Выходя из дома, Розмари не подозревала, что следующие два часа ее жизни окажутся такими необычными.
- Мадам, не дадите ли вы мне на чашку чая?
Розмари обернулась. Она увидела маленькое существо, с огромными глазами, девушку ее возраста, которая сжимала воротник пальто покрасневшими руками и дрожала от холода.
- У вас совсем нет денег? - спросила Розмари.
- Нет, мадам,- сказала девушка и расплакалась.
Как необычно! Это было похоже на сцену из романа. Она не была простой нищенкой. А что если взять ее домой? И она представила себе, как потом она будет говорить друзьям: "Я просто взяла ее с собой домой, вот и все!", и она сказала вслух:
- А не хотите ли вы поехать пить чай ко мне?
Легкий завтрак преобразил девушку. Она перестала смущаться и лежала, откинувшись в глубоком кресле. Глядя на нее, трудно было поверить, что совсем еще недавно она проливала слезы. Розмари продолжала украдкой наблюдать за ней.
Неожиданно в комнату вошел муж Розмари. Извинившись, он попросил Розмари пройти с ним в библиотеку.
- Объясни, кто она? - спросил Филипп.- Что все это значит? Смеясь, Розмари сказала:
- Я подобрала ее на Курзон Серит.
- Но что ты собираешься с ней делать?
- Я просто хочу быть добра с ней. Заботиться о ней, вот и все!
- Но,- произнес Филипп медленно,- она ведь изумительно красива.
- Красива? - Розмари так удивилась, что покраснела до корней волос.- Ты так думаешь?
Через полчаса Розмари вернулась в библиотеку.
- Я только хотела сказать тебе, что мисс Смит не будет обедать с нами сегодня. Я ничего не Morла с ней поделать. Она не захотела даже взять деньги.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Выходя из дома, Розмари не подозревала, что следующие два часа ее жизни окажутся такими необычными.- Мадам, не дадите ли вы мне на чашку чая?Розмари обернулась. Она увидела маленькое существо, с огромными глазами, девушку ее возраста, которая сжимала воротник пальто покрасневшими руками и дрожала от холода.- У вас совсем нет денег? - спросила Розмари.- Нет, мадам,- сказала девушка и расплакалась.Как необычно! Это было похоже на сцену из романа. Она не была простой нищенкой. А что если взять ее домой? И она представила себе, как потом она будет говорить друзьям: "Я просто взяла ее с собой домой, вот и все!", и она сказала вслух:- А не хотите ли вы поехать пить чай ко мне?127Continental breakfast has transformed a girl. She stopped hesitating and lay, reclined in a deep armchair. Looking at her, it was difficult to believe that quite yet recently she shed tears. Rosemary continued to sneak to watch her.Suddenly the room became the husband of Rosemary. Apologizing, he asked Rosemary to follow him into the library.-Explain who she is? -asked Philip.-What does it all mean? Laughing, Rosemary said:-I bought it at Curzon Serit.-But what are you going to do with it?-I just want to be good with it. Take care of her, that's all!-But, uttered slowly, Phillip she's amazingly beautiful.-Beautiful? -Rosemary was so surprised that she blushed to the roots of your hair. "you think so?Half an hour later, Rosemary returned to the library.-I just wanted to tell you that Miss Smith will not be dining with us today. I have nothing to do with her Morla. She did not want to even take the money.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Leaving the house, Rosemary had no idea that the next two hours of her life would be so unusual. - Madam, if you do not give me a cup of tea? Rosemary turned. She saw the little creature, with huge eyes, a girl her own age, who clutched his coat collar reddened hands and shivering. - You have no money? - Asked Rosemary. - No, ma'am, - she said and began to cry. How unusual! It was like a scene from the novel. It was not a simple beggar. What if you take her home? And she imagined then she would talk to a friend: "I just took it home with him, that's all!" She said out loud: - But not if you want to go to drink tea with me? 127 Light breakfast transformed Woman. It ceased to be embarrassed, and lying, leaning back in a deep armchair. Looking at her, it was hard to believe that not so long ago she shed tears. Rosemary went stealthily watch her. Surprisingly, my husband came into the room, Rosemary. Apologizing, he asked Rosemary to go with him to the library. - Explain who is she? - I asked Filipp.- What does all this mean? Laughing, Rosemary said: - I picked her up at the Curzon Serit. - But what are you going to do about it? - I just want to be good to her. Take care of it, that's all! - But - said Philip slowly - she had an amazingly beautiful. - Beautiful? - Rosemary was so surprised that blushed to the roots volos.- You think so? Half an hour later, Rosemary returned to the library. - I just wanted to tell you that Miss Smith will not be dining with us today. I do not Morla to her about it. She would not even take the money.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
from the comfort of your own home, rosemary, don't know what the next two hours, her life would be so different.- ma'am, can you give me a cup of tea?rosemary turned. she saw the little creature with big eyes girl her age, which was around the collar coat red hands and was shivering from the cold.- you have no money at all? asked the rosemary.- no, madame, "said the girl, and she began to cry.how unusual! it was like a scene from the novel. she was not a simple beggar's bed. but if we take her home? and she said, then she would talk to friends: "i just took her home with me, and that's it!" and she said out loud.- why don't you come to tea with me?127a light breakfast transformed the girl. she was shy and was perched on a chair. looking at her, it was hard to believe that just recently she spilled the tears. rosemary has turned to watch her.suddenly, the room went husband of rosemary. извинившись, he asked rosemary to go with him to the library.- tell me who she is? asked the филипп. - what does it all mean? laughing, rosemary said:i found her at the curzon's spitting out.- but what are you gonna do with it?i just want to be good to her. take care of her, that's all.but, said philip slowly, she is amazingly beautiful.- beautiful? - rosemary was so surprised, blushing to the roots of волос.. - you think so?half an hour later, rosemary came back to the library.- i just wanted to tell you that miss smith will not be dining with us tonight. i don't Morла with her help. she didn't even want to take the money.
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