Свобода – это великое слово, о котором мечтает каждый человек. Она дает обществу свободно выбирать свой путь, высказывать свои мысли и идеи, а также позволяет развиваться по направлению как оно считает нужным и полезным для себя и других. В главе «Великий Инквизитор» мы видим Инквизитора и Христа, у которых разные взгляды на свободу и жизнь людей того времени. Хотя Христос весь монолог Инквизитора молчал, мы понимаем, что он хочет дать свободу людям, чтобы они постигли божественную жизнь и научились жить правильно в такой тяжелой период времени. Он видел свободу для добрых человеческих и гуманных дел, однако она требовала длительный путь, в котором люди должны были преодолеть все тяжелые преграды на своем пути и прийти к свободной вере, основанной на взаимосвязи Бога и человека. Инквизитор же говорил, что им невозможно будет справиться с этой тяжелым испытанием из-за их слабости и если свобода попадет в руки этих слабых слабых и глупых людей, то она становится угрозой для всего мира и человечества, потому что такое общество будет применять ее во вред себе и другим и в конце концов они могут истребить друг друга: “… some of them, the fierce and rebellious, will destroy themselves, others, rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and unhappy, will crawl fawning to our feet…” (Dostoevsky, “The Grand Inquisitor”, page 28). Видя и оценивая такую ситуацию, инквизитор понимал, что это общество привыкло жить за счет других и быть под контролем. Он заранее знал какие последствия ждут такое общество и считал людей неподготовленными для того, чтобы принять такую свободу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Freedom is a great word, which everyone dreams of people. It provides society with free to choose your way to express their thoughts and ideas, and also allows you to develop in as it considers necessary and useful for yourself and others. In the chapter "the Grand Inquisitor" we see Inquisitor and Christ, who have different views on freedom and the lives of the people of that time. Although Christ the whole monologue Inquisitor speechless, we understand that he wants to give freedom to people to comprehend the divine life and learned to live correctly in this difficult period of time. He saw freedom for good human and humane, but it required a long way in which people had overcome all heavy obstacles on your way and come to faith, based on the relationship of God and man. Inquisitor told that they will not be able to cope with this ordeal because of their weakness and if freedom fall into the hands of those weak weak and stupid people, it becomes a threat to the world and mankind, because such a society will apply it to the detriment of themselves and others and eventually they can exterminate each other: "... some of them, the fierce and rebellious , will destroy themselves, others, the rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and unhappy, will crawl fawning to our feet. " (An Dostoevsky, "The Grand Inquisitor", page 28). Seeing and appreciating this situation, Inquisitor realized that this society has got used to live at the expense of others and be controlled. He knew in advance what consequences await such a society and people unprepared to accept such freedom.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Freedom - is a great word, which dreams of every person. It gives the public free to choose their way to express their thoughts and ideas, and also allows you to develop in the direction it considers necessary and useful for themselves and others. In the chapter "The Grand Inquisitor," we see the Inquisitor and Christ that have different views on freedom and lives of the people of that time. Although Christ was silent the whole monologue Inquisitor, we understand that he wants to give freedom to people to comprehend the divine life and learn to live well in this difficult period of time. He saw freedom for the good of human and humanitarian affairs, but it required a long way, in which people had to overcome all the heavy obstacles in its path and come to a free faith, based on the relationship of God and man. Inquisitor told that they will not be able to cope with this ordeal because of their weakness, and if freedom falls into the hands of the weakest of the weak and stupid people, it becomes a threat to the world and humanity, because such a society will use it to the detriment to themselves and others and in the end they may destroy each other: "... some of them, the fierce and rebellious, will destroy themselves, others, rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and unhappy, will crawl fawning to our feet ... "(Dostoevsky," The Grand Inquisitor ", page 28). Seeing and evaluating such a situation, the Inquisitor knew that this society has got used to live at the expense of others and be in control. He knew in advance what the consequences are waiting for such a society, and thought people unprepared to take such freedom.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
freedom is a great word, every man dreams of. she gives the society freely choose their way to express their thoughts and ideas.and also helps develop direction as it considers necessary and useful to themselves and others. in the chapter "the grand inquisitor инквизитор» we see jesus christhave different views on the freedom and the life of the people of that time. although christ the whole monologue inquisitor was quiet, we understand that he wants to liberate the peopleto understand the divine life and learned to live right in this difficult period of time. he saw the freedom for good human and humanitarian affairs, but it was a long wayin which people had to overcome all the obstacles in its path and hard to reach the free religion, based on the relationship between god and man. inquisitor saidthey will not deal with this severe test because of their weakness and if freedom of falling into the hands of those weak weak and stupid people, it becomes a threat to the world and humanitybecause this society is to apply it to himself and others, and in the end they can annihilate each other, "... some of them, the fierce and rebellious, will destroy themselves, others, rebellious but weak, will destroy one another, while the rest, weak and up.will crawl fawning to our feet... "(of" the grand Inquisitor ", page 28). seeing and evaluating such a situation, the inquisitor understood that this society is to live at the expense of others, and to be controlled.he knew beforehand what the consequences of waiting for the society and the thought of people неподготовленными to this freedom.
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