Меня зовут Улькер. Я родилась в Баку.Росла жила и училась здесь.Законч перевод - Меня зовут Улькер. Я родилась в Баку.Росла жила и училась здесь.Законч английский как сказать

Меня зовут Улькер. Я родилась в Бак

Меня зовут Улькер. Я родилась в Баку.Росла жила и училась здесь.Закончила высшее учебное заведение Художественную академию.Со второго курса начала работать дизайнером интерьера по рекоменндации педагога по компьютерной графике.работала в двух компаниях. Потом набрав опыт и достаточное количество клиентов работала частно.После того как вышла замуж на первом месте стал муж и сын.Сейчас у меня появилось время но работу хочу сменить.Я же не буду в старости ходить на стройки и сидеть за компьютером который атакует негативным излучением.Почему я хочу попробовать работать в этой сфере,потому что люблю детей и с удовольствием постараюсь быть для них полезной.С некоторых пор помимо дизайна интерьера я стала профессионально собирать портреты и любые картины хрустальными камнями,что является необычным дорогим и индивидуальным подарком для вип персон.Мой муж организатор свадеб дизайнер флорист.Мы помогаем друг другу и так как наши работы связаны много времени проводим вместе. У нас большой спектр услуг в создании любых аксессуаров для свадебных церемоний и торжеств.я собираю ювелирный букет, корзинки для невесты собираю композиции или инициалы на платьях хрустальными камнями любые картины и рисунки. Ободки и радую клиентов креативным и неповторимым подходом чтоб второго экземпляра не было.Если вам понадобиться что то в этих сферах буду рада помочь и надеюсь успешный результат моей работы с вами
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My name Ulker. I was born in Baku.Rosla lived and studied zdes.Zakonchila college Art Academy.From the second year began working for an interior designer for a computer teacher rekomenndatsii grafike.rabotala two companies. Then typing experience and a sufficient number of customers working in private.After she got married in the first place was the husband and syn.Seychas I had time but want to work smenit.Ya'm not going to go on in their old age construction and sit at the computer that attacks the negative radiation.Why would I want to try to work in this field because I love children and would gladly try to be useful for them.For some time now in addition to the interior design I became a professional in collecting portraits and any pictures crystal stones, which is unusual and expensive individual gift for VIPs.My husband florist.My designer wedding planner can help each other, and since our work involves a lot of time together.We have a wide range of services in the creation of any accessories for wedding ceremonies and collect jewelry torzhestv.ya bouquetbaskets to collect the composition of the bride or initials on dresses with crystal stones any paintings and drawings. Headbands and raduyu clients creative and unique approach that the second instance was not.If you need something in these areas will be happy to help and I hope the successful outcome of my work with you
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My name is Rashad. I was born in Baku Grew lived and studied here graduated from Academy of Art University.From the second year of the Interior Designer on the rekomenndacii computer graphics teacher she worked at two companies. Then typing experience and enough clients worked as private.After she got married in the first place became a husband and son. Now I had time, but I want to change my work. I'm not going to go to the construction sites in old age and sit at the computer which attacks the negative radiation.Why I want to try to work in this area, because I love children and love to try to be helpful to them.For some time now in addition to interior design I was professionally collect portraits and paintings of Crystal stones, which is unusual and personalized gift for VIP persons.My husband designer florist wedding Organizer: we help each other and our work are much time spend together. We have a wide range of services in the establishment of any accessories for wedding ceremonies and celebrations. I collect jewelry bouquet baskets for the bride gather compositions or initials on dresses Crystal stones any paintings and drawings. Headbands and delight customers with creative and unique approach to the second instance.If you need something in those areas I will be glad to help, and I hope a good result of my work with you
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I'm textile. I was born in Baku.grew and she lived here.She graduated from higher education institution Art Academy.With the second course start to work designer interior by рекоменндации teacher for computer graphics.worked in two of the companies. Then typing experience and sufficient number of customers worked private.After marrying in the first place became a husband and a son.Now, I have a time, but the work I want to change.I am not going to be in an old-age pension to go to school, to look and to sit on the computer which sends negative radiation.Why do I want to try to work in this area,because i love children and would be happy to try to be useful to them.The design of the Interior in addition i became professionally to collect portraits and any picture crystal stones,which is unusual expensive and individual gift for VIP guests.My husband topic weddings designer relaxation or meeting friends.We are helping each other and as our work related to a lot of time spend together.We have a wide range of services in the establishment of any accessories for weddings and celebrations.i'm putting together a jewelry flower,Baskets for bride Sovietski Collection songs or initials on the Jamia Hafsa crystal stones at any paintings and drawings. Prompt and радую customers without creativity and a unique approach to let the second instance was not.If you need to use that the in these areas i will be happy to help and I hope I am successful result my work with you
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