Наш старый бухгалтер ушел на пенсию, и на его место взяли нового. Чере перевод - Наш старый бухгалтер ушел на пенсию, и на его место взяли нового. Чере английский как сказать

Наш старый бухгалтер ушел на пенсию

Наш старый бухгалтер ушел на пенсию, и на его место взяли нового. Через неделю его уже знали все, и всем он нравился. Выяснилось, что он женат, и у него есть ребенок. Было решено, что он хороший человек, тихий и скромный. Мы тогда и не думали, что через несколько недель о нем будет говорить вся контора.
Случилось это так. Весна в прошлом году пришла рано. В одно прекрасное утро контора была полна перешептываний. Богарта видели в ресторане с девушкой. Они ели мороженое, и он смотрел на нее влюбленными глазами.
Через несколько дней его видели с это же девушкой в самом темном углу парка. Они целовались. Через неделю их встретили на пляже.
-Что-то надо сделать,- было общее решение.-Ему надо сказать, его надо остановить, ему надо объяснить.
Наконец ему велели сейчас же идти в кабинет директора. Там его встретила целая комиссия.
-Хэмфри Богарт, -сказал директор. -Вас много раз видели с молодой женщиной...Потом Богарту велели на следующий же день привести эту молодую женщину к директору для серьезного разговора.
-Но, -сказал он. -Завтра нельзя. Она поведет ребенка к врачу.
Так там уже есть ребенок! - воскликнул профорг.
-Конечно , - ответил он.- Я думал, что все уже знают.
-Значит, это была ваша жена!-сказали мы.-Почему же вы этого сразу не сказали?
-Меня не спрашивали, - ответил он.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Our old retired accountant, and took his place, new. A week later it already knew everything and everyone he loved. It turned out that he is married and has a child. It was agreed that he is a good man, quiet and humble. We then and didn't think about it in a few weeks will say the whole office. It happened so. Spring came early last year. One fine morning Office was full of perešeptyvanij. Bogart was seen in the restaurant with a girl. They ate ice cream, and he looked at her with loving eyes. A few days later he was seen with this same girl in the darkest corner of the Park. They kissed. A week later they met at the beach. Something needs to be done, "was a total solution.-it should say it must stop, he explained. Finally he told now go into the Director's Office. There he met the whole Commission. -Humphrey Bogart, the Director said. Many times you have seen with a young woman ... Bogart later told him the next day, bring the young woman to the Director for a serious talk. -But, "he said. -Tomorrow is impossible. It will take the child to a doctor. So the child is already there! exclaimed trade.-Of course, he replied. — I thought that everyone already knows. So, it was your wife! we said.-Why do you not say? -I haven't been asked, "he replied.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Our old accountant retired and his place took the new. A week later, he already knew everything, and everyone liked him. It turned out that he is married and has a child. It was decided that he was a good man, quiet and unassuming. We then did not think that after a few weeks of it will speak the whole office.
It happened this way. Spring came early last year. One morning the office was full of whispers. Bogart saw the girl in the restaurant. They ate ice cream, and he looked at her with adoring eyes.
A few days later he was seen with the same girl in the darkest corner of the park. They kissed. A week later, they were met on the beach.
What it is necessary to do - there was a general-reshenie. He should say it should be stopped, it should be explained.
Finally, he was told to immediately go to the principal's office. There he met the whole commission.
-Hemfri Bogart, 'said the director. -you Have seen many times with a young woman ... Then Bogart told the next day to bring the young woman to the director for a serious conversation.
-But, He said. Tomorrow is impossible. She will lead the child to the doctor.
So there already is a child! - Said shop steward.
-Of Course, - he answered I thought that everyone already knows.
-So It was your wife! 'Said my.-Why you do not immediately say?
-I Did not ask - he said.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
our old accountant retired, and in its place was a new. a week later, he already knew everything, and everyone liked him. it turns out that he is married and has a child. it was agreed that he was a good man, a quiet and modest.we never thought that in a few weeks, it will be all set.
this happened so. spring last year, arrived early. one fine morning office was full of whispering.bogart was seen in a restaurant with a girl. they ate ice cream, and he looked at her in love by eyes.
in a couple of days he was seen with the same girl in the dark corner of the park. they were kissing.a week later, they have met on the beach.
- something has to be done, there was a general 05 15:54 the task he should say, we have to stop him, he needs to explain. finally he said now
go to the principal's office.there he met a commission.
- humphrey bogart, said the director. - you a lot of time to see a young woman...then богарту said the next day to lead the young woman to the director for a serious conversation. "but," he said. - don't you do that tomorrow. she takes the child to the doctor.
so there's already a child! said профорг.
of course, "replied the он. - i thought everyone already knows.
- so it was your wife. said мы. - why you didn't tell me?
- i didn't ask, he said.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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