Спор о том, когда именно было написано

Спор о том, когда именно было напис

Спор о том, когда именно было написано "Слово", подогревался
расхождением текста с исторической реальностью эпохи похода
Игоря и характеристиками действующих лиц. Сглаживая
противоречия, исследователи "Слова" отодвигали дату написания
поэмы все дальше от 1185 года -- сначала в конец 12 века, потом в
начало 13 и даже еще позднее. Противоречия сглаживались, но
росло недоумение: почему, много времени спустя, возник интереск неудачной вылазке третьестепенного князя? Теперь, когда с
помощью Бояна удалось выяснить источники несоответствий,
история возникновения знакомого нам текста "Слова о полку
Игореве" представляется достаточно ясной. Оно рождалось как
отзвук еще не затихших боев, в огне пожаров лета 1185 года,
вероятнее всего в Переяславле южном, на что указывают многие
признаки обращения его автора к князьям. Кем был автор "Слова"
-- боярином, князем, духовным феодалом? Но так ли это важно?!
Он был первым, кто призвал к миру на Русской Земле, увидев
пламя пожаров новой усобицы между князьями, и -- добился этого
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A dispute about when it was written "word" was warmed by theconvergence of text with the historical reality of the era campaignIgor and the characteristics of the actors. Smoothingcontradictions, the researchers ", the words" to override the date of writingthe poem further away from 1185 onwards-first at the end of the 12nd century, then in thebeginning 13 or even later. Close rather than widen the contradiction, butgrew puzzled: why, a long time later, interesk emerged unsuccessful Prince tret′estepennogo onslaught? Now, whenby Bojana managed to find out the sources of discrepancies,the history of familiar to us text "Slovo o polkuIgor "seems fairly clear. It took shape asecho yet hushed fights fire fires summer year 1185most likely in Southern Russian, as indicated by the manysigns of reversing its author to the Princes. Who was the author of "Words"-Boyar, Prince, spiritual feudal? But does it matter?!He was the first who called for peace on the Russian land, seeingflame fires new dissensions between the Princes, and-has made thisof the world!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The dispute about when it was written, "The Word", fueled by
the divergence of the text with historical reality era campaign
Igor and the characteristics of the characters. Smoothing the
contradictions, the researchers' words "pushed away the date of writing
the poem further from 1185 - first at the end of the 12th century, then in
the beginning of 13, and even later. The contradictions were smoothed, but
grew puzzled why, a long time later, there was an unsuccessful sortie interesk a third-Prince? Now, when with
the help of Boyana managed to find out the sources of discrepancies,
history of occurrence familiar to us the text of "The Tale of
Igor's Campaign" is quite clear. It was born as the
echo has not hushed fights fires in the fire of the summer 1185,
most likely in the southern Pereyaslavl, as indicated by the many
signs of the treatment of its author to the princes. Who was the author of "Words"
- Boyar, Prince, spiritual lords? But is it so important ?!
He was the first to call for peace in the Russian world, seeing
the flames of fires new feuds between the princes, and - has made ​​this
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The dispute that, when it is written "The word", fed
difference text from the historical reality of the era of hike
Igor and the characteristics of persons. Merge
contradictions,Researchers "The words" overshadowed the date the writing
poems all further away from 1185, -- first in the end of 12 century, and then to
the beginning 13 and even later. Contradictions slight slowing, but
grew perplexed: why, a lot of time later,A интереск unsuccessful attack original illusion of prince? Now, when the
a, was able to determine sources inconsistencies,
history of the origin of the familiar us text of "the words of the shelf
appanage Princes" would seem to be clear enough. It is especially pleasing as
paddy has not yet затихших fighting, in the flames fires summer of 1185 year,
most likely in Переяславле southern, to indicate that many
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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