Грамматико-переводной (лексико-грамматический, традиционный) метод. Гр перевод - Грамматико-переводной (лексико-грамматический, традиционный) метод. Гр английский как сказать

Грамматико-переводной (лексико-грам

Грамматико-переводной (лексико-грамматический, традиционный) метод.
Грамматико-переводной (традиционный) метод был одним из первых способов обучения. Изначально он во многом повторял программы изучения «мертвых языков» (латынь, греческий и др.), где практически весь образовательный процесс сводился к чтению и переводу. Его основы были заложены просветителями еще в XVIII веке, а к середине XX-го данная методика получила название «Grammar-translational method» («Грамматико-переводной метод»).

Согласно этому методу, владение языком складывается запоминания некоторого количества слов и знания грамматики. Процесс обучения состоит в том, что ученик последовательно изучает разные грамматические схемы и пополняет свой словарный запас. Текстовые учебные материалы – это так называемый искусственный текст, в котором не важен смысл того, что вы скажете, важно то, как вы это скажете.

По этому методу построено большинство школьных программ, вспомните известные «семейные» упражнения, когда еще не проснувшийся ученик уныло бубнит заученное: «My name is Ivan. I live in Moscow. My father was an engineer, my mother cooks…».

Традиционный метод обучения иностранным языкам несколько устарел, считается, что он скучный, трудный, а результат достигается слишком долго – множество скучных и трудных грамматических правил, куча слов, которые необходимо зубрить, тоскливые тексты, которые требуется читать и переводить, а иногда и пересказывать. Преподаватель, который все время перебивает и исправляет ошибки. Вся эта скукотища длится несколько лет, а результат не всегда оправдывает ожидания.

Основной недостаток традиционного метода в том, что он создает идеальные условия для возникновения называемого языкового барьера, поскольку человек не говорит, а просто комбинирует слова с помощью грамматических правил.

Этот способ господствовал до конца 50-х годов и был единственным, с помощью которого обучались абсолютно все – других методик просто не существовало. Занятия проводились по схеме: читай - переводи, читай – переводи. Такая методика сильно снижала мотивацию и интерес к занятиям.

Но уже тогда многие задавались вопросом: зачем делать из человека филолога – если он всего лишь хочет научиться говорить и писать на иностранном языке, понимать его? Человеку нужны практические навыки, а не вторая специальность. В то время обучаемый фактически получал знания о языке, а не сам язык; он хорошо отличал одну грамматическую конструкцию от другой, но не в состоянии был задать простой вопрос иностранцу, будучи, к примеру, за границей.

Однако, несмотря на все недостатки, у традиционного метода есть и плюсы – он позволяет усвоить грамматику на высоком уровне, кроме того, этот метод хорошо подходит для людей с сильно развитым логическим мышлением, которые способны воспринимать язык как совокупность грамматических формул.

В середине 50-х традиционный метод перестал соответствовать основным лингвистическим требованиям. В результате десятки альтернативных методик буйной молодой порослью покрыли лингвистическое пространство. Однако традиционная методика, хотя и сильно изменилась, но не сдала своих позиций и продолжает успешно существовать в виде современного лексико-грамматического метода, по которому работают известные языковые школы.

Современный лексико-грамматический метод направлен на обучение языку как системе, состоящей из 4-х основных компонентов – говорение (устная речь), аудирование (восприятие на слух), чтение, письмо. Наибольшее внимание уделяется разбору текстов, написанию сочинений, изложений и диктантов. Кроме того, обучающиеся должны усвоить структуру и логику иностранного языка, уметь соотносить его с родным, понимать, в чем их сходство и различия. Это невозможно без серьезного изучения грамматики и без практики двустороннего перевода. Метод рекомендуется для тех, кто только начинает изучать иностранный язык, а также тем, кто обладает выраженным логико-математическим мышлением.

Коммуникативный метод
На сегодняшний день это самый популярный метод изучения иностранных языков – после уже описанного традиционного. Для начала 70-х он стал настоящим прорывом, потому что основная цель данного метода – научить человека взаимодействовать с другими людьми на изучаемом языке, что подразумевает все формы общения: речь, письмо (как чтение, так и навыки написания текстов), умение слушать и понимать сказанное собеседником. Этого проще всего достичь, обучая человека в естественных условиях - естественных, прежде всего, с точки зрения здравого смысла. Например, вопрос преподавателя «Что это?» с указанием на стул, может считаться естественным только в том случае, если преподаватель на самом деле не знает, что же это такое и т.д.

Современный коммуникативный метод представляет сочетание многих способов обучения иностранным языкам. На сегодняшний день это вершина эволюционной пирамиды различных образовательных методик.

Коммуникативный метод подходит большинству людей, позволяет быстрее и более осознанно выучить иностранный яз
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Grammatiko-conversion (Lexico-grammatical, traditional method). Grammatiko-conversion (traditional method) was one of the first ways of learning. Initially he largely repeated the study programme of "dead" languages (Latin, Greek, etc.), where virtually the entire educational process was limited to reading and translation. Its foundations were laid by the Slavs in the 18th century, and by mid-20TH-century this technique was called "Grammar-translational method" ("Grammatiko-conversion method").According to this method, fluency shaping up remembering some words and grammar. The learning process is that the apprentice has consistently examines the different grammatical diagrams and replenishes your vocabulary. Text training material-so-called artificial text, which is not the meaning of what you say, what matters is, as you say.By this method, built most of the school programs, remember the famous "family" exercises when not yet awakened to the pupil sadly bubnit zauchennoe: "My name is Ivan. I live in Moscow. My father was an engineer, my mother cooks ".The traditional method of teaching foreign languages multiple outdated, it is believed that he is boring, hard, and the result is too long-a lot of boring and difficult grammatical rules, a bunch of words that need to cramming, anxious texts that you want to read and translate, and sometimes to retell. The teacher, who interrupts and corrects errors. All these boring things lasts several years, and the result does not always meet expectations.The main disadvantage of the traditional method in that it creates ideal conditions for the emergence of the so-called language barrier, since man does not speak, but simply combines the words using the grammar rules.This method prevailed until the late 50 's and was the only one with which studied absolutely all other techniques simply did not exist. Classes were held as follows: read-read, translate-translate. This technique greatly reduced motivation and interest in classes.But even then, many wondered: why do human of the philologist-if he only wants to learn to speak and write in a foreign language, understand it? Man need practical skills rather than the second specialty. While the trainee actually received the knowledge of the language, not the language itself; It is well featured one grammatical structure from another, but was not able to ask a simple question to a foreigner, being, for example, abroad.However, despite all the shortcomings, the traditional method and there are pros-it allows you to assimilate the grammar at a high level, in addition, this method is well suited for people with highly developed logical thinking, capable of perceiving the language as a grammatical formulas.In the mid 50 's the traditional method stopped match main linguistic requirements. As a result, dozens of young trees, luxuriant alternative techniques covered the linguistic space. However, the traditional technique, although it has changed, but not deposited their positions and continues to exist as a modern Lexico-grammatical method by which employs well-known language schools.Modern Lexico-grammatical method aims at teaching language as a system consisting of 4 major components-speaking (speaking), listening (listening), reading, writing. Most attention is paid to the reception of texts, writing essay, statements and dictations. In addition, students must learn the structure and logic of a foreign language, be able to correlate it with loved ones understand what their similarities and differences. This is impossible without serious study grammar and without practice bilateral translation. Method is recommended for those who are just starting to learn a foreign language, as well as those who possesses strong logic-mathematical thinking.The communicative method To date, this is the most popular method of learning foreign languages-after already described traditional. For the beginning of the 70 's he became a real breakthrough, because the main purpose of this method is to teach a person to interact with other people in the target language, which means all forms of communication: speaking, writing (like reading and writing skills), ability to listen and understand the spoken conversationalist. This is the easiest way to reach to teach man in vivo-natural, first of all, from the point of view of common sense. For example, the issue of the teacher "what is it?" indicating the Chair, may be deemed natural only if the teacher really knows what it is, etc.Modern communicative method represents the combination of many methods of teaching foreign languages. To date, it is the pinnacle of evolutionary pyramids of various educational methods.The communicative method is suitable to most people, enables faster and more consciously learn a lang
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Grammar-translation (lexical and grammatical, traditional) method.
Grammar-translation (traditional) method was one of the first ways of learning. Initially it was very similar to the program study "dead languages" (Latin, Greek, etc.), Where almost the entire educational process was limited to reading and translating. Its foundations were laid by the Enlightenment in the XVIII century, and by the middle of XX-th, this technique is called «Grammar-translational method» ( «grammar-translation method").

According to this method, language proficiency consists of memorizing a number of words and grammar knowledge. The process of learning is that the student consistently exploring different grammatical schemes and replenishes your vocabulary. Text study materials - so-called artificial text, which is not important meaning of what you say, what matters is how you say it.

In this method, built the majority of school-based programs, remember the famous "family" exercise, when not yet awakened student sadly memorized mutters: «My name is Ivan. I live in Moscow. My father was an engineer, my mother cooks ... ».

Traditional foreign language teaching method is a bit old, it is believed that he is boring, difficult, and the result is reached far too long - a lot of tedious and difficult grammatical rules, a lot of words that need to cram, melancholy lyrics you want to read and translate, and sometimes retell. The teacher, who always interrupts and corrects errors. All these boring things lasts for several years, but the result does not always live up to expectations.

The main drawback of the traditional method is that it creates ideal conditions for the emergence called language barrier because a person does not speak, but simply combines words with grammatical rules.

This method prevailed until the late 50s and was the only one with which taught everything - other methods simply did not exist. Classes are held according to the scheme: read - translate, read - translation. This technique greatly reduces the motivation and interest in their studies.

But even then, many have wondered: what to do from a human linguist - if he just wants to learn to speak and write in a foreign language, to understand it? A person needs practical skills, and not the second specialty. At that time, the student actually received the knowledge of the language, not the language itself; it is well different from one grammatical structure from the other, but was not able to ask a simple question to a foreigner, being, for example, abroad.

However, despite all the shortcomings in the traditional method, there are advantages - it allows you to learn grammar at a high level, in addition to In addition, this method is well suited for people with a highly developed logical thinking, are able to perceive language as a set of grammatical formulas.

In the mid 50's the traditional method no longer meet the basic linguistic requirements. As a result, dozens of alternative methods of violent young shoots covered linguistic space. However, the traditional method, although it has changed a lot, but did not surrender its position and continues to successfully exist in the form of modern lexical and grammatical method by which run-known language schools.

Modern lexical and grammatical method is aimed at language learning as a system consisting of 4 main components - speaking (speaking), listening (listening), reading, writing. The greatest attention is paid to the analysis of texts, writing essays, summaries and dictations. In addition, students must learn the structure and logic of a foreign language, to be able to correlate it with the family, to understand what are their similarities and differences. This is impossible without a serious study of grammar and practice without two-way translation. The method is recommended for those who are just starting to learn a foreign language, as well as those who have expressed the logical-mathematical thinking.

Communicative method
Today it is the most popular method of learning foreign languages - after the already described conventional. For the early '70s he was a breakthrough, because the main purpose of this method - to teach a person to interact with others in the target language, which involves all forms of communication: speaking, writing (both reading and writing skills of texts), listening and understand the source said. This is the easiest way to achieve by teaching human in vivo - the natural, first of all, from the point of view of common sense. For example, the question of the teacher, "What is this?", Indicating a chair, can be considered a natural only if the teacher actually knows what it is, and so on

modern communicative method is a combination of many methods of teaching foreign languages. Today is the pinnacle of the evolutionary pyramid of different educational methods.

The communicative method is suitable for most people, makes it easier and more conscious to learn a foreign lang
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
грамматико - a (lexical and grammatical, traditional) method.грамматико - a (traditional) method was one of the first ways of learning. initially, he largely kept to study "the dead languages (latin, greek, etc.), where virtually all of the educational process was limited to reading and translation. its foundations were laid educators in the eighteenth century and the mid 20th this method got the name of "language - translational method» (" грамматико - a practice ").according to this method, the language has a limited number of words and memorizing knowledge of grammar. the learning process is that the student has studied different grammatical patterns and add to your vocabulary. text teaching materials is the so-called artificial text, which is not the meaning of what you say, it's how you say it.this method is most school programmes, when the famous "family exercises when not проснувшийся disciple dull your training now says:" my name is ivan. i live in moscow. my father was an in, my mother cooks...».the traditional method of teaching foreign languages have become somewhat outdated, it is considered that it's boring, difficult, and the result is too long, a lot of boring and difficult grammatical rules, a lot of words to be cramming, dreary texts which are required to read and translate and sometimes paraphrase. the teacher who always beats and correcting mistakes. all this boring lasts a few years, but the results do not always meet the expectations.the main disadvantage of the traditional method is that it creates the ideal environment for the emergence of a language barrier, as the man said just combines the words with grammatical rules.this method had ruled before the end of the 1950s, and was the only one, which was absolutely all other methods didn't exist. the training was conducted on the pattern: read, translate, read and translate. this method greatly reduced the motivation and interest.but even then, many have wondered: why do human philologist - if he only wants to learn how to speak and write in a foreign language, to understand it? the man needs the practical skills, but not the second specialty. at the same time trained actually received the knowledge about language, not the language itself; it's a common grammatical structure typical of one from the other, but cannot be to ask a simple question to an alien being, for example, abroad.however, in spite of all the shortcomings of the traditional method, on the bright side, he can learn grammar at a high level, moreover, this method is well suited for people with highly developed logical thinking, which can восприним
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