ЮлияVladivostok is washed by two gulfs the Amursky Gulf and Ussuriysky перевод - ЮлияVladivostok is washed by two gulfs the Amursky Gulf and Ussuriysky английский как сказать

ЮлияVladivostok is washed by two gu

Vladivostok is washed by two gulfs the Amursky Gulf and Ussuriysky Gulf in addition to five bays that bear the classical names of Patrols, Diomides, and Ulysses. The names of the bays originate from those of the first ships that once called at them Vladivostok is a frontier city, and a city on the waterfront. Here Russia and Asia meet: at this place, where the Continent of Russia ends there is a conjunction of the borders of several countries Before the Russians nobody lived here. One could find only a few Chinese cabins clung to the seashores of the peninsula Trepang catchers sometimes visited that remote area It was they who used to call the Golden Horn Bay Haishengwel the Golden Trepang Bay
There were migrants from all parts of Russia, mainly poor peasants arriving by sea from Odessa search of the Promised Land What hey found there were deserted rocky shores, hills covered by virgin a boundless ocean, giving them hope Who were those people? They Wee migrants and deportees, sailors and soldiers. The Russians, Byelonusa Ukrainians, Poles and other nationalities of enormous Russia Nowadays Vladivostok isa large city, major seaport with a big naval base. and a population exceeding 7000 people. The prominent part its population has a life -long liaison with the sea. Vladivostok is well known in the world mainly as the biggest naval base of the Russian Federation Vladivostok is one of the largest cargo handling centers of the country. The most extensive railroad route in the )world, more than 9000 km long, sta here. As for the Commercial Port of Vladivostok, it is one among the major ports of the Asian Pacific region. The commercial Port handles more than 4 million tons of international cargo annually And every year young people striving for knowledge come to Vladivostok from all parts of the Far Eastern region. The capital of rimorye is the largest scientific and educational center of the Russian Far with its own long established traditions More than 50 higher educational establishments and 16 research institutes of the Academy of Sciences are located in Vladivostok Vladivostok is a maritime city. The sea can be viewed from almost every window in the city. Its streets and avenues climbing up the slopes of the hills and crossing over them will sooner or later lead you to the sea The city is a municipal corporation. Its aim is to provide for the general welfare of the citizens. The basis of the city's legal existence and of its internal government is a document known as the city charter The city government is the mechanism through which the public will is expressed The government of Vladivostok, for example, like any local govem lent embraces there broad functions namely, the making of laws (legislative power) the administration of laws (executive power, and the enforcement of laws (judicial power) Local government is often regarded as being the basis of national govemrnent The laws of Vladivostok are p But the government of the city everyday life exercises a mayor elected by the citizens As in other cities education, medical and hospital services, public ornmentl transport and other utility services have become matters of governmel concern in Vladivostok as well
To protect the citizens from criminal individuals or wrongdoings there are the police and local courts that maintain the public order and prevent crimes. To be successful in the governmental activity all the branches of government of the city of Vladivostok should cooperate and work together
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
JuliaVladivostok is washed by two gulfs the Amursky Gulf and Gulf Ussuriysky in addition to five bays that bear the classical names of Patrols, Diomides, and Ulysses. The names of the bays originate from those of the first ships that once called at them Vladivostok is a frontier city, and a city on the waterfront. Here Russia and Asia meet: at this place, where the Continent of Russia ends there is a conjunction of the borders of several countries Before the Russians nobody lived here. One could find only a few Chinese cabins clung to the seashores of the Trepang catchers sometimes visited that remote area It was they who used to call the Golden Horn Bay Haishengwel the Golden Trepang Bay11:39:08 There were migrants from all parts of Russia, mainly poor peasants arriving by sea from Odessa search of the Promised Land What hey found there were deserted rocky shores, hills covered by virgin a boundless ocean, giving them hope Who were those people? They Wee migrants and deportees, sailors and soldiers. The Russians, Byelonusa Ukrainians, Poles and other nationalities of enormous Russia Nowadays Vladivostok isa large city, major seaport with a big naval base. and a population exceeding 7000 people. The prominent part its population has a life -long liaison with the sea. Vladivostok is well known in the world mainly as the biggest naval base of the Russian Federation Vladivostok is one of the largest cargo handling centers of the country. The most extensive railroad route in the )world, more than 9000 km long, sta here. As for the Commercial Port of Vladivostok, it is one among the major ports of the Asian Pacific region. The commercial Port handles more than 4 million tons of international cargo annually And every year young people striving for knowledge come to Vladivostok from all parts of the Far Eastern region. The capital of rimorye is the largest scientific and educational center of the Russian Far with its own long established traditions More than 50 higher educational establishments and 16 research institutes of the Academy of Sciences are located in Vladivostok Vladivostok is a maritime city. The sea can be viewed from almost every window in the city. Its streets and avenues climbing up the slopes of the hills and crossing over them will sooner or later lead you to the sea The city is a municipal corporation. Its aim is to provide for the general welfare of the citizens. The basis of the city's legal existence and of its internal government is a document known as the city charter The city government is the mechanism through which the public will is expressed The government of Vladivostok, for example, like any local govem lent embraces there broad functions namely, the making of laws (legislative power) the administration of laws (executive power, and the enforcement of laws (judicial power) Local government is often regarded as being the basis of national govemrnent The laws of Vladivostok are p But the government of the city everyday life exercises a mayor elected by the citizens As in other cities education, medical and hospital services, public ornmentl transport and other utility services have become matters of governmel concern in Vladivostok as wellTo protect the citizens from criminal individuals or wrongdoings there are the police and local courts that maintain the public order and prevent crimes. To be successful in the governmental activity all the branches of government of the city of Vladivostok should cooperate and work together
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Vladivostok is washed by two gulfs the Amursky Gulf and Ussuriysky Gulf in addition to five bays that bear the classical names of Patrols, Diomides, and Ulysses. The names of the bays originate from those of the first ships that once called at them Vladivostok is a frontier city, and a city on the waterfront. Here Russia and Asia meet: at this place, where the Continent of Russia ends there is a conjunction of the borders of several countries Before the Russians nobody lived here. Could find only One a few cabins Chinese clung to the seashores of the peninsula Trepang catchers sometimes visited that remote area It was they who used to call the Golden Horn Bay Haishengwel the Golden Bay Trepang
There were migrants from all parts of Russia, mainly poor peasants arriving by sea from Odessa search of the Promised Land What hey found there were deserted rocky shores, hills covered by virgin a boundless ocean, giving them hope Who were those people? They Wee migrants and deportees, sailors and soldiers. The Russians, Byelonusa Ukrainians, Poles and other nationalities of enormous Russia Nowadays Vladivostok isa large city, major seaport with a big naval base. and a population exceeding 7,000 people. The prominent part its population has a life -long liaison with the sea. Vladivostok is well known in the world mainly as the biggest naval base of the Russian Federation Vladivostok is one of the largest cargo handling centers of the country. The most extensive railroad route in the) world, more than 9000 km long, sta here. As for the Commercial Port of Vladivostok, it is one among the major ports of the Asian Pacific region. The commercial Port handles more than 4 million tons of international cargo annually And every year young people striving for knowledge come to Vladivostok from all parts of the Far Eastern region. The capital of rimorye is the largest scientific and educational center of the Russian Far with its own long established traditions More than 50 higher educational establishments and 16 research institutes of the Academy of Sciences are located in Vladivostok Vladivostok is a maritime city. The sea can be viewed from almost every window in the city. Its streets and avenues climbing up the slopes of the hills and crossing over them will sooner or later lead you to the sea The city is a municipal corporation. Its aim is to provide for the general welfare of the citizens. The basis of the city's legal existence and of its internal government is a document known as the city charter The city government is the mechanism through which the public will is expressed The government of Vladivostok, for example, like any local govem lent embraces there broad functions namely, the making of laws (legislative power) the administration of laws (executive power, and the enforcement of laws (judicial power) Local government is often regarded as being the basis of national govemrnent The laws of Vladivostok are p But the government of the city ​​everyday life exercises a mayor elected by the citizens As in other cities education, medical and hospital services, public ornmentl transport and other utility services have become matters of governmel concern in Vladivostok as well
To protect the citizens from criminal individuals or wrongdoings there are the police and local courts that maintain the public order and prevent crimes. To be successful in the governmental activity all the branches of government of the city of Vladivostok should cooperate and work together
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

number is washed by two gulfs the Amursky gulf and Ussuriysky gulf in addition to five bays that bear the classical names of patrols, Diomides, and ulysses. the names of the bays originate from those of the first ships that once called at an august is a frontier city, and a city on the unique. here russia and asia meet, at this place,where the Continent of england ends there is a conjunction of the borders of several countries before the government nobody lived here. one could find only a few chinese cabins clung to the seashores of the peninsula Trepang catchers sometimes visited the remote area and it was they who used to call the golden horn bay Haishengwel the golden Trepang bay
11: 39: 08.there were migrants from all parts of england, mainly poor time arriving by sea from odessa, search of the promised land, what i found there were accession rocky shore, at a boundless is covered by ocean, giving them hope who were those people? they Wee migrants and deportees, magazine in the scottish parliament. the form of the Byelonusa,eventually had a destination of robin hood large number with russia nowadays is the major seaport with a big, base. and a population exceeding 7000 people. the prominent part the united states has a life - long liaison with the sea.charles is well known in the world as the biggest, on the base of the russian federation in august is one of the largest cargo handling centers of the country. the most extensive railroad route) in the world, more than 9000 km long, is here. as for the commercial port of them, it is one among the major ports of the asian pacific region.the commercial port handles more than 4 million tons of international cargo annually and every year young people striving for knowledge come to them from all parts of the far eastern region.the capital of rimorye is the largest scientific and educational center of the english far with its own long established traditions more than 50 higher educational establishments and 16 research institutes of the academy of sciences are located in august in august is a maritime city. the sea can be political elite held from almost every window in the city.its streets and avenues climbing up the slopes of the densely and crossing over them will sooner or later lead you to the sea the city is a municipal corporation. its aim is to provide for the general welfare of the citizens.
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