Творчество Толкина завоевало внимание читателя во многих странах мира. перевод - Творчество Толкина завоевало внимание читателя во многих странах мира. английский как сказать

Творчество Толкина завоевало вниман

Творчество Толкина завоевало внимание читателя во многих странах мира. В 1992 году в Турку (Финляндия) была проведена конференция, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения Дж. Р. Р. Толкина. Издаются журналы-фэнзины, посвященные его творчеству, такие, как "Cirth de Gandalf" в Бельгии, "Mythlore "в Канаде, "Quettar" в Англии, "Vinyar Tengwar ","Parma Eldalamberon" в США.

Фэнтези, жанр литературного эпического мифа, основывается во многом на традиции, заложенной Толкином. Здесь почти всегда можно встретить эльфов (не насекомоподобных существ с крылышками, как у Андерсена, а древний бессмертный или очень долго живущий народ), нередко – гномов (dwarves – опять же, не карликов ростом с палец, а довольно могучих, хотя порой и ворчливых, мастеров и воинов). Наиболее ярким примером этого могут служить циклы "DragonLance" (в русском издании – "Сага о Копье") и "Forgotten Realms" ("Забытые королевства"), действие которых разворачивается в одном и том же мире, но описывается разными авторами (подобно многочисленным романам о Конане, принадлежащим перу уже не одного десятка писателей).

Но влияние Толкина на фэнтези не сводится к заимствованию у него элементов "антуража". Оно прослеживается, например, в романах Урсулы Ле Гуин (и здесь речь идет не только о тетралогии о Геде Перепелятнике, но и об "этнографической фантастике" – вплетающемся в сюжет таких ее произведений, как "Левая рука Тьмы" или "Мир Роканнона" описании культуры, традиций, даже языка вымышленных народов). Духовное влияние творческих концепций Толкина – его любви к чудесному, понимания того, что человек не может сам выстоять против мирового зла и должен для этого обратиться к высшей силе, то есть к Богу – заметно и в творчестве других писателей.

Сильное влияние Толкин оказал не только на литературу, но и на другие сферы искусств. Это и музыка (здесь в качестве примера можно привести творчество рок-группы "Blind Guardian", один из альбомов которой – "Nightfall in Middle-earth" ("Сумерки Средиземья") – полностью построен на сюжетах "Сильмариллиона"), и изобразительное искусство (многие известные зарубежные художники обращались и к иллюстрированию книг Толкина, и просто к картинам, навеянным его сюжетами, среди них можно назвать и супругов Гарленд из Англии, и американца Алана Ли).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Tolkien's creativity won the reader's attention in many countries of the world. In the year 1992 in Turku (Finland) Conference was held dedicated to the 100 anniversary of the birth of J. In J. R. R. Tolkien's. Magazines-fènziny, dedicated to his work, such as the "Cirth de Gandalf" in Belgium, "Mythlore" in Canada "Quettar" in England, "Vinyar Tengwar", "Parma Eldalamberon" in the United States.Fantasy genre literary epic myth is based largely on tradition laid Tolkien himself. Here you can almost always meet the elves (not nasekomopodobnyh beings with wings, as at Andersen and the ancient immortal or very long living people), often-dwarfs (dwarves-again, not dwarfs growth with your finger, and quite powerful, although sometimes vorčlivyh, wizards and warriors). The most striking example of this is DragonLance cycles "(in the Russian publication-" the saga of the spear ") and" Forgotten Realms "(" Forgotten Kingdom "), which takes place in the same world, but is described by different authors (like many novels about Conan belonging to Peru is no longer one of a dozen writers).But the influence of Tolkien on the fantasy is not reduced to borrowing elements from him "Entourage". It is apparent, for example, in the novels of Ursula K. Le Guin (and here we are talking not only about the tetralogy of Gede Perepelâtnike, but also about the "ethnographic fiction"-vpletaûŝemsâ in such works as "the left hand of darkness" or "world of Rokannona" describing the culture, traditions, even fictional language peoples). The spiritual influence of creative concepts Tolkien-his love for wonderful, understanding that people cannot stand against the world's evil and must appeal to a higher power, that is, God is seen in the works of other writers.The strong influence of Tolkien has had not only on literature but also on other areas of the arts. This and music (here examples of the creativity of the rock band "Blind Guardian", one of which-"Nightfall in Middle-earth" ("twilight of Middle-Earth") is entirely built on plots "Silmarillion"), and art (many famous foreign artists turned to illustrating books and Tolkien, and simply to paintings, inspired by his subjects, among them could be called spouses Garland from England, and American Alan Lee).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Creativity Tolkien has won the reader's attention in many countries. In 1992 in Turku (Finland), a conference was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of John. R. R. Tolkien. Publishes magazines, fanzines devoted to his work, such as "Cirth de Gandalf" in Belgium, "Mythlore" in Canada, "Quettar" in England, "Vinyar Tengwar", "Parma Eldalamberon" in the United States.

Fantasy genre of literary epic myth It is based largely on the tradition established by Tolkien. There is almost always possible to meet the elves (not insectoid creatures with wings, like Andersen, and an ancient immortal, or a very long-lived people), often - Dwarfs (dwarves - again, not dwarf the size of a finger, and quite powerful, though sometimes grouchy , craftsmen and warriors). The most striking example of this are the cycles "DragonLance" (in the Russian edition - "The Saga of the Spear") and "Forgotten Realms" ( "The Forgotten Kingdom"), which is set in the same world, but is described by various authors (like many Conan novels, the pen has more than one dozen writers).

But the influence on Tolkien's fantasy is not limited to borrowing his elements "entourage". It can be traced, for example, in the novels by Ursula K. Le Guin (and here we are talking not only about the tetralogy of Gede Sparrowhawk, but also about the "ethnographic fiction" - is woven into the story of her works as "The Left Hand of Darkness" or "World Rokannona" description culture, traditions and even language fictional peoples). The spiritual influence of creative concepts Tolkien - his love for the wonderful, understanding that a person can not himself stand against the world's evil and must for that appeal to a higher power, ie God -. Notably in the works of other writers

strong influence of Tolkien had not only literature, but also in other areas of the arts. This music (here as an example is the work of the rock band "Blind Guardian", one of the albums of which - "Nightfall in Middle-earth" ( " Twilight of Middle-earth") - is completely built on the plot of "The Silmarillion"), and the visual arts (many well-known foreign artists turned to illustrating and Tolkien's books, and just for the paintings, inspired by his subjects, among them are the spouses and Garland from England, and American Alan Lee).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the tolkien reader gained the attention of many countries of the world. in 1992, turku (finland), a conference was held on the 100th anniversary of the birth of j. r. r. tolkin. publish magazines - fan literature devoted to his work, such as "Cirth de Gandalf" in belgium, "Mythlore" in canada, "Quettar" in england, "Vinyar Tengwar, parma Eldalamberon" in the united states.fantasy genre literary epic myth is based largely on the tradition established толкином. it nearly always meet elves (насекомоподобных creatures with wings, as anderson and ancient immortal or very long living people, often is the dwarf (dwarves - again, not the dwarfs in the finger, and quite strong, although sometimes ворчливых, wizards and warriors). the most striking examples of this are the cycles of "DragonLance" (in the english edition of "the saga of the spear") and "forgotten Realms" ("the forgotten kingdom"), the action of which takes place in the same world, but is described by different authors (like many novels about conan from peru"s a dozen writers).but the influence of tolkien on the fantasy is not limited to borrowing has elements of "entourage". it is, for example, in the novels ursula le the central penal correction department (and this is not only тетралогии of gede перепелятнике, but about "ethnographic fiction" is a вплетающемся in such works as "the left hand of darkness" or "the world роканнона" the culture, traditions, even the language of the fictional peoples). the influence of creative concepts of tolkien, his love of sweet, understanding that people can"t stand against the world"s evil and have to turn to a higher power, that is, god is obvious and in the works of other writers.he has influenced not only in literature but also in other areas of the arts. this music is an example of art rock band blind guardian ", which is one of the albums" nightfall in middle earth "(" the twilight of middle earth ") is completely built on plots" сильмариллиона "), and the visual arts (many famous foreign artists turned to иллюстрированию tolkien"s books, and the paintings, навеянным his storylines, include and spouses garland of ang lee, and the american alan lee).
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