Углеродное волокноКомпозиционные материалы, армированные углеродным во перевод - Углеродное волокноКомпозиционные материалы, армированные углеродным во английский как сказать

Углеродное волокноКомпозиционные ма

Углеродное волокно

Композиционные материалы, армированные углеродным волокном, известны уже довольно давно и находят сегодня весьма широкое применение. Достаточно вспомнить, например, о конструктивных элементах самолетов и планеров, о кузовных деталях автомобилей, корпусах катеров, велосипедных рамах, лыжах, клюшках, ракетках, веслах и прочем спортинвентаре.

Однако специалисты Института монолитного строительства при Дрезденском техническом университете уверены, что этого недостаточно, и разработали новый стройматериал - углебетон. По сути дела, это аналог железобетона - но более легкий и прочный за счет использования углеволоконной арматуры вместо стальной. Арматурой служат, конечно, не отдельные углеродные нити, а особый текстильный материал, именуемый углетканью, хотя на самом деле это нетканое полотно, производимое на вязально-прошивных машинах. Инженер-строитель Франк Шладиц (Frank Schladitz) поясняет: "Одна элементарная нить тоньше человеческого волоса. Пятьдесят тысяч таких нитей образуют комплексную нить. А из нее мы получаем наш углеволоконный текстиль".

Две технологии производства

Таким текстилем и армируется углебетон. Но это оказалось непростой задачей, не зря над ее решением дрезденские специалисты трудились более десяти лет. "При ближайшем рассмотрении текстиль имеет решетчатую структуру, что делает его похожим на гардинное полотно, - говорит Франк Шладиц. - Такую структуру очень трудно укладывать в бетон. Чтобы волокна хорошо схватились с бетонной смесью и друг с другом, на них нанесят специальное покрытие".

Рецептуру этого покрытия, равно как и технологию его нанесения, разработчики держат в секрете. Но активно экспериментируют с углебетонными изделиями различной конфигурации - от стандартных плит и цилиндров до деталей самых замысловатых форм. Бетономешалки здесь простаивают редко. Эксперименты проводятся в климатической камере при температуре 20 градусов Цельсия и влажности воздуха 60 процентов. Для получения углебетонных элементов могут применяться две технологии, говорит Франк Шладиц: "Одна - это технология набора слоев. На слой бетона укладывается полотно углеволоконного текстиля, сверху на него - еще один слой смеси, на него - снова углеткань, потом опять бетон - и так до тех пор, пока не получим изделие нужной толщины. А вторая технология состоит в размещении углеволоконной арматуры внутри опалубки с последующей заливкой бетонной смеси"

Легкость, прочность, долговечность

Помимо легкости и прочности, к важным достоинствам углебетона относится его долговечность, значительно превышающая долговечность традиционного железобетона, в котором уже мельчайшие трещины чреваты коррозией арматуры . "Огромное преимущество углебетона в том, что он не ржавеет, и я могу сэкономить немало бетонной смеси, - поясняет инженер. - При стальной арматуре мне требуется наружный защитный слой бетона толщиной никак не менее двух сантиметров, а углеволоконная арматура позволяет обойтись гораздо более тонким слоем".

Массовому вытеснению железобетона углебетоном препятствует лишь одно - высокие цены на углеродное волокно. Тем не менее, директор дрезденского Института монолитного строительства профессор Манфред Курбах (Manfred Curbach) уверен в том, что углебетон вполне конкурентоспособен на рынке стройматериалов, поскольку его высокая стоимость компенсируется выдающимися эксплуатационными характеристиками.

Две сферы применения

Собственно, внедрение нового материала уже началось, говорит ученый: "Есть две обширные области, в которых мы добились крупных успехов. Одна - это укрепление имеющихся старых строений, которые иначе пришлось бы сносить. Мы уже смогли укрепить - и тем самым спасти - несколько ценных зданий в Швайнфурте и в Хемнице. А другая область - это новые сооружения. Так, нам удалось возвести необычный павильон высотой более четырех метров из изогнутых углебетонных элементов толщиной всего в четыре сантиметра. Конструкция получилась очень легкой, почти воздушной, можно сказать, филигранной. Построить подобное здание из железобетона было бы крайне сложно и дорого".

Профессор Курбах получает сегодня немало запросов относительно нового материала, в том числе из США и Израиля, где многие железобетонные строения находятся в плачевном состоянии и нуждаются в ремонте. "Мы исходим из того, что через 10 лет сможем примерно 20 процентов всего железобетона заменить углебетоном, - говорит ученый. - Поначалу это будут, главным образом, плиты и фасадные панели, но когда преимущества нового чудо-материал проявятся в полной мере, его станут применять все шире и все чаще".
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Carbon fiberComposite materials, reinforced with carbon fiber, have been known for a long time and are now very widely used. Suffice it to recall, for example, on the constructive elements of planes and gliders, about body parts car, boat hulls, bicycle frames, skiing, klûškah, rackets, oars and other sportinventare. However, the specialists of the Institute of cast-in-place concrete construction at the Dresden Technical University, believe that it is not enough, and have developed a new material-uglebeton. In fact, it is similar to concrete but more lightweight and durable through the use of uglevolokonnoj instead of steel reinforcement. Valves are, of course, not individual carbon filaments and special textile material, called ugletkan′û, although this is actually non-woven fabric made in the stitch-bonding machines. Construction engineer Frank Šladic (Frank Schladitz) explains: "One simple thread thinner than a human hair. Fifty thousand of these strands together constitute a comprehensive thread. And from it we get our carbon fiber textiles ". Two production technology Such fabrics and reinforced with uglebeton. But it was not an easy task, not in vain on a solution drezdenskie specialists worked for more than a decade. "Upon closer examination, textile has latticed structure that makes it look like the curtain cloth, says Frank Šladic. -This structure is very difficult to be laid in concrete. To fiber good jumped from the concrete mix and with each other, they nanesât a special coating ". Compounding this coverage, as well as the technology of its application, the developers are kept secret. But actively experimenting with uglebetonnymi articles of a various configuration ranging from standard plates and cylinders to detail the most intricate forms. Concrete mixers are rarely idle. Experiments in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and humidity of 60 percent. To obtain the uglebetonnyh elements of the two technologies may apply, said Frank Šladic: "one is a set of layers. The concrete layer laying fabric uglevolokonnogo textile, on top of him-another layer of the mixture on it-again, then again the carbon fiber concrete-and so on, until we get the product the desired thickness. The second technology is inside the formwork and reinforcement uglevolokonnoj and then pouring the concrete " Lightness, strength, durability In addition to the lightness and strength, to the important advantages of uglebetona is its durability, considerably exceeding the durability of traditional reinforced concrete, in which the tiniest crack could corrosion of reinforcement. "The great advantage of uglebetona is that it does not rust, and I can save quite a bit of concrete mix, explains engineer. -When steel reinforcement I need the outer protective layer of concrete with no less than two centimeters, and uglevolokonnaâ valves allows to do much more than a thin layer ". The massive displacement of reinforced concrete uglebetonom lets only one-the high price of carbon fiber. However, the Director of the Dresden Institute, the monolithic construction Professor Kurbah Manfred (Manfred Curbach) confident that uglebeton is quite competitive in the market of building materials, because of its high cost is offset by an outstanding performance. 2 scope of application Actually, the introduction of new material has already started, the scientist said: "there are two broad areas in which we have achieved major successes. One is the strengthening of the existing old buildings that would otherwise have to endure. We have already been able to strengthen-and thus save a few valuable buildings in Schweinfurt and in Chemnitz. And the other is the new facilities. So, we managed to erect a unusual Pavilion more than four meters of curved uglebetonnyh items just four centimetres thick. The design was very easy, almost aerial, can say, fine. Build this building made of reinforced concrete, it would be extremely difficult and expensive ". Professor Kurbah Gets a lot of queries regarding today's new material, including from the United States and Israel, where many of the reinforced concrete buildings are dilapidated and in need of repair. "We believe that through the 10 years will be about 20 per cent of the reinforced concrete replaced uglebetonom, says the scientist. -At first it will be mainly slabs and facade panels, but when the advantages of the new miracle material will be fully implemented, it will be used more and more often. "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Carbon fiber composite materials reinforced with carbon fiber, have been known for a long time and are now very widely used. Suffice it to recall, for example, structural components of airplanes and gliders, body parts of cars, boats hulls, bicycle frames, skiing, hockey sticks, rackets, paddle sports equipment and so on. However, experts of the Institute of monolithic construction at the Dresden University of Technology are sure that this is not enough, and developed a new building material - uglebeton. In fact, it is an analogue of concrete - but more lightweight and durable through the use of carbon fiber instead of steel reinforcement. Valves are, of course, not the individual carbon fibers and special textile material called carbon fabric, although in fact it is non-woven fabric produced on a stitch-bonding machines. Civil Engineer Frank Shladits (Frank Schladitz) explains: "One filament thinner than a human hair. Fifty thousand of these strands form a complete thread. And from it we get our carbon fiber textiles." The two technologies of production of textiles and thus reinforced uglebeton. But it turned out to be a daunting task, not in vain over her decision Dresden specialists have worked for more than ten years. "Upon closer inspection, textiles has a lattice structure, which makes it look like a curtain cloth, - says Frank Shladits. - This structure is very difficult to lay the concrete. To fiber tightly adhered to the concrete mixture and with each other, they are treated with a coating." The formulation of the coating, as well as its application and technology developers kept secret. But actively experimenting with different configurations uglebetonnymi products - from standard plates and cylinders to detail the most intricate shapes. Concrete mixers are rarely idle. The experiments were conducted in a climate chamber at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and humidity of 60 percent. For uglebetonnyh elements can be used two technologies, says Frank Shladits: "One - a technology layer set. On the layer of concrete laid carbon fiber cloth textiles, on top of it - another layer of mixture on it - carbon cloth again, then again concrete - and so until then, until you get the desired thickness of the product. A second technique consists in placing carbon fiber reinforcement of the formwork, followed by pouring the concrete mix " Lightweight, strong and durable addition to ease and strength to important advantages uglebetona is its durability, significantly exceeding the durability of traditional concrete , which is already fraught with tiny cracks reinforcement corrosion. "The great advantage of uglebetona that it does not rust, and I can save a lot of concrete - explains the engineer. - When steel reinforcement I need the outer protective layer of concrete thickness of not less than two centimeters, and carbon fiber reinforcement eliminates much thinner layer . " The massive displacement of concrete uglebetonom prevents only one - the high price of carbon fiber. However, the director of the Dresden Institute of monolithic construction Professor Manfred Courbet (Manfred Curbach) sure that uglebeton quite competitive in the market of building materials since its high cost is offset by outstanding performance characteristics. Two scope of fact, the introduction of new material has already begun, says scientist "There are two broad areas in which we have achieved major successes. One - a strengthening of existing old buildings that would otherwise have to endure. We have been able to strengthen - and thus save - a few valuable buildings in Schweinfurt and Chemnitz. The other region - a new structure. Thus, we were able to build a pavilion unusual height of more than four meters of curved elements uglebetonnyh thickness of only four centimeters. The design was very light, almost airy, it can be said filigree. Construct a similar building of reinforced concrete would be extremely difficult and expensive . " Professor Courbet received today a lot of requests for new material, including from the United States and Israel, where many reinforced concrete buildings are in poor condition and in need of repair. "We believe that in 10 years will be able to roughly 20 percent of the concrete to replace uglebetonom - he says. - At first it will be mainly plate and front panel, but when the advantages of the new miracle material will be shown in full, it will use wider and increasingly ".

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Carbon fiber

composites, carbon fiber reinforced, known already quite a long time and are today a very broad application. It is enough to recall, for example,On the constructive elements fixed-wing aircraft and glider pilots, on the bodywork parts cars, chassis motor boats, bicycle frames, skiing, клюшках, ракетках, main expeditions click here . and essence спортинвентаре.

However, experts from the Institute monolithic construction at the technical university of sure, that this is not enough, and we have established a new crisis - углебетон. In fact,This is equivalent ferro - but more lightweight and durable through the use of углеволоконнои fixtures instead of steel. Fittings are, of course, not individual carbon filament, and a special textile material,Hereinafter referred to as углетканью, although the fact that it is a such properties canvas, produced at the вязально with machines. Engineer Frank Шладиц (Frank Sсhlаditz) explains: "One elementary thread thinner than human hair.Fifty-thousand of these threads form a comprehensive thread. And from it we get our carbon fiber textiles". Lord Lord two production technology in textiles and every spandrel have углебетон. But this has not proved to be a challenging task,Not in vain over its decision дрезденские specialists worked more than ten years. "The textiles has a grating structure, which makes it similar to гардинное canvas, - said Franck Шладиц.- Such a structure it is very difficult to stack them in concrete. So that the fibers are well Karelian NPP with concrete mixture and with each other, they нанесят special coating". Lord formulation this coverage,As well as technology and its application, the developers kept in secret. But is actively experimenting with углебетонными products different configurations - from standard plates and cylinder head to parts the most intricate forms.Urban roadwork here are idle rarely. Experiments are being conducted in the climate chamber at a temperature between 20 degrees Celsius and humidity of the air 60 per cent.To obtain углебетонных elements can be applied two technologies, said Frank Шладиц: "One is the technology a set of layers. The layer is deposited concrete canvas radio translucent carbon fiber tabletop textiles,On top of the it - another layer of mixture, the углеткань again, then again concrete - and so on, until do not get this product the desired thickness.And the second technology consists in placing углеволоконнои fixtures inside girders with the follow-up before filling with concrete mixture" Lord ease, strength, durability lord apart from ease and durability,The important merit углебетона is its long-term durability, significantly exceeding durability traditional reinforced concrete, which is already fine cracks are fraught with corroded fittings ."A great advantage углебетона in that it won't rust, and I can save many concrete mixture, - explains the engineer.- When a steel armature i need outer protective layer glass with a thickness not less than two centimetres, and carbon-fiber table fittings allows you to do much more with a thin layer of".

Massive displacement ferro углебетоном prevents only one - the higher prices for carbon fiber. Nevertheless,The director frescos lost during Institute of monolithic construction of Professor Manfred Курбах (Mаnfred Curbасh) is confident that углебетон is pushed on the market construction materials,Since its high cost is offset by his outstanding performance. The scope of application of two lord lord Indeed, the introduction of the new material has already begun, said the scientist."There are two broad areas in which we have achieved major successes. One is the strengthening of the existing older buildings, which otherwise would have had to endure.We have already been able to strengthen - and thereby save - several valuable buildings in Шваинфурте and in Хемнице. And the other area is the new facilities. Thus,We have built an unusual pavilion height more than four meters of curved elements углебетонных thick, in four centimetres. Interesting design is very easy, almost air, you can say,Subtle. To build such a building of reinforced concrete it would be extremely difficult and expensive". Lord Professor Курбах receives today many requests for new material, including from the US and Israel,Where many natural stone buildings are in a poor condition and in need of repair. "We proceed from the premise that 10 years will be able approximately 20 per cent of the total ferro replace углебетоном, - said the scientist.- Initially, that will be, primarily, plate, and spillway systems panel, but when the advantages of the new miracle-material will be seen in full, it will be to apply is increasingly and increasingly" .
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