Great Eastern».

При постройке Хрустального дворца он помогал и советом, и делом, и по его указаниям предприниматель Пакстон сделал некоторые поправки в первоначальном плане.

Во время Крымской войны, в 1854 году ему была поручена постройка военного госпиталя в Ренкиойе у Дарданелл; для постоянного снабжения его свежей водой он устроил водопровод, провёл рельсовый путь для перевозки больных от места их высадки. Тогда же предлагал построить канонерскую лодку для высадки боевых машин для атаки крепости Кронштадт (прообраз танков-амфибий — не реализовано).

Узнав об экспериментах с первым винтовым пароходом «Архимед» установил винт на «Грейт Бритн», что послужило популяризации винта.

Последним, самым знаменитым его делом была постройка колоссального полностью металлического парохода «Левиафана», переименованного после в «Грейт Истерн», проект которого он составил в 1852 года и окончил после многолетней работы, преодолев денежные затруднения и всякого рода материальные и физические препятствия. Сильное напряжение и возбуждение сил во все время исполнения его любимого проекта содействовало преждевременной его смерти; он уже давно болел и все свои важные работы исполнял, будучи уже болен. Во время приготовлений к пробному плаванию «Great Eastern» он был поражен апоплексическим ударом (по другой версии, инфарктом), от которого умер в Вестминстере 15 сентября 1859 года. Он оставил по себе славу одного из первых инженеров XIX века, соединял с обширными специальными знаниями и предприимчивостью благородный характер, свободный от всякой зависти и недоброжелательства.

За свою жизнь Брюнель построил 25 железных дорог в Англии, Ирландии, Италии, Индии. Проектировал и руководил постройкой — 8 пирсов и сухих доков, 5 висячих мостов, 125 железнодорожных мостов, в том числе Клифтонский мост у г. Бристоль, 3 крупных парохода. В 1855 году опубликовал проект строительства Панамского канала. Добивался перевода железных дорог на «широкую» колею (безрезультатно).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ízambard Kíngdom Brjunél' (Engl. Isambard Kingdom Brunel; 9 April 1806, Portsmouth — 15 September 1859, Westminster) was an English engineer, one of the major figures in the history of the industrial revolution. Son Mark Bruyneel.Born in Portsmouth, he was educated at the College in Caen and the Lycée Henri IV. Practical its activities as an engineer, he started under the guidance of his father, which helped with the year 1826 when building a tunnel under the River Thames (Engl.) Russian; later he studied mainly the construction of railways and cooking machines and apparatus for steamers.In the year 1833 Brunel was appointed Chief Engineer of the Great Western Railway and served as the construction of tunnels, bridges and other large structures for this road, including a bridge over the River Thames was built at Mjedenheda (Maidenhead) and through the Wye (Wye) at Chipstou. He also built a Gungerfordskij suspension bridge in London, and participated in the building of bridges of Conway and Britannia; He also built the docks in Cardiff and Sunderland, ships: "Great Western" (1835), Great Britain (1842) and "Great Eastern".In the construction of the Crystal Palace he helped and the Council, and in deed, and on its instructions entrepreneur Paxton made some amendments in the original plan.During the Crimean War, in 1854, he was entrusted with the construction year of the military hospital in Renkioje near Dardanelle; for a constant supply of fresh water plumbing, he arranged the track for transportation of patients from their place of disembarkation. At the same time offered to build a gunboat to fighting machines to attack the fortress of kronstadt (prototype amphibious tank-not implemented).Learn about experiments with the first screw Steamship "Archimedes ' screw" set Great Britn, what was the popularization of screws.The latest, the most famous of his case was building huge fully metal steamer "Leviathan", renamed after the "great Eastern", which he composed in the year 1852, and graduated after many years of work, breaking money difficulties and all kinds of material and physical barriers. Strong tension and arousal forces during all time of the execution of his beloved project contributed to his premature death; He has long been ill and all of its important work performed, being sick. During preparations for the trial of swimming "Great Eastern" he was struck by the apopleksicheskim blow (according to another version, heart attack), from which he died in Westminster on September 15 1859 onwards. He left on its own as one of the first engineers of the 19th century, combined with extensive expertise and Enterprise noble character, free from envy and malevolence.During his life, Bruyneel 25 built railways in England, Ireland, Italy, and India. He designed and supervised the construction of piers and 8-dry docks, suspension bridges, 125 5 railway bridges, including the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol, 3 large steamer. In the year 1855 published a project for the construction of the Panama Canal. Sought the transfer of railways on the "widely" rut (to no avail).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (English Isambard Kingdom Brunel,;. April 9, 1806, Portsmouth - 15 September 1859 Westminster) - British engineer, one of the major figures in the history of the Industrial Revolution. Son Marc Brunel.

He was born in Portsmouth and educated in college at Caen and the Lycée Henri IV. Practical operations, as an engineer, he began with his father, who was assisted in 1826 with the construction of a tunnel under the Thames (Eng.) Russian .; later it is mainly engaged in the construction of railways and the preparation of machines and devices for ships.

In 1833, Brunel was appointed chief engineer of the "Great Western Railway" and performed construction of tunnels, bridges and other large structures for the road, including built a bridge across the Thames at Maidenhead (Maidenhead) and in Wye (Wye) in Chipstou. He built Gungerfordsky suspension bridge in London and participated in the construction of bridges and Conway "Britain"; He also built docks in Cardiff and Sunderland, ships: «Great Western» (1835), «Great Britain» (1842) and «Great Eastern».

During the construction of the Crystal Palace, he helped with advice and deeds, and according to his instructions entrepreneur Paxton made some amendments to the original plan.

During the Crimean war, in 1854, he was entrusted with the construction of a military hospital in Renkioye at the Dardanelles; for DC supply it with fresh water, he gave water, had a track for transportation of patients from their place of disembarkation. At the same time proposed to build a gunboat to land combat vehicles to attack the fortress of Kronstadt (prototype tanks-amphibians - not implemented).

Having learned about the experiments with the first screw steamer "Archimedes" set screw on the "Great Britney", which was the promotion of the screw.

The last, most celebrated his case was the construction of a colossal full metal steamer "Leviathan", renamed after in the "Great Eastern", a draft of which he composed in 1852 and graduated after many years of work, overcome financial difficulties and all kinds of material and physical obstacles. Strong power and excitement of forces in the whole of the performance of his pet project contributed to the premature death of his; he has long been sick and all your important work performed, being already sick. During preparations for the shakedown cruise «Great Eastern» he was struck by apoplexy (in another version, a heart attack), from which he died in Westminster, 15 September 1859. He left a reputation of being one of the first engineers of the XIX century, put together with extensive expertise and entrepreneurial noble character, free from all envy and ill will.

In his lifetime, Brunel built 25 railways in England, Ireland, Italy, India. He designed and supervised the construction - 8 piers and dry docks, 5 suspension bridges, 125 railway bridges, including the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, 3 large steamer. In 1855 he published a project for the construction of the Panama Canal. To achieve the transfer of railways on "broad" gauge (to no avail).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
и́замбард ки́нгдом брюне́ль (). Isambard kingdom brunel,; april 9, 1806, portsmouth - 15 september 1859, westminster) was a british engineer, one of the major figures in the history of the industrial revolution. mark's son брюнеля.born in portsmouth, received his education in the college and the school of henry iv in qana. practical work as an engineer, he started under the guidance of his father, which helped in 1826, with the construction of tunnel under the thames (english) русск.; later, he mainly did the construction of railways and making machines and machines for steamboats.in 1833, brunel was appointed chief engineer of the great western railway was built roads and tunnels, bridges and other large structures for this road, including a bridge over the thames at мэденхеда (maidenhead) and y (Wye) чипстоу. he built a гунгерфордский suspension bridge in london, and has participated in the construction of bridges, conway and britannia. he built the docks at cardiff and сандерлэнде ships: "great Western» (1835), the" great Britain» (1842) and "great Eastern».in a crystal palace, he helped and the council, and the case, and on his orders the entrepreneur paxton made some changes in the original plan.during the crimean war in 1854 he was entrusted with the construction of the military hospital in ренкиойе at dardanelle, arkansas; to continuously supply the fresh water has water, spent the most recent week way for transporting patients from the place of disembarkation. then offered to build a boat for канонерскую landing combat vehicles to attack the fortress of kronstadt (prototype tanks are amphibians is not implemented).learning about the experiments with the first screw steamship "archimede set screw on the great бритн» that served to popularize it.the last, the most famous of his business was the huge fully metal boat "левиафана», renamed after the great истерн», the draft of which he wrote in 1852, and graduated after years of work, overcoming the difficulties, and every kind of material and physical constraints. tension and excitation forces in all the course of his favorite project contributed to the premature death; he had been sick and all of its important work was being sick. during the preparations for the test for "great Eastern» he was struck by a апоплексическим (according to another version, a heart attack), who died at westminster on 15 september, 1859. he left on his own. one of the first engineers of the 19th century, connected with extensive expertise and just opportunistic noble nature, free from all desire and недоброжелательства.for my life, brunel built 25 of railways in england, ireland, italy, india. designed and supervised construction of eight piers and dry docks, 5 125 hanging bridges, railway bridges, in
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