Просыпаюсь в 10 часов утра. Чищу зубы ,умываюсь .Готовлю завтрак, ем . перевод - Просыпаюсь в 10 часов утра. Чищу зубы ,умываюсь .Готовлю завтрак, ем . английский как сказать

Просыпаюсь в 10 часов утра. Чищу зу

Просыпаюсь в 10 часов утра. Чищу зубы ,умываюсь .Готовлю завтрак, ем .включаю компьютер ,смотрю новости,почту.Дальше готовлюсь к университету .в 12:30 выхожу из дома .В 6 вечера прихожу домой, переодеваюсь еду к бабушке. у бабушки я ем и в 10 часов я еду в город .В городе мне встречаются разные люди .С этими людьми я начинаю знакомится и общаться .Дальше мы едем в кафе или еще куда-нибудь .Там начинаем есть,пить .Когда у всех начинает подниматься настроение мы едем в клуб.Там тоже мы кушаем ,пьем ,танцуем. Когда я танцую я расслабляюсь ,мне нравится танцевать под клубные песни и в такой обстановке.Ну так провожу один из трех дней.На следующий день у меня все так же только после занятий я еду к себе домой .готовлю ужин в основном варю макароны ,мясо отвариваю.как поем ,сижу делаю уроки.После того как закончил все задания принимаюсь за компьютер.После выхожу с во двор и гуляем с другом или занимаемся на турнике.в 11-12 часов прихожу домой ,ем. И начина. читать разные книги в основном люблю читать книги с философским направлением.в 1-2 часа я ложусь спать .
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I wake up at 10:00 am. Brush my teeth, wash my face.'m Preparing breakfast, I eat. Turn on the computer, watch the news, pochtu.Dalshe preparing for university. 12:30 I leave the house. At 6 pm come home, change clothes food to her grandmother.Grandma and I eat at 10 o'clock I go to the city. in the city I found different people. With these people I'm starting to get acquainted and communicate. Next we go to a cafe or something. They begin to eat and drink.When everyone starts to lift the mood, we're going to klub.Tam too, we eat, we drink, we dance. When I dance I relax, I like to dance to the songs and the club in such a situation.Well, I spend from three dney.Na next day I was still only after school I go to his home. Cook dinner in the main cook pasta, meat otvarivayu.kak sing, sit doing homework.Once completed all assignments are accepted for kompyuter.Posle go out to the yard and walk with a friend or engaged on turnike.v 11-12 hours I come home, I eat. And beginning.read different books, mostly like to read books with a philosophical napravleniem.v 1-2 hours, I'm going to bed.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Wake up at 10:0 in the morning. Brush my teeth, wash my face. make breakfast, eat. turn on the computer, watch the news, mail, prepare for a University on the 12:30 leave my house in 6 pm come home, change my clothes going to Grandma. I eat at Grandma's and 10:0 I go to town in a city I met different people. with these people I'm starting to read and communicate. the farther we go to a café or anywhere there are starting to eat, drink.When everyone begins to lift the mood in the Club we go there too, we eat, drink, dance. When I dance I relax, I like to dance to the song in a club setting.Well, spend three days. the next day, I still only after I go home. Cook Dinner basically boil pasta, meat otvarivaû. as we sing, sit doing lessons.Once finished all quests take over your computer after I go out to the yard and walk with a friend or do on the horizontal bar in the 11-12 hours to get home, eat. And starting. read all sorts of books mainly enjoy reading books with philosophical direction. in 1-2 hours I go to bed.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Wake up at 10 o'clock in the morning. Nope ,умываюсь .boyfriend breakfast, eat .include the computer ,i'm looking at news,mail.Next i'll start to university .at 12:30 leave the house.In the 6 p.m. Golda Meir,'m going to grandmother.The grandmother I eat and in 10 hours I'm going to the city.In the city i found different people .to these people i begin reacquainting itself and to communicate .We are going to the cafe or even to somewhere .There are beginning there is,to drink .When we all begin to raise your mood we are going to the club.There too we кушаем ,antioxidants ,are happy. When i Yukako won top i behave ,i like to dance under the club songs and in such a situation.So I am one of three days.The next day i have all the same only after class I'm going home to our .boyfriend dinner in the main'm brewing pasta ,meat отвариваю.as my thoughts ,sitting doing the lessons.After he graduated from all the jobs принимаюсь for your computer.After getting off from the courtyard and other mothers with toddlers with each other or are engaged in the liveliness.in 11-12 hours Donington ,Smith? And long- distance calls.Read different books in the main love to read books with philosophical direction.in 1-2 hours I sleep at night.
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